
The Fake Priestess

Diana crashed a party of big people who she thought were cosplaying as mythical characters and pretended to be one of them. she wore her mother's robe, carried the strange staff at home and attended the party uninvited. she ate to her fill and prepared to dash. but everything changed when a bloodied woman was rushed inside the hall. she discovered that the world was not what it seems to be. "The werewolf race greets the chosen one!! Please lead us to victory!!!" The whole 'congregation' shouted in unison as they all knelt and bowed to me Hope I didn't land myself in trouble like this? Is this some kind of occult meeting? Did I just barged in an occultic ritual? I only came here for a plate of rice!! Diana!!! Stay calm and look for the perfect time to escape!

Aaanuoluwapo · Fantasy
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5 Chs

A damsel in distress

Chapter 5: A Damsel in distress

*Mike's POV*

Ever since I noticed the red glowing light shimmering from the body of the high priestess, I haven't been able to stop thinking about the girl. Countless thoughts have been pouring into my mind, creating minor flashes and descending into thought.

Since I had turned 20, I have been plagued with looking for a suitable mate for the future as regards my family ancestral blood awakening. The only way to maximize the stored power in my bloodline is through early copulation and this has to be before 25 or else, the robust energy stored in it will start dwindling.

One may think this can easily be settled by casually marrying, but I cannot casually marry, because if I should be together with anyone with a bloodline slightly weaker than mine, then the girl will die and my profound bloodline will suffer almost irreconcilable damage, crippling my potential, and that cannot happen. 

This has to be the major reason why I have to beg the high priestess for a mate instead of just casually marrying to my heart's content. My bloodline among the nine blood drop is the most stringent when it comes to awakening but grants the most power boosts. 

*Author's POV*

Among the nine blood drops of the werewolves, the silvermoon clan ranks among the top 5 but these days, it has dropped in rank and Mike is one of two last heirs that has the potential to resurrect the clan and that's why he feels like he's carrying the entire clan on his back, during the ancient days, the silvermoon clan could stand toe-to-toe with the rest top 4 but due to a mistake from one of his ancestors some generations ago, it has deteriorated and now Mike has the potential to bring back their former glory as his blood has been tested from birth to be able to rival those of his ancestors with its thickness and robust energy. There was hope, and he couldn't dash it. 

It was as if the moon goddess was smiling on his clan and his mate had to be the high priestess. The high priestess is usually chosen from one of the top 5 strongest blood drop bloodlines, so her bloodline should be able to rival his and awaken his blood, but that aside, he has been bitten by the love bug the moment he saw her. 

*Mike's POV*

I tilted my head to the side and drove out with my car. I waited patiently outside where I investigated the high priestess lives but yes, it may seem as if I'm a stalker and I shamelessly boldly say I am. 

Just when I was about to drive off thinking I had got the wrong address or something, I saw the most beautiful person my eyes have ever laid on. She seemed to be rushing and boarded a Keke before I could step out of my car to offer her a ride. I started my car and had to persistently follow the Keke to see where it goes. 

For those that wonder why I would be so joblessly stalking my crush around 10 in the morning, well, I'm rich and yes, I can afford to stalk my crush in the morning, don't just do that if you're broke. 

Seeing that the Keke was moving at such high speed, I had to follow but didn't want to be seen, so I trailed carefully. And saw her entering a university campus, a school my grandfather co-founded. I guess, I have to tell you about my family wealth. 

Apart from being a high ranking werewolf bloodline which comes with immense wealth due to controlling smaller clans and getting resources from them, my silvermoon clan has been accruing wealth from exporting the country's petroleum, we were one of the first founders and builders of petroleum companies in Nigeria and has also dabbled with large investments in agriculture which are the country's two major GDP income for many generations now and that's why I'm rich, my grandfather also co-founded a school here in Lagos but I have visited it before and the name has been stuck in my head and this is the major reason, I could recognize the school she was going at first glance. 

I followed the Keke and watched her run off the Keke towards a class room, I also stopped my car and came out of it, the panic in her eyes and the shut doors with security could only mean one thing.... she's late for a test or an exam and that means, she will be in big trouble. 

A hint of smile played across my eyes, it's time for prince charming to save the day and win the damsel in distress, sounds generic? I know. 

*Diana's POV*

Monday June 5, 2023

The sunlight streamed into my eyes and my eyes forcefully opened. I stood up from my bed as if I was possessed and looked at the time. It was already 9:43am and I had a test by 10am.

What TF just happened? Why did I oversleep? 

I quickly rushed into the bathroom to brush and pour some water on my face, quickly rinsed my face and got prepared to dress and bathe. I was literally running around the room like a mad person and trying to imitate the flash.

By the time I rushed out of the hostel, it was already 10:11am. Luckily, I saw a Keke (tricycle) and boarded immediately for the class. I was silently praying the man came to class late.

Fortunately, the tricycle driver could see the panic on my face and had a hint. He increased the speed of the Keke, it was almost flying in the air and I thanked the man as the wind was pulling my hair backwards, several thoughts were flashing inside my mind. Due to the insane speed of the Keke and the fact that the road was clear this morning, it took a 20 minutes' ride to just 10 mins, so the time was now 10:25am.. 

I alighted, paid the man and started running towards the class. At some point, I wished I was Barry Allen or Quick silver. I was running as if I was being pursued and, luckily, my class was in front of where the Keke man stopped me. My eyes could already see the class door closed and two security man standing outside. 

They both had a domineering aura with bulging muscles rippling across their bodies, the class was unsurprisingly full from what I could see through the window outside as I was getting closer.

I walked closer and closer to the security and wiped off the sweat from my forehead, an obvious glint of fear was flashing in my eyes and my palm was almost as cold as ice. 

"Good morning, I'm a student of department and level and I wish to enter to write my tests". I spoke in a very soft but audible voice.

The security men looked at each other and laughed almost simultaneously.

"Do you know what the time is? Step aside, kid. Shuuu" The taller one with a bald shiny head's voice boomed and reverberated into my ears

"But sir-" my voice grew more pleading.

"SCRAM!!" The shorter one's voice was even louder and caused me to be a bit dizzy.

"The only person scramming here will be you". A sonorous voice sounded out behind me, it carried a weight of authority and an indelible arrogance to it

I turned my head and a thin figure gently moving towards me, his black hair long and foreign, it didn't have the same texture nor look as normal afro hair. It fell to his neck, his skin was clear and dark, very dark but spotless, his sharp-looking brows danced up and down in an arrogant fashion and his casual dressing all proved that the man came from a very rich family. He had my eyes grown to a saucer, I have seen him before and, infact, just two days ago at that strange and weird hotel, and he was even the first person to talk to me and fell for my gimmick. 

The two security guards, especially the shorter one, were almost boiling with anger. They had never felt so insulted. Just when they were about to retort, an elderly voice came through the door.

"Just what's going on here? What's with the ruckus?" A middle-aged man opened the door to the class and stepped out, signs of age, but immense wisdom and knowledge radiated from his being, who happened to be my professor. 

"My name is Mike Silvermoon and your security guards here are harassing a friend of mine" I instantly remembered his name from that day as he just said it. Last time, it stopped more humble and had a hint of reverence to it, but this time, it was purely authoritative and arrogant.

I was expecting an outburst from my professor to beat up Mike, but instead, the moment he heard Mike's name, his countenance changed, and he almost immediately rushed to shake hands with him. 

This course of action shocked the two security, that was so vexed, and they got beaten to talk first by Mike to stare at Mike with bewilderment.