
the fairytale: forbidden love

Caleb a Haitian-American class president perfect at everything the dream child for any parent but with a secret which his parents can never know about. Kion a transfer student to Calebs school with an unknown background and parents who are never present. What will happen when they collide was it fate that brought them to each other or is it all gonna crash and burn. Find out in "The fairy Tale"

Stell_Lanne · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Part 14: "Caleb wake up"

Today is Monday and Caleb's parents left yesterday and Caleb is up early today cause he has school he's also extremely excited because he gets to see Kion. He's in his kitchen preparing his breakfast while humming he heard a knock on the door and went to open it.

Caleb: "Good morning!!!" he said excitedly

then his smile dropped when he got a good look at the person.

Paul: "You thought I was Kion." he said while laughing. Caleb glared at him and said

Caleb: "Your food is on the table." with that he turned around picked up the other plate of food that was on the table and walked out of the room down the hall to Kion's room. He softly knocked on the door after a few seconds it opened he looked at Kion up and down as Kion did the same then he entered the room and put the food on the table and turned around to face Kion. They looked at each with no expression what do ever starring blank at one another then their lips curved up into a huge smile as the ran and hugged each other.

Kion: "I missed you so damn much."

Caleb: "I missed you too." Kion broke the hug and looked at Calebs face he smiled while cupping it in his hands as he starred deep in his eyes.

Caleb: "Come on your food is getting cold." he said with a sweet smile that would melt anyone's heart Kion quickly place a peck on his lips and went to the table he sat and ate his food while Caleb stare at him with a smile.

Caleb: "Was it good?" he said with a smile.

Kion: "It was amazing."

okay now go get ready for school and I'll see you in class okay."

Kion: "Okay." he said kinda sad, Caleb chuckled while shaking his head then he kissed Kion's forehead and went out of the room.


As usual Caleb was the first one in class and after about five mins the class was filed right people only the teacher and one other student wasn't here yet and soon later the teacher came in and started class and then Kion came and started walking to his seat.

Ms.Teacher: "Kion why are you late? she asked in a strict yet concerned voice

Kion: "I'm sorry miss I misplaced my uniform and you know they wouldn't let me in the building without it."

Ms.Teacher: "Its fine go to your seat and take out your notebook we're taking notes today.''

Kion: "Thank you ma'am."

then he went and sat on his seat right next to Caleb. Suddenly a student turned around and asked.

Student 1: "Hey prez are you really dating him?" Both of them looked at the boy shocked.

Caleb: "Who told you that?"

Student 1: "I was just guessing cause I saw you coming out his room early this morning."

Caleb: "Oh, no we're not I was just bringing him something." Kion looked at Caleb then back at his notebook and started taking his notes. And soon later class ended and they were walking out of class together and Caleb said.

Caleb: "Hey let's go somewhere later."

Kion: "Where he asked in curiosity?"

Caleb: "I don't know let the universe decide." with that he walked to his next class and Kion went to his.


Kion: "So where are you taking me?"

Caleb: "I still don't know." He got in his car and started driving he just drove straight and he reached a place that non of them knew there was stores, markets, restaurants, and everything else in just a small place they didn't know what it was called or anything they just knew it was beautiful Caleb found a parking and parked his car they both got out and admired the place.

Kion: "It's so beautiful."

Caleb: "Yeah. How come I never knew about this place?" they were both looking forward then they looked at each other.

Both: "Ice cream!!!!!!!" they both said excitedly and went to buy their ice cream.

Caleb: "What do you want it's all my treat today."

Kion: "Okay, mint choco."

Caleb: "Eww that literally taste like toothpaste with chocolate bits."

Kion: "Hey don't yuck my yum okay."

Caleb: "Anyways, one mint chocolate and one cookies and cream please." they got their ice cream and payed the man and was walking peacefully they were crossing the street when a truck came rushing down out of control and Caleb didn't notice.

Kion: "CALEB WATCH OUT!!!!" He screamed as Caleb tried looked back Kion pushed in out of the truck's way.


"I was peacefully eating my ice cream while crossing the road Kion was behind me and out of nowhere I heard.

Kion: "Caleb watch out." I tried looking back to see why he was telling me to watch out but all the sudden all I could feel was my body hitting the ground while Kion slowly disappeared along the truck as his body attached to it I could hear a bunch of noise in the background but I couldn't make anything out of it. I got up from the floor and started walking to where Kion was and I was a trail of blood unknowingly tears started flowing in my eyes as I saw a crowd next around a person I pushed through the crowd just to see Kion unconscious on the floor I got back to my senses and ran to him.

