
The Fable of the dragon-tyrant

Once upon a time, dragon tyrannized the kingdom.Coverd in thick black scales, its eyes glowed with hate, and from his horrifying jaws followed his acid saliva some tried to fight the dragon priests and magians called down curses to no avail.Worriors armed with the greatest wepons, attacked only to be

incinerated.The dragons claws,jaws, and fire so effective,its scaly armor so hard,as to makebit invincable.The dragon demanded from human kind a tribute:ten thousand men and women, chosen to be delivered every evening to be eaten.the king and the kingdom, weapons useless, had no choice but to pay tribute,to suffer the misery,to feed the insatiable hunger.And as humans,ever adaptable,come to accept the tyrant as a fact of life;knowing, even in embrecing,that everyone's final moments would be in its maw. How could the world be other wise? The kingdom began to teach the children that the dragon had his place in the natural order and the very meaning of bieng human is to end up in the dragon's stomach, their shorter live motovatinf them to leed good lives. And the dragon was helping the kingdom by keeping the population from growing two fast learning that the attacks on the dragon ceased. But the kingdom still grew, slowly, and with did the dragon becoming a bit as the moutain it lived,its apitite increasing.The logistics of collecting and trasporting so many every day to the mountain came the occupy the king's mind more than the deaths and the dragon itself. The king hire registrars to keep track of would be send.There where people collecters dispaching victims there were clerks who adminesterd the pensions be paid decimated families. And there where conferters who would travel with the doomed on their way to th dragon, truing to ease the anguish. And there where dragonoligists who studied jow the logistics processes could be made more efficient. Steam engiens were invented and a railway was constructed leading to the dragon trains arrived at the mountains terminal crammed with people and reaturn empty. Some dragonoligists studied the dragons behavior and collected sampels shead scales acids, the exterment speckled with fragments of human bone. The more the beast was understood, the more its invicibility confirmed. But humanity is a curious species. Every once and while, someone gets a good idea. others copy that idea, adding to it their own improvements. Over time, many wonderous tools and systems are developed. Some of these tools generate new ideas. Thus the great wheel of invention, whitch in the older ages turned imperceptibly slow,began to accelerate and humans did what would have seemed magic before, communicating instanly across great distance that would fly,and many astonishing thing.Thus the age of Science began. Follow me in ******* Riper and discord mr.riper