
The Failure By Design

In a Land filled with an abundance of magic and magical beings, a young boy with a slim, weakly figure, and hair so light it almost looked grey, could be seen traveling across a vast, frigid tundra. This place is called "No man's Ice",and because the ice mana in the area is so concentrated, the ice in that area has gained magical properties, giving it the ability to freeze anything that touches it. Luckily the boy had protection in the form of a long icy blue robe called a "Frobe" Or so he thought….

"Already? I thought I could at least last another hour." Philo thought to himself disappointedly. His whole body had begun to feel numb. All he could feel was the bitter icy wind stinging on his skin. It was so cold that it felt like his fingers were on fire. Suddenly, due to malnourishment and exhaustion, his legs collapsed underneath him. As he hit the ground, he could see the edges of his vision beginning to darken and a sense of panic arose within him. "Is this really it?..."

As he felt himself drifting out of consciousness he began to recall a cherished memory.

A year earlier…

In a large storeroom filled with mechanical golems with shapes and sizes was a 14 year old boy looking at his sister worryingly "Stay here ok ?" "Also, if you hear anybody coming run as fast as you can, i promise i'll find you." Philo said to his sister as he was opening the door to the abandoned warehouse. "I know brother!" She said with a brittled tone. "I'm only 2 years younger than you, you know?" He only responded with a giggle as the door closed with a resounding creak.

As soon as he reach the nearby Logging town called "Timberland" trouble soon followed Philo, as it usually does. Amongst the crowd of people and in a hurry Philo accidentally bumps into a tall athletically built but pale skinned man. "Heh?! What are you f***ing stupid?" Shouted the brawn bully. He then swung his fist at Philo's face connecting with a frightening "WACK!!" As if on queue all people in the area fled to the safety of their homes. Hitting the ground Philo's features could be seen clearly. He had ash brown hair, broad shoulders with a thin frame, and a docile look in his silver eyes. Despite he and his sister being dirt poor orphans, they were both considered above average in terms of looks. The only reason girls don't find him attractive is because of his timid, and docile personality. Immediately the metallic taste of blood reached his throat, he spat it on the ground like he usually does, but this time a sliver of the blood mixed saliva hit the bully's shoe.

Henry's overly pale face due to his bloodline began to turn beat red."This is exactly what i wanted", Henry thought to himself."A reason not to hold back on these puny shrimps!!" He felt the fury within himself beginning to arise. "How dare these mere peasants with no bloodline insult such a prestigious member of the Alucard clan like myself" Almost instantly he pulled a massive red-black great sword out of the equally huge scabbard on his back. The blade was so serrated and slightly curved outwards that it almost look like a scythe. Philo's heart began to race as he recognized the great sword in the bully's hand. The weapon is called ("The Sword of Vlad") passed down through generations only to the most promising member in the noble clan of "Alucard". One prick of this giant greatsword would drain your vitality a considerable amount. He then put all of his might into a swing that he thought would set an example for this town of low-class humans.

As Philo's life flashed before his eyes, he thought of his parents and the look of disappointment they would have when he would see them in the afterlife, he then thought of his sister Saya and how heartbroken she would be. She was his only known family and would ultimately have to shoulder the burden of taking care of his remains. As tears began to well up in his eyes he saw a streak of cyan colored lightning shoot towards the pale faced noble and knock the sword out of his hands.What he saw next made his jaw drop

Standing in an area scorched with crackling lightning was a girl so stunningly beautiful that he realized tears began to well up in his eyes. Philo had always been celibate, even if he was good looking, he was still poor and timid, so he didn't want to be bothered nor did he have time for girls. But this girl, she was different, Her purple eyes were like admiring the moon, he couldn't help but stare into them. She quickly noticed his gaze and turned her attention away from the vampiric young noble. Her long violet hair flowed behind her as if it were unworthy to touch her back as she walked to towards Philo. "Are you alright?" She asked with a gentle tone. In an instant his heart melted, but as usual his timid nature showed itself, not only that but it intensified when he heard those words.

