
The fading mysterious land

What happens when Veera suddenly transported to a mysterious magical land. Here she found how badly she stuck with no way out. The mighty king of that land Aiden crown intrigued by Veera strange and sarcastic behavior. But he had been stuck by a massive problem of his inherited land which starts fading since he became the king. What the mystery behind this fading land. There's a prophecy for saving the land only few people know. Have there is a specific reason on Veera arrival. Will she able to protect the land when all she wants to go back to home at any cost.

Barish_Aggarwal · Fantasy
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5 Chs

1) My world goes upside down!

I was running out of time. I need to finish this assignment. Mom must be waiting for me at home worrying about my well being.

Veera was running her pen on her assignment and leafing through her books at the same time with her other hand. She was quite good in multitasking.

Her mom Ruby ralzwood was a fussy mom who adored her daughter. She has been sick for past few months. That's why Veera bothers more for her wealth and did some part time job in her free time.

Veera is in her college library. As today is her day off so she was spending her time on her college pending work load. Only the librarian has been seated at her usual place. Everyone has gone so it's must be the time to take her leave also.

She packed up her things and take a run out of library doors. Dusk was falling rapidly and a very few people scattered around.

She was passing through the college ground which was quite eerie at this period of time. So Veera was walking as fast as can it possible.

For exiting the college doors more fast she took a shortcut which passes through the wild area of the ground. A very few people knows about this way. She thinks herself lucky about to know this path.

Suddenly she feels a sudden change in air but maybe she is being paranoid, ignoring her intuition she keeps walking. In the silence, she hears a sizzling sound which coming from behind the trees. As being curious, she walk towards it but there was nothing suspicious. She turns around and founds a green smoke has spread around the area.

" Huh.. where this green smoke coming from." There's a sudden flash of bright light which blinds her. " Oh! what the hell." She closes her eyes and keeps walking.

"Oh! god what's wrong with me why everything is spinning around me. If it's keep going I am going to faint surely." Veera speaks to herself with frustration.

"Ahhh..." She yelled in pain as if her mind going to explode. She remembers falling forward before darkness took over her senses.


Opilia Kingdom

Near Midnight

The guards in the king's courtyard are on their duty. Lord Roaan whitethorn was passing from their after his meeting with the king of Opilia. He handles the security measures of the castle. He is the trusted man of the king and also his loyal friend.

" Thud... " "Hum .. where's that sound came from." There's a green glow behind the bushes which caught Lord Roaan attention. He took his sword out and ran toward it. On seeing him running guards also followed him.

"Are you all deaf that you did not hear the sound." He said angrily to the soldiers while running toward the suspicious sound. " Who's behind the bushes." Xang yelled. No sounds came from there.

He lifted his hand and made a spin with his finger, signaling the guards for enclosing the perimeter. Xang lifted his sword and moved silently toward the bushes. What he saw there makes him frown. There were a woman lying on her front like she has fainted. But what made him frown is the weird clothing of the woman and her presence in such a area where no intruder ever reached before.

" Inform the king Aiden." Roaan ordered one of the guard. Thinking about the prophecy. "So time has finally came." He whispered to himself.