
The Fake Avatar

Life is born. Life dies. Life...is a battle. I don’t believe in reincarnation so believe me when I say that the impossible is possible. I’m alive again, I don’t know how. What I do know is that anyone who opposes me...will die an instant death.

Arokey · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 1

It's been five years since I've been reincarnated into this world. Technically speaking, it's four years. When I awoke in this body it was already a year old. So I'm leaning more towards transmigration rather than reincarnation.

Either way it doesn't matter which one it is. My memories on the other are complicated. The mind of a baby is, in my opinion, the most complex of all. They perceive things based on their knowledge which is basically nonexistent. Nothing important could have been understood within the one year gap.

Once, out of curiosity I delved as deep as I could into the corners of my mind. What I found left me speechless...it still does. A whole new set of memories belonging to someone else. Not just anyone...someone very familiar. In my past life I wasn't much of an anime lover as others but I did have my exceptions. The one I came to love most was the Naruto series.

Out of all the characters my personal favorite was Uchiha Sasuke, not Naruto that a majority of my peers fawned over. It came as a shock to me when I found scenes and events that happened in the series...though they were from his perspective.

His thoughts...

...his actions...

...his hate...

And more importantly...his power.

I felt it all. I would be blind not to notice the difference between the body of the people of this world and mine. All beings have internal energy, be it chakra, ki, mana or chi. The people of this world possess chi while I possess chakra.

The difference is very clear. Chakra is vastly more powerful and potent than chi. A simple fireball jutsu with chakra is equal to that of three firebenders under the effect of sozin's comet. That's how big the difference is.

The only problem is that I have no one to property teach me...or at least that what I would have said.

Sasuke's memories are more than just a movie in my head. They've merged with mine, allowing me to use it with mere instinct. For that I'm truly grateful. At first I would have thought that I was somewhere hidden in the Naruto world but that thought dissipated easily.

"Are you ready for the celebration tomorrow?" A male adult voice asked.

"Of course. It's the princess's birthday after all. I'm sure the firelord will be pleased" Replied a female voice, who seemed to be an acquaintance of the first.

I had long ago figured out where I was. I'm in the fire nation, ruled by firelord Azulon. I can't perfectly remember the timeline so I'm not sure when Ozai will become the firelord so it best to be cautious.

I wasn't born into some rich or powerful family, not that I'm aware of at least. I awoke in the slums of the fire nation. The smell of the dumpster I leaned on was regrettably the first thing I experienced. I've kept a mental record of important events that I could remember, which helped me figure out when exactly I was reborn into.

I was born in the gap between Zuko and Azula. That means I have till I turn 15 to gather my strength. That's when canon events start.


I was brought out my musing by the sound of my rumbling stomach.

*Sigh* 'Looks like it's time to get more food.'

The past four years of my new life has been a fight for survival each day. I stood up to my full height, not that it was much seeing as how I'm currently five years old. The pain of being a child again. I was only soothed by two things.

The first thing was that it gave me the time to appropriately grow my strength. The second was something more...personal.

I walk past a window which showed my reflection as I passed by. Black hair with the in what a certain blond would describe as 'duckbutt'.

Chin length bangs that framed the side of my face and pure black eyes to finish it off. Uchiha Sasuke. I not only have his memories but also his face. Call me vain but a large part of me is ecstatic about it.

I silently made my way into the marketing district. I see a burly man of average height selling loaves of bread, perfect. I silently crept behind his stall as he attended to a customer.

As soon as I was sure that he wasn't paying attention, I swiped a decently sized loaf and crept away. At least that's what would have happened if the customer didn't alert the burly stall owner. I bolted as fast as I could the moment he turned in my direction

And so the chase begins.


I sped through the streets, in between couples and stall trying to shake off my pursuer. I've been running for quite some time.

'Curse my child body. He'll catch up to me sooner or later.'

No matter how fast I try to run, I only barely manage to stay out of his reach. The only way I can see myself escaping is using chakra...which I've avoided using in public but it seems like it's unavoidable.

I channeled a small amount of chakra to my legs, subtly increasing my speed allowing me to stay a comfortable distance ahead of him. He seemed shocked at my sudden increase in speed as I saw him falter from the corner of my vision.

I sighted a sharp turning in-between two buildings and slightly increased the amount of chakra currently flowing through my lower limbs.

I quickly ducked into the turning, momentarily losing sight of my pursuer.


That beat dared to steal from me. When I get a hold of him I'm gonna make him pay. I chased him through the streets.

He's fast for a kid but nothing I can't handle. I almost grab a handful of his tattered shirt when his speed suddenly increased. Not by much but enough to be safely out of my reach.

That shouldn't be possible! I'm sure he was already running at his highest speed. No matter, it makes no difference to me. You're just a kid, you have your limits.

As if in response to that, his speed increased even more! How is this even possible!? He sped towards a turning ahead before disappearing from my sight. Stupid kid...running into a dead end.

I let a grin grow on my face as I also made the turning. I expected to see him standing there with fear etched on his face begging me to let him go but as I turn...nothing.

He isn't here...In fact nothing is here! What the hell?


I looked down from the roof of the building as I watched the stall owner run in looking for me but is obviously met with nothing. The pure shock and confusion on his face almost makes me lose my cover as I hold on my amusement.

I watch as he looks around searching everywhere even though there's nothing to search. He didn't even think to look up for obvious reasons. How on earth would any child my age be able to get up there.

With a frustrated look on his face, he exits the area. I was about to pull out the loaf that I swiped when I was startled by a sudden voice.

"Why was he chasing you?" I jumped a bit, putting some distance between me and the voice.

In my haste to escape from my earlier pursuer, I had failed to realize that there was another person on the roof. A few feet away from me sat a girl around my age. She seemed somewhat familiar. I relax a bit.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there." I apologize lowering my guard a bit seeing she was just a child.

'I'm also just a child.' I resist the urge to facepalm at the thought. She nods politely before speaking once more.

"It's okay. Why was he chasing you?" I struggle to keep a straight face as I feel my left eye twitch a bit.

'She has tact at all.'

"I was hungry and needed food. I tried to get some food but that guy didn't exactly believe in sharing. I took a decen- " I froze for a moment as I came to a horrible realization. I couldn't stop my hands from meeting my face.

"I lost it during the chase." I spoke under my breath. The pain of not having an inventory.

I was brought of my sulking as she let out a small giggle. I couldn't stop the annoyance in my voice as I spoke with sarcasm.

"Sure. Mock me while I die of hunger." Of course I'm exaggerating but she doesn't know that. She finally stopped giggling and calmed down as she stood up.

"Wait here." She said as she walked towards a hatch...that I didn't realize was there. This is becoming an issue. I need to start awareness training. Mistakes like this need to be avoided at all costs.

Back to the other thought running through my head. That girl...she's so familiar but I can't put my finger on it. It's frustrating really.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when she came back up with something in her hands. I have no idea what it is but it smells good. I look at her for a moment before she presents the food to me with a small smile.

"Thank you. You don't know how much this means to me." I said as I slowly accepted the food. Slowly but gratefully.

"No problem." She said politely. I then realize that we haven't introduced ourselves.

"My name is..." I trailed of as I realized that I technically didn't have a name here. I don't recall anything about a name from the moment I woke here and my name in my past life won't exactly work here. After a moment of thinking and watching the building confusion on her face I finally continue.

"My name is Sasuke. What's yours?" I finished. She was silent for about two seconds before reply with a single short but enlightening answer.

"Mai" She answered stoically.

'Oh shit.'