In an instant he shot up, ignoring the pain in his jawbone."Yesh, im fine tshank you so much" He said regretfully as he realized how goofy he must of sounded. Unexpectedly, the girl laughed with a face of amusement. "This boy is interesting." She thought to herself. He is known through Timberland as the thief called "Shadow Walker" She originally followed him so she could claim the bounty the merchants in town posted. It didn't really mean much to her though as she only accepted the bounty for experience. If only she'd known that the so called "Shadow Walker" was this frail and timid boy who seemed to be the same age as her. She then noticed that the boy's clothes, if you could even call them that, were a bunch of brown rags poorly stitched together.

"Are you homeless? Is that why you keep stealing from the merchants?" She asked sternly. Seeing her expression fear gripped his heart as it usually does with confrontation. He couldn't find the willpower to answer so he just hung his head towards the ground. Not only because he was scared, but because he didn't want to give up his sister's location. Seeing his expression, she was about to ask another question when suddenly, a slash of red energy resembling blood came arcing towards them from the Alucard noble's greatsword. "You filthy peasants…" Henry said disgustingly. "You dare use magic on me? A noble from the Alucard clan? Don't you wish to be alive!?" He spat menacingly.

The blast from the lightning knocked him 50 feet away, but the attack he just produced was quicker than the eye can see, not even the pinnacle masters of the noble clans could dodge this, though to them it would be like getting bit by a mosquito. Soon the blast of red energy was right upon them, but at that moment something deep inside of Philo began to awaken, the world around him began to gradually slow down to the point where it seemed to have stop. He looked over at the girl that saved him and took a few seconds to admire her beauty, of course he knew that she would never waste her time with a peasant with no confidence in himself. As soon as he stopped looking at her, he began to realize that his whole body seemed to have improved physically, he was taken aback by this change. He was always physically quicker and more agile than people due this his smaller stature, earning him the title "Shadow Walker" but, whatever just happened to him seemed to amplify all of that, including the things he was lacking.

Now he could see the curvature of his biceps, His hair was sticking up and swaying back and forth as if the wind was blowing, but this was actually because of the transparent aura he was giving off. As soon as he was done admiring these changes his body he instinctively jumped into action. His body was now like a blur and felt lighter than he ever thought possible. Every movement required the bare minimum of effort, and to top it all off he felt endless reserves of stamina. For him he was running at a slightly higher speed than he is used too, but for everybody else he was a blur.

Rayne's mind began racing through possible solutions out of their situation, and a sense of panic began to arise within her. All she had ever worked for, all the excruciating pain she had to go through, just to have it all destroyed by some stuck up vampiric noble. It didn't matter if she was of noble lineage, her clan never treated her that way. They only saw her as a tool that could be used for their own gains, and that's why they gave her the clans sacred weapon. But she's never gonna get the chance to use it. As the hopelessness of her situation began to overwhelm her she barely noticed another object coming towards her at a speed even faster than the red energy slash.

"How is this possible!?" She thought to herself. In an instant she felt herself get lifted off the ground and soar a few feet from her original position. When she looked up, she gasped. "It can't be….i would have sensed his aura." What she saw in front of her was a indistinguishable figure shaking back and forth at unimaginable speed, his whole body was a blur. "Who is this man?" She could tell he had good intentions at this point and let him carry her through the battlefield. She could barely make out any of the shapes flying past her as they were flying at an unimaginable speed. Not even her father the "Lightning Emperor" who claims to be the fastest man alive could match this mans speed. Soon they appeared at the entrance of an abandoned golem warehouse.

As soon as he put her down her battle instincts kicked in, she unsheathed her sword in an instant, and immediately felt a surge of cyan lightning flow through her body. She was now holding her sword to the Blur of a mans throat, and almost as soon as she did the man's body stopped vibrating.