

Knowing her true identity, as the reincarnated daughter of the late Queen Aleessia, the young and curious-minded woman, Aria, crosses the secret garden of elves from the mortal world to the Elven world known as Spiwarion. She was guided by Skylar who was said to be the loyal attendant of her mother. As she arrived at the Spiwarion, she was asked to annihilate all the dark elves who were spreading havoc and causing a deadly tragedy to the kingdom. But how can she defeat all the dark elves if she’s one of them? Will she be able to make it? Or another nightmare was about to be seen again?

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7 Chs

4. The Prince, The Lords and the Kingdom

Meanwhile, in a very far away land, only the noise from the kids can be heard. All of them are happily playing with the other kids while their parents are busy doing their daily tasks. Some of the civilians are buying their own goods at the stores for their daily needs. Others are busy walking around the park while holding their kids' hands. One is even running and chasing her child, who is excitedly wanting to go inside a store.

"Oh, come on, Raean, don't run!" A mother scolded her child. But the kid doesn't seem to hear his mother and keeps running towards the store. The mother took her heavy sigh and had no other choice but to go after her kid.

Then there are two old ladies beside the store who are busy talking while they are in the middle of cleaning their yard.

"Oh, you mean Queen Aleessia's daughter?" the old lady said.

"Yeah, I heard they already found the girl now," the other one replied while looking at her.

"Really? I also heard it from my son. They said that the royals are planning something about her," she answered.

Then another woman went in their direction and joined their conversation when she heard their topic.

"Aria, I think that's her name, right?' she asked.

"Mirsa!" the other one exclaimed when the woman approached her. It seems like she lived near them.

"Good morning, Chandrelle and Yrathea," Mrs. Mirsa greeted them both. The other two smiled at her and continued the conversation.

"Oh yes, Mrs. Mirsa, I wonder what they're planning," Chandrelle said while her hands were under her chin.

Mrs. Mirsa suddenly whispered to them, "I heard even Prince Aiwin wants to see her," then became conscious of her surroundings, wondering if someone other than the two had heard of her.

"Really?!" Yrathea exclaimed, and the two of them gradually closed their gap, as if trying not to be heard by anyone.

"Yes, I also heard about it.Will it be alright, though? " Chandrelle asked them.

They looked at each other's eyes and learned that they didn't have any idea. Who else would've had any idea about it anyway? Everyone was actually shocked. Others are happy, but some are still hesitant and wondering what the royals are planning. Why would they even ask another mortal to come here to Spiwarion? Isn't it kind of unfair? She might be living her happy life in the human world, but they would still go to such an extent to get her in this fairytale-like world of theirs.

Meanwhile, the royals, who seemed elegant from what they were wearing, suddenly became worried when they heard about this news. A young man who was sitting in his seat was smiling while enjoying his leisure time while drinking his wine, which seemed to be a natural wine made by the elves in the Pholubest Lignum.

With him is an old man, sitting on the long chair in front of him. Aside from the royal guards at the door, there are only the two of them inside the room. The old man looked at him, observing the young prince. He was the oldest advisor of the late Freyr, Inialois. He was a bit curious and tempted to know what the young prince was planning to do.

Inviting a complete stranger, let alone- a mere mortal, to go here in their kingdom. It's totally absurd, he couldn't find any reason to do that. He believes that they can't still survive what they have right now. They don't need help from someone like her, claiming to be a reincarnation of the late Aria.

Amidst his stare towards the young prince, Aiwin just smiled and slowly looked at him.

"Are you scared, old Inialois?" He mocked him as if some kind of coward. But the old guy can't agree no more. There is a part of him that warns him about this. He couldn't let the young prince do what he wanted.

"It's not about cowardice, young prince. I just believe that it is not necessary for us to seek help from a mortal. Even if it's true that she's the reincarnation of Aria, it doesn't mean she will be willing to help us! Let alone if she remembers us," he said. But the young prince seemed like he's not affected by what he heard.

"You know what, old Inialois? Your judgement is getting dull as you get older. Is your luck ends now on its extent? I heard you survived five greatest disasters in Elven history despite your cowardice, but still, lots of the elves respect you. I think your judgement is still because of your cowardice, isn't it? You're afraid that your luck might end and you will possibly die if Aria regains her power and caused another disaster," Prince Aiwin seems to target the hard rock by his words. Old Inialois couldn't speak anymore.

As an elder who experience most of the battles, he doesn't want the younger ones to experience terror ever again. But exposing Aria might trigger another disaster, that's what he thought.

With his face crumpled, he clenched his fist and walked towards the door.

"I hope you won't regret this, Young Prince. I already warned you," he said until the door completely shut. The young prince smiled and slowly took his glasses on the table.

"Of course, I won't regret this, idiot," he said to himself. Minutes later, he then sensed someone entering his door again.

"I need to talk to him," he heard someone say, and then an old yet elegant elf-lady appeared behind the door. Besides the lady, there is another woman who seems like her attendant. He slowly raised his head and smiled at the elf-lady. But she stands firm in front of him, showing no signs of being dominated. She's not even afraid of his presence.

The guy, who seemed to be trying to stop the elf-lady from entering the room without the Prince's permission, looked at him. Fright and inferiority are evident in his face. The servant suddenly bowed down at him, showing his respect.

