
The Last Blood

it was cold and cruel night of January in Banaras. Banaras is local name of Varanasi or Kashi, in ancient time it was known as Varnavart.

Shravani, a poor old widow was surviving in the ruins of famous Vishvanath Galis, living secretly after the final battle. There were other survivors too who were living scattered in India and other parts of the world but they never get out in the daylight. If shizis found any survivor they butchered him and feed to the beasts.

That night Shravani was searching for food from garbage in backyard of a Shizi. She was not always like that during her youth days she was married to a rich businessman in Varanasi. Her husband full fill her all wishes and she felt herself as the most luckiest person on earth life was good and cheerful untill they attacked and killed everyone. They killed her eight year son and forced her husband to eat his heart, unfortunately Shravani escaped and it's almost 20 years she was hiding and living in the ruins of Vishvanath gali. She always thought and asked to her one and only companion Lord Shiva why she didn't die on that day, why she lived to watch those brutality. Every morning she worship Lord Shiva with Gangajal and pray for her death as she didn't have enough will power to commit suicide.

That unfortunate night they caught her roaming in their backyard and decided to punish her next day.

She was tied to a pole in the middle of Sigra square and pile of wood was set beneath her, Shizi leader asked her to convert to their religion and her life will be spare. She cried but didn't begged for her life as she knows her fate, they burned her alive. Legend says that she was laughing while burning as it seems that Lord Shiva relieved her pain. She was the last pure soul on the land of Kashi, now no one deserve a life here. Every living entity must die in Kashi.

somewhere in the Universe a tear drop of the eyes of Lord Shiva and fall on the earth.

While listening Shiv Tandav Strotsm I thought how sins and misery surrounded us, humanity is lost, terrorism is at its peak and our mother earth is dying.

Kedarnath flash flood which costs many lives, I think it was wrath of Shiva.

This is time when Shiva must open his third eye and destroy this beautiful dying creation.

This is first time when I am writing and I am not so good with English please forgive me for any grammatical errors.

Suggestions are most welcome plz hlp me to complt d story.

sharat_srivastavacreators' thoughts