

The village he lived in was called fair village but not so fair though.

Only one person treated him with compassion, it was his fathers old friend Mr K. Three years ago he passed away the only things he left him that he treasured the most wasn't money but his father's last words to him which was in a letter with a magical seal which will only open today his sixteenth birthday. He also left him his father's weapons and his armor.

"Hey Miss are you okay".Jin asked.

The girl opened her eyes slightly and saw an unavoidably handsome face staring at her.

"Yes I'm fine" .said the girl.

Jin wanted to know who she was so he asked

"Who are you?"You don't look like anyone from here are you from the empire."he asked.

"My name is Lara Scott. But it's strange I can't remember anything except my name and my elemental affinities ."

"I'm a water ,plant,fire and a lightning elementalist ."

Jin looked at the girl with an excited expression and he said "My name is Jin Stuarts. Just call me Jin I'm also a multi elementalist I've mastered all elements except my lightning element . With you here you can give me some guidance."

Lara stared at Jin as if he was a monster. She then said"Are you a human only one person managed to master all the elements are you his son." He replied"Yep my father was Jon Stuarts the greatest Knight who mastered all elements."