
power-system of reath

in each continent of reath they use different power-systems , and i'll be explaining them in this chapter . But first we need to know what is a power-system , Well power-system's are a way to measure how strong someone is , and each continent has a different ranking system because they all practise different things but they come from the same origin , the world ,

Zhongguo- on the Zhongguo continent they practice a thing called cultivation and the use spiritual power to become stronger . there are eight different stages that are broken down into two sections , mortal and immortal .


1- human = 100 kg , 1 dante

2 - fighter = 200 kg , 2 dante

3 - soldier = 800 kg , 3 dante

4- warrior = 6400 kg , 4 dante


5- general =102 400 kg ,spiritual stream

6- king = 204 800 kg , spiritual river

7- demi-god = 6 000 000 kg , spiritual lake

8- god = ????? kg , spiritual ocean

The Hellas continent practices magic and magic has different uses but magic is broken down into six parts and they are

magic castor = can only use basic elements to do chores , all commoners know are castors

magian = can use elements with better control and can be used to work

mage- level 1,2,3,4,5 = have a good control of elements and can use them to attack

great mage- level 1,2,3,4,5 = can now use elements to inscribe items and have great control

grand mage- level 1,2,3,4,5 = they can perfectly control elements and can destroy cities

king mage = can break the laws of the world and bend them to they're will very rear

Because the Svearork continent is so divided they haven't decided on a power system instead they use animals to show how strong they are and they can also take the animals intinant skills

1- wolf = has the attack power of a wolf and is also very balanced

2- bear = body gets stronger upgrading defence and attack power

3- trenstin bull = they're defence is like a trenstin bull

4- shadow rhino = has the attack power of a shadow rhino

5- plant albio = has control over plants like the albio

6- underworld deadly python = gains the speed and stealth of the python

7- diamond elephant = attack and defence upgrade to the standard of an diamond elephant

8- godly fox beast = they gain the bearing of the fox beast along with its beauty and also its speed

9- phoenix = once they die they can reincarnate and also they can rarely gain the bloodline of the phoenix

(every time they get a new beast level their past stats get upgraded )

hello author here just wanted to say high and to ask if you could please critize my writing in the comments becuase i really need to make myself better , i want to get better . and if your reading this thanky you guys so much ( ̄︶ ̄)↗ 

serpantdartcreators' thoughts