"Your Highness, I'm really sorry. I couldn't stop her anymore," he said, still bowing to the Prince. But the Prince didn't even look at him and just raised his fingertips, signalling him to get out.

"Yes, your highness," the servant said, and bowed a bit again before going out the door. After that, silence enveloped the room while the elf-lady kept looking at him.

"Prince Aiwin Phifiel," the elf-lady mentioned, was his name. But despite his superiority, the elf-lady keeps looking at him as if he was just a kid. Well, he really does. Unlike Uldreyin Morhorn, the elf-lady, he doesn't have the experience. The elf-lady herself is known as the bravest and most independent elf-lady ever to exist in Spiwarion. She is an elf-lady from the Pholubest Lignum, one of the oldest places in Spiwarion and is inhabited in the forested parts of the kingdom.

She is one of the oldest elves, along with the other elderly, but despite her age, she is still beautiful and adored by many, particularly the young. She also became the attendant of the late Queen Aleessia Elathana Dorwynn, when she was still in her younger days.

Meanwhile, Aiwin Phifiel was the current "Prince" of the kingdom. He is not the Queen's biological son or adopted son, but because of his royal blood, he became the renowned Prince or peacekeeper in the whole kingdom.

"Welcome, Lady Uldreyin. I didn't expect to see you here again," Prince Aiwin greeted her, then smiled. But the elf-lady doesn't seem amused by his actions. She just nodded and sat on the nearest chair while her attendant remained standing near the door.

"You don't look surprised at all, Prince Aiwin," she answered.

"Hmm, I do?" he asked, smirking at the lady. But the latter just ignored his cocky attitude and continued walking toward her seat. Until someone entered the room again. But this time, a young man who was independent and decent came in. The servant who was trying to stop Lady Uldreyin a while ago looks like he tried to stop this young man again but ends up unconscious lying on the floor. Prince Aiwin looked at his servant, then looked at the guy in front of him. His emotionless face turns into a smirk again.

"Another guest, I think..." he said, while the guy continued walking toward them. Without any words, he sat down in front of Lady Uldreyin.

" I think you should've expected this in some ways, Prince Aiwin," the guy said while still not looking at him. Prince Aiwin can't help himself but to feel anxious about this guy. He had this cold atmosphere as he came into the room.

'Lord Tyrael Balnorin, huh?' Prince Aiwin said to himself, trying to remember the last time they met.

Lord Tyrael, unlike Lady Uldreyin, was very young. But despite his young appearance, he is the lord of the Aqua Eldevean, or the place for the water-breathing elves. He is known because of his father's reputation. At first glance, he is really decent and very reliable.

While the prince was looking at Lord Tyrael, he suddenly heard someone talking behind him.

"I thought, I was the first one here," he heard him. Even Lady Uldreyin and Lord Tyrael looked behind him to see who was there. But Prince Aiwin didn't look at him at all. Maybe because he already knew who was behind him.

Suddenly, the face of a guy appeared in Aiwin's sight, upside down.

"How are you, Prince Aiwin?" the guy asked him in a very creepy way.

"Good day to you, Folduin Pagella," the Prince greeted him. The guy took a second before he got down on the floor and walked towards the others. He sits on the chair while staying on his feet, as if he were ready to fight or flee immediately if necessary. But the others don't look bothered by how he sits. They were used to it anyway.

Foldium Pagella is one hell of a creepy guy. He was a mist elf from Witprinds Caligo who liked to make others suffer. Unlike Lord Tyrael, he was not the Lord of Witprind Caligo. He's just a simple elf, but because of the absence of Lady Symania Cravaris, the elf-lady of their land, he was tasked to go here to the palace to visit the Prince and talk about the news.

"I didn't expect someone as lowly as you would gain the trust of Lady Symania. Sending you here in this important meeting, what is she even thinking?" Lady Uldreyin said while her eyes were closed and her hands were crossed to each other.

Pagella's eyebrow furrowed as if being insulted. "Well, I agreed to her not because I want to and listen to your boring arguments. I'm just curious about this reincarnated heir of the late Freyr," he said and looked away. Even Lady Uldreyin looked away from him."Tsk!"

The others looked at them as if watching a childish argument. The Prince sat up straight as he saw his guest waiting for him. He smiled as he looked at them, as if telling them some good news.

"Finally, everyone, the time has come. The fulfilment of Freyr Caillou Dorwynn and Queen Aleessia Elathana Dorwynn's prophecy has now begun. This day, the first full moon of the year, marks her 20th birthday in the mortal world. And as prophesized, on her 20th birthday shall be the time for her to go back to the world of elves as our saviour! " Prince Aiwin proudly said while his hands were in the air.

He slowly looked at those three, but they were just looking down, as if expecting those words from him.

A little longer, a young servant slowly opened the door while bowing at them.

"Prince Aiwin, Lord Sylvar, with your highness, Lady Aria, has now arrived," the servant said.

He smiled as he saw the two walking towards the room.

"Prince Aiwin," Sylvar greeted him casually and slightly bowed to him.

He suddenly smirks when he sees how beautiful and genuine the woman is.

"So that's her...Lady Aria, huh." He gave her a friendly smile.

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