
The Failed Transcendent's Rebirth

Whether one has talent or not one always has the chance to shine if they take the opportunity. Just like Ethan did rising from the bottom of society to the top.It all being possible due to "Myriad Realms Online" His journey starting out like any other but devolving into one of epic magnitude. It all began with one fateful message. [Failure to Transcend]

Death_Penalty · Games
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11 Chs

Chapter 6:Logging in

Opening his closed eyes groggily Ethan wiped the crystals forming at the ends of his eyelids as he yawned taking a look outside his window where the orange sun stood in all its glory.

"Wait...Oh fuck!!"Ethan said as he ran to his desk grabbing the headgear and jumping back on his bed as he pressed the power button.

"This is it"Ethan said as he placed it on his head as he got into a comfortable spot knowing he may be staying in this position for a long period of time.

«Launch time: 2 Min 05 sec»

Feeling so nervous that it felt like he was getting electrocuted Ethan watched in anticipation as he watched the count down.

«Launch time: 1 Min 05 sec»

«Launch time : 0 Min 35 sec»

«Launch time: 0 Min 05 sec»

«Launch time: 0 Min 04 sec»

«Launch time : 0 Min 03 sec»

«Launch time: 0 Min 02 sec»

«Launch time: 0 Min 01 sec »

«Launch time : 0 Min 00 sec»

[Server is Online would user like to login]


"Yess!" Ethan said as his vision started to go black before suddenly a burst of colours filled his vision.

Regaining my sight, the world around me materializes like a vivid dream. My eyes widen as I take in the breathtaking panorama of an alien landscape. The massive planet stretches out before me, a tapestry of unfamiliar terrains, each one more enchanting than the last. The air is thick with a sense of wonder, and the soft breeze whispers of untold adventures.

But my reverie is broken as a voice—ethereal and melodic—floats from behind. It sends shivers down my spine, and I turn, compelled by the enchanting sound. Before me stands a familiar angelic being, her presence radiating with a divine grace. Eight pure white wings extend from her form, each feather glowing with an inner light that fills the air with a soft, otherworldly luminescence.

"Welcome, traveler," her voice is both soothing and commanding, "to Myriad Realms Online."

My heart races, a mixture of awe and apprehension coursing through me even though this was my second time being in her presence. She's a being of celestial beauty, and her very presence seems to defy the boundaries of reality.

"May I know your name?" Her gaze meets mine, warm and inquisitive.

The words leave my lips before I can think, "Anon. It's short for Anonymous."

Her smile is like a shimmering ripple, her understanding evident. "A fitting choice, Anon. Now, as you step into this new world, there is two decisions for you to make."

She gestures gracefully, her movements like the ebb and flow of a cosmic dance, revealing a spectrum of choices before me—a variety of races, each beckoning with its own allure. Yet, my heart tugs me toward the familiar—the human race, a reflection of who I am or what I was.

"Human," I say with certainty, a small smile quirking my lips.

Her eyes light up, as if she knows the significance of my decision. "A wise choice, Anon. But there is one more choice that remains."

Her gesture unveils a set of scrolls, each bearing a different word—Peasant, Aspiring, Heroic, Hell, Despair.

"Choose the difficulty of the tutorial village you wish to embark upon. From Peasant, the gentlest initiation, to Despair, the ultimate test of your mettle."

Remembering my past life I remember how worthless my past life choice of picking Peasant was,rage filled my existence as I remembered how much of a coward I was.

"Fuck it!I pick despair over weakness!" I exclaimed feeling the power of freedom from from a regret I made in my past life

I point resolutely to the scroll marked Despair, my heart hammering with a mixture of resolve and trepidation.

Her gaze meets mine, a nod of understanding and approval passing between us. "Very well, Anon. In the realm of Despair, your strength shall be forged in the crucible of adversity, shaping you into something extraordinary."

As her words linger, a radiant light envelops me, cocooning me in its embrace. The world shifts and bends, reality itself warping into something new.


"Interesting indeed, I wonder how your apostle will fair [][][][][][][][]"The angelic being said but with a countenance that seemed no longer angelic but closer to that of a demon as an extra 8 wings extended from her back making the total wings she has 16 .


As the brightness ended Ethan instead of looking around or feeling the hyper realistic sensations that the headgear we producing covered his nose with his hand and he quickly removed his shirt and formed a make-shift mask by wrapping his shirt around his face leaving barely enough room for his eyes to see out.

"Haaaa...Bastard angels didn't even give advice for newbies to know this"Ethan said sounding akin to mumbles as the shirt kept him from speaking properly.

[Poisoned Lightly 1% damage every 5 minutes]

Breathing out he decided to open his status window seeing that he was already in the town centre and that the village head was still not here.




Level: 1

Tier: 0

Race: Human (Demi-Umbraeph and Demi-Chronothian) {Locked}

Titles:One who [][][][][][] [][][][][][][][];[][][][][][] of the forgotten annals of [][][][] + 2 other titles


Str:5 ( 56). Agi:5 (41) Con: 5 (59) Mana:5(200) Wis: 5(30)

Description:How are you almost as strong as a lvl 80 human when your stats are unsealed and what are with those titles,Are you still human?!!!!]

"What the fuck!"