
The fading mysterious land

What happens when Veera suddenly transported to a mysterious magical land. Here she found how badly she stuck with no way out. The mighty king of that land Aiden crown intrigued by Veera strange and sarcastic behavior. But he had been stuck by a massive problem of his inherited land which starts fading since he became the king. What the mystery behind this fading land. There's a prophecy for saving the land only few people know. Have there is a specific reason on Veera arrival. Will she able to protect the land when all she wants to go back to home at any cost.

Barish_Aggarwal · Fantasy
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5 Chs

2) Weird Creature

A guard was running hastily towards the king 👑 quarters. As it's such a weird situation that no one knew anything about it, finding a weird woman on the ground of courtyard.

"Hail to my king." Guard said bending to his one knee with a slight bow.

" what happened." King looked at him.

" My king there's some intruder in the courtyard."

"So...?" king asked indifferently. It's not like his guard could not take care of the intruder.

"She is a woman and she doesn't seem from here. Lord Roaan is there now. It's different so he asked for your presence my king." Guard tried to explain.

King Aiden furrowed his brows with contemplation. Then he steps toward the exiting doors.

He strode across the pavement of his courtyard. He saw a group of his guards and his friend Roaan near the bushes. He moved toward them.

"Where's she." Aiden asked to his friend.

Roaan points toward the direction behind the bushes.

Aiden moved slowly around the bushes and found a woman laying flat on the ground. She cladded in a very different clothing which surely not from there here. That's proves that she didn't belong there. But how could someone enter in their kingdom from out of their boarder.

"It's not possible." Aiden whispered to himself.

Aiden felt someone's presence behind him, without turning he ordered "Take her to the capturing cells."

" I don't think she is any harm my grace." Roaan said at looking her condition.

"We can't take chances Roaan. We need to make sure she has no ill thoughts for our kingdom."

Roaan gestured towards the guard for implying king's order.

Meanwhile guards were taking care of the intruder Roaan and Aiden started to move back to the quarters.

"She doesn't seems from here." Roaan said thoughtfully.

" l know." Aiden said with his expression less face.

" Is may possible she is the one....." Roaan trails off.

" Time will tell." said Aiden indifferently. It's clear king Aiden wasn't in the mood of discussing this topic any more.

So Roaan take his leave after saying good night 🌃 to his friend.

" A weird creature.. huh.." Aiden murmured slowly frowning a little.