Caleb: "Kion wake up, please wake up."

He wasn't waking up I could see his blood sipping through my finger cracks I couldn't hold my tears back as I scream his name.

Caleb: "KION PLEASE WAKE UP DON'T LEAVE ME, KION PLEASE." I said while crying my eyes out.

???: Caleb, Caleb, wake up Caleb." I hear my name very far away I can't make out who exactly is calling me.

???: "Caleb, come on you gotta wake up. CALEB, CALEB, CALEB!!!!!"

I woke up with tears in my eyes as I see my sister on top of me trying to wake me up.

Caleb: "What happened?"

Mary: "I don't know I came in your room and saw you like this are you okay you were crying in your sleep."

Caleb: "It was a dream?"

Mary: "What was a dream?"

Caleb: "Nothing." I got off my bed and went to the bathroom "it was all a dream?" I peaked out of the bathroom and yelled.

Caleb: "Mary why aren't we in school?"

Mary: "Because its summer dumbass, where did that dream take you?"

Caleb: "No where don't worry about me." I said and went back inside of the bathroom I looked in the mirror and all I could was "It was all just a dream." "Non of it was ever real." "He doesn't really exist." I Invision the perfect man in my dream and he wasn't real not one bit unknowingly tear drops started coming down my face as I starred at myself in the mirror wishing I never woke up from the dream.

Mary: "Hey, Caleb hurry up."

Caleb: "For what?"

Mary: "What is wrong with you today Caleb are you okay?" she asked concerned.

Caleb: "Yeah I'm fine why?"

Mary: "Because today marks the one year anniversary of Kion's death." That's when I remembered everything came back to me Kion died a month after the accident he was in a coma and one day he just died I was with him that day and I started remembering everything the minute he went in cardiac arrest and a crowd of doctors came some got me out of the room as I watched him from the door and screaming his name while they were giving him CPR soon later the doctors stop and I could feel my heart sink to the pit of my stomach as I saw Kion lifeless of the hospital bed that day was the worst day of my life. Today is the worst day of my life and I just relived in my dreams no more like my nightmare subconsciously tears started coming flowing through my eyes as I started getting ready for the anniversary of his death day I could feel the pain after I was done and walking out of the bathroom ready to go as me and my siblings got there it felt like people were enjoying themselves forgetting the fact the Kion was dead I couldn't bring myself to look at it so I went outside to get some air I sat down on the cold ground since the memorial anniversary was being held at our school I just let the cold breeze hit my face o felt like he was there with me.


I woke up down like everyday for the past year.

Paul: "Hey bro let's go out today."

Caleb: "Aight let me get ready." I got off my bed and went to get ready so we can go out.

Caleb: "Okay, Paul I'm ready let's go. So where are we going?"

Paul: "Oh you'll see." with that he went to the car and they started driving I started recognizing the Street and everything and I realized that its the park that our dad use to bring us to, to play soccer when we were younger and I realized what he was gonna do. Soon after we got to the park and I asked.

Caleb: "Is this your way of telling me to move on." he completely ignored me and said.

Paul: "Let's play some soccer baby bro." with a huge smile on his face tossing the soccer ball up and catching it I nodded and we started playing one-on-one soon later we got tired and sat down and he said.

Paul: "Its been a year bro you need to start thinking about moving on, I know it was a big tragedy what happened but you need to live that's what Kion would have wanted you know for you to move on."

Caleb: "Yeah I know I'm gonna try to move on don't worry I won't disappoint anyone also remember how I wanted to be a chemist before."

Paul: "Yeah why are you telling me that?"

Caleb: "I think I change my mind, now I'm thinking maybe a doctor like a trauma surgeon or something I've been looking into it the only thing is the amount of time I would have to spend in school."

Paul: "That's good you're thinking about something to do I'm proud of you and I'm sure you'll be a great surgeon someday and don't worry about the time I think it will make you an even greater doctor." After that they hugged each other. Life is full of ups and downs but we can't just keep dwelling on the past its okay to be sad but we can't be sad forever one day we need to move on and do what we want with our lives cause life isn't gonna stop for you just because something happened to you life will always go on.


Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed.