
The Fake Queen

From a dead soul to a queen,Given a second chance by the Gods Xenah wakes up as a princess,soon to be queen, In her past life she was a....lets says cornman because she corned people and she dressed up as a man,so one day the men caught her and she ended dying She had made the wish to live so as to keep on enjoying life to the maximum but another woman in the same kingdom, made a wish to die because she had nothing to live for Thats how she swapped souls with the soon to be queen and she woke up as someone's soon to be wife........Craaaap She made the decision to hide the fact she is a fake and enjoy life as a queen but some people just wont let her that is how she enters into mission 109,the mission to destroy and enjoy, Married now to this handsome man who has no control over his kingdom,she doesn't want to support him because she wants power and authourity,she is cunning and she has to to keep it that way, ******* "Do you know me?"a man who they called the masked warrior asked "Ammm..."she was on the ground why was this masked man coming after her, drinks,she came out for some drinks, and it is as if she had killed someone, but why does his voice sound soo farmiliar,he raised his swords ready to cut her in pieces Before he did that,a man shot the masked man and kicked,and with that she ran,ran so fast and the man who had shot tha fast man started running after her,she ran as quickly as she could "Noo,I am not dying."she said as she ran and hid in a huge basket ***** "I want you"the man said as he kissed her "Please let me have you."he said, She had a tingle down there,it was pulsing and her body felt excited as her heart drummed out of her chest "Eli,dont let anyone but me call you that,i didn't like how it came from his mouth."he said as he traveled down her neckline, She moaned and quickly covered her mouth "Ohh no this cannot be happening *********Written by Yuri The King's Fake Queen or just the Fake Queen, **** She gets married to a secretive king who acts gay and stupod but the man is as fucked up as hell,he is rude,mean ,clever and nothing close to nice but ge has to protect his kingdom through evil means and he swore he would protect it no matter what

Yuri_Ty · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Wish To Die

Eight Months Later,,

A figure lay simply on the bed,and an old man was touching her hand as tears scrolled down his face"Eliyah,please,don't make your old father pass through this,"he said "Sir,"a man from behind called "Prince Isaac is here."the man said,and Lucas rubbed his tears away "Give me a minute."he said

Tears scrolled down the figure on the bed she couldn't move,she couldn't be loved and although her father loved her it was all for a facade,because she knew he loved money more,It felt like the world was not ready to give her a reason to live for ,

'Dad,forgive me,"she said in a slow tone,

"You have been a very good father to me ,Isaac,"she said as she scrolled into even more tears "Thankyou for being such an achivour,Azael"she said and more tears scrolled down her face "Thankyou for showing me love,"she said "But I,I want to die now,I wish to die and leave this cruel world."she said and then for a second her breathing had stopped

The maids who were looking after her went to call the physician,after hearing the machine beep,

"Prince,Prince,Princess."a maid said to a black hair,blue eyes,body of a god man, who was in the hallway talking to a soldier "Fuck,call the physician."he said and the maids rushed,as he went into the room ,he was scared he didn't want to go inside and see her like that it scared the wits out of him,he stayed outside when the maids came running along with the physician,Isaac cried and cried there and when the physician passed through him he grabbed his wrist and said "If...any..thing happens..to her...i promise you wont be saved."he said between sobs and let him go,

"Give me the machine,"the physician said and they started to repause her heart,One,"Add the power."he said,Two "More,"he shouted,Three,but it was pointless,she was dead and the doctor dropped on the chair,giving up,but she took a breath,a long breath

The physician looked at her "Princess,princess."he yelled,'Am alive,how is that possible?'the figure which was laying on the bed asked,she had died,she felt it,there on the forest with huge trees around her in that dark night,she was stabbed,so how is she alive,ok,the last thing she remembers is her soul going to a palace and entering the body of a dead woman

"Can..can it be..am...am alive?"she asked herself as she opened her eyes she was in a what looked like a fancy room,she rose from the bed and touched herself "Am alive."she said "Am alive."she screamed "Princess."a figure cried next to her 'Who.'she asked herself

"Elsa,"another figure called 'Headache,she was getting a headache."she said to herself wondering what the woman was talking about.

"Eliyah,"a manly figure said and that made her turn to the door,Isaac looked at her and he couldn't believe his eyes

he went and hugged her,as he cried loudly in her shoulder "I...i thought i lost you Eliyah,"he said as he sobbed,the women bowed and went out of the room

"Don't do that to me ever again Eliyah."he said 'Oooh,ok,you can hug me no problem.'she said,he broke the hug after a while and rubbed his tears away

"Did Alexander do this to you."he asked with rage in his puffy eyes,ok the man was breathtakingly handsome,he was sexy in all ways his eyes were blue coloured, 'Alexander,who the hell is that,"she asked herself

She let out a nervous laugh, but before she said something a man walked in,ooh,he was handsome,he had grey coloured eyes and his brown hair looked messy and sexy all at the same time,he was like a god,with his warrior body and the casual wear looked awfully expensive dressed in what looked like pajamas,and a casual grey tshirt that march his sexy eyes,he was like the crying weirdo except for the eyes and the hair and pajamas

"My lady."he voiced and quickly went to kiss her knuckles,he had gotten the news that his soon to be father in law and grandmother were conspiring against him and he had a strong feeling it was part of their scheme to say he was at fault for her condition,about the pool thing,he,partially thought it was real but his king side said it was drama and in his life he was a king and not Alex so he always trusted the king side and now his plan was to as they say "Keep your friends close but enemies closer,"

"And who the hell are you?"she asked him,making him suprised he was on the bed now and he had took the hand Isaac had been holding and kissed it,if Isaac was here it was a bonus to make him jealous,lets says...Isaac was the only one in the whole kingdom who had doubts that he knew what he was doing,and he was a really clever person,and although Isaac was his war enemy and problably the second best swordsman,Isaac had a weakness,he was inlove with little miss drama over here,(Eliyah)

"My Queen,i am sorry i hadn't come sooner."he said in a polite manner and hugged her,he could see the fists formed in Isaac's hand as Isaac stood up,off the bed.

"Aiiiiiiiiish,Get off meeee."the figure yelled as she touched her head'How dare he kiss her,who the heck was he anyway.'In a shocked state Alex dropped on the bed and the figure dropped her face close to his "Now,now,sweet boy,i dont like getting touchy so mind it,idiot."she yelled "Eliyah."Isaac called out for her but she raised her palm at him making him stop "Get out,"she said,

Whaaaatt,she was comanding the king to leave his own room in his own palace

"Listen,"he started saying but she inturrupted him "I need some peace and quiet so just get out"she said "Eliyah are you OK,"Isaac asked in a calm and sweet tone and she shook her head'yes' "Why the heck are you..."Alex started saying again "Aiiiiish,don't you have places to go,leave me alone and please don't let anyone in untill am done."she said and they obeyed but Alex snorted his face towards her before he left