

The story sets in at the 16th century, at the small village of Navarhaugen with a population of a few hundred. The main livelihood of the people is agriculture. Two rivers surround the village making it look like an island. The majority of the people perform farming and animal husbandry for survival. The residents live a simple life of brotherhood. Children and youths form the greater part of this population.

Damon is a 16 years old boy, who lives with his father and his sister. He's pretty tall for his age and is quite muscular due to all the manual labour he does. His family's income was barely enough for them to survive.

Damon was a victim of domestic violence. He would always see his father beating his mother till eventually killing her in the end. He hated his father. But he couldn't bring himself to avenge her, so he kept all that resent to himself. Damon was envious of the other kids to have a mother that still cares for them and would always cry himself to sleep.

Damon's father was a big and a scary man, he would spend all day drinking beer and come back late at night only to abuse his daughter and hit Damon.

- "Why did it have to be me? What did I do wrong? I wish I could get my mother back and for my father to die", Damon muttered before falling asleep.

Damon wakes up in the middle of the night to some queer chant coming from the barn. He gets out of the house and goes to see where this voice is coming from. The more he got closer to the barn the more the voice got fainter to eventually disappearing. He was confused and searched if someone was there. Losing hope, Damon goes back to the house. Suddenly, some blue light shimmered from behind the shed. He got closer to the light and there, to his surprise, he saw a little girl with blonde hair and small wings behind her back laying on the ground.

-"The Paladin. I need to find him or the world will fall apart", she mumbled.

-"What are you talking about, you must have hit your head in the back or something.", Damon said.

The girl fell unconscious, so Damon took her back to the house, put her in his bed and slept.

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