
The Headmaster

"I am sure you have all heard." The Headmaster bellowed out from behind the podium. His word physically impacting the gathered students of the Academy seated below. "That the stats of an individual is all that matters." The Headmaster stretched the silence letting the last sentence hang.

"It is wrong. Misguided. Infantile. And if you are unfortunate enough - fatal."

"Winning. That is all that matters. The ends do justify the means and everything is justified in order to win. Remember that. Internalize it. That is my advice to. That advice is your religion within the halls of the Academy."

Emeric blinked as the Headmaster simply vanished after finishing his impassioned speech. Looking around at his fellow students, he saw the same facial expression displayed everywhere.

"Is that it?" No one had time to reply before one professor whom until now had remained standing off to the side on the stage walked up to the podium. The professor looked apprehensively at them all before replying with a curt, "Motivational like always. Dismissed." And with that the professor too departed.

Emeric blinked again.


Emeric looked at his fellow group members counting them with a sense of satisfaction. Glad that they were one of the lucky ones.

The students in the classroom had been an odd number and as such there were a few unlucky groups with one less member. Adjusted score or not, Emeric happily nodded at the sight of his five group members. He was here at the Academy to learn and six was the gold standard in the wider world. Adapting to being one man down while circumstantially useful seemed to be more of a curse than a boon for ones future.

With five members, ones responsibilities would only increase to make up for the lack of a full force. And Emeric knew he would have his hands full without juggling the infamous coursework without accounting for the extra responsibilities of those unfortunate bastards.

Emeric pitied the leaders of those five man teams, already picturing their grey hair growing forth from all the stress.

Now, for the tricky part - for them to choose their leader. And he could tell the others where having similar thoughts as they eyed one another apprehensively.

Stepping back, he spoke up. Emeric knew from his siblings the importance of a neutral party to resolve any potential inter-group conflict and by stepping out of the dick measuring contest and indirectly volunteering - he had effectively monopolized the role.

"Leadership ain't for me. You all go ahead sort it out." A large burly man spoke up as Emeric stepped back, mirroring his action. Arthur, Emeric recalled from their brief introductions earlier.

The stereotypical [Paladin], smiled with pearly white teeth and nodded approvingly at Emeric. "Likewise, I will focus on being the best Paladin I can. Besides its hard to keep track of what the people are doing in the back when you lead from the front."

The man said laughing merrily and joined him in stepping back. Emeric frowned at the unexpected outcome. Having leadership experience under ones belt was one of the most sought after boons one could get yet alone if said experience was cultivated under the roof of the fabled Academy. He had not expected anyone yet alone the imposing and handsome Paladin to step aside, Emeric thought viewing Arthur in a new light.

The four remaining immediately jumped into a fierce debate. Emeric listened, focused and keen on figuring out the characters of the people he would find himself learning and fighting alongside for the rest of the year.

Anya, their Ranger, spotted an opening in the argument and took her shot.

"I will be at the back and with my superior [Perception]. It is only natural for me to lead. I will be able to efficiently survey the surroundings since the task already falls underneath the responsibilities of my role. Besides," She said looking proud, "I have been experimenting with using differently colored [Signal] arrows as a way to send commands."