
The Eye Of The Moon Plan

Erik Saltzman was a young man, a normal student who spent his time studying and playing games. Enjoying his time with his family, annoying his little sister, singing songs and much more. His life was plain and simple but he didn't have any complaints with it. He was happy with what he had. Unfortunately, his simple life came to an end when he died at a young age of 17, courtesy of [Truck Association]. Upon his death, instead of finding peace, his soul was abducted by an Outer-God. The dangerously powerful entity was able to "convince" Erik Saltzman soul about the world being riddled with pain and agony. He asked Erik if he wanted to end this "Cycle of Eternal Damnation". Outer God:- I will grant you strength, to end this all, no more suffering and everyone will be happy. Erik:- What is the price? True Paradise is just a fantasy which can't be achieved no matter what you do. Outer God:- It is true that a thing such as True Paradise can only be dreamt of but what if we change the reality into a dream? After all, everything is possible in a never-ending dream. Erik:- What do you propose? Outer-God:- To create a True Paradise, you must first make the "Impossible" into something "Possible". Erik:- Swapping reality with an everlasting dream..? Outer-God:- The "Eye Of The Moon Plan" Erik:- Madara wasn't able to succeed, and I don't need to tell you about his capabilities. What makes you think that I would succeed in doing something that he couldn't? Outer-God:- Firstly, You aren't affected by Plot-armour and secondly, you don't blindly believe in anything, you're caution and decision making sets you apart the rest. Erik:- Hm...How do you propose to even start this "Plan for Salvation"? Outer-God:- You will be sent to a dream world, [Irregular at Magic High school]. You will need to successfully put everyone in that world into a dream. That world is heading towards its destruction, so begin from there first. Erik:-Irregular world? You do know the danger that infests that world right? Not to mention the broken protagonist and his sister, how am I even supposed to survive there? Outer-God:- That where I come in, I will grant you a few abilities which shall help you in your endeavour. Erik:- Hmm..... Outer-God:- You would ask about your family? How they are? Erik:- Unfortunately, I can no longer affect that world and from my observation, you too can't....otherwise you would have chosen someone with a higher success rate. Outer-God:- On-point observation indeed. Erik:- I can only pray for them to have a happy life and move on. Outer-God:-Indeed... ----------------------------------------------------------- •Cover:-Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint. •Release rate:-4 chapters worth 1000 words per week. [We have created a server °•The Coffee Shop•° with the intent to help authors find a well-organized server where they don't have to worry about creating multiple channels and handle the server. The idea for this server is similar to Ink store but this is more of a joint-server which welcomes more authors to join. Discord link:-https://discord.gg/WXHTGQN]

Legendary_Person · Anime & Comics
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163 Chs

Chapter-140 Beheading the [No-Head Dragon] pt-1

Yanagi and Naotsugu turned to look towards the last [Generator] and burst towards him; wanting to end this as quickly as possible.





The three of them exchanged blows after blows, trying to overcome the enemy but a two v.s one situation was very unfavorable for the last [Generator].

After exchanging a few moves, he couldn't hold on any longer; relieving an opening in his defense.

Naotsugu of course didn't let go of this opportunity and violently kicked him on the chest.


A crisp "crack!" sound was heard the moment, Naotsugu's leg connected with the enemy's chest.

The strike was intense as it sent the latter flying into the wall!

His black glasses fell off his face due to him being subjected to high amounts of force when he couldn't negate.



Blood flood out of the generator's mouth and nose as he started coughing.

The [Generator] had broken a bone or two while fighting against Naotsugu and Yanagi at the same time.

He was hurt.....badly!

"Give up! You can win!" (Yanagi)

Yanagi tried to see if he could convince the emotionless human to give-up.

He knew that it wouldn't work but hey!

At least there is no harm in trying! Right!?

Unfortunately for him, the said person didn't answer Yanagi and simply stared at them as he tried to stand up.

Only to fall on the ground, one again!

'Gt-1 and Gt-2 are down and out!' (Generator)

'I can't risk trying to safe them neither can I run from these attackers.' (Generator)

'The chances of me winning or taking a hostage is less than 5 percent!' (Generator)

'The only option I have left is to commit suicide by blowing everything around me; myself included.' (Generator)

The [Generator] was able to calmly observe the situation since he couldn't feel pain, fear, or any other emotion.

"Mission:-Extermination failed]..."


"Preparing to self-destruct!"


A black aura burst forth the body of the generator as more and more psion coiled against his damaged body.

The force around the generator seemed to be strengthening a lot due to him exploding his core!

He was about to pull a Daichi!

Yanagi widened as he cussed!

"What the fuck! Shit! Stop him!" (Yanagi)

As soon as the words left Yanagi's mouth, Naotsugu dashed towards the enemy who was going to commit suicide and take down others with him.

"It's too late! We are too late!" (Mob.1)

Waves of energy coiled against the generator's body as it started to glow violently!

"Shit! Everyon—" (Yanagi)


Before Yanagi could finish his sentence, a crimson-colored ray zoomed past everyone; hitting the [Generator] on the forehead.


Blood splattered all over the wall behind the generator who had a finger size hole in his forehead.


The ray immediately killed him as his dead body fell on the body with a thud; painting the floor red with his blood.


Seeing how easily the [Generator] was dispatched by a crimson-colored ray, everyone turned silent before look back to find the source of the attack.

Mayumi felt someone standing behind her and quickly turned to look at the newcomer.

"Erik!?" (Mayumi)

Her eyes widened as she saw her fiance standing behind her.

His hand-index finger-pointing in the direction of the fallen enemy.

A crimson glimmer could be seen coming out of his finger-tip as his legendary "chartreuse phosphorescent eyes" shone in the red glow.

"Are you alright, Mayumi?" (Erik)

Erik's voice was calm....too calm for he had just murdered someone!

And he barely seemed fazed by it!

"Y-Yes!" (Mayumi)

Mayumi simply replied before taking one last glance at the dead body of the generator.

Smoke and blood were coming out of the finger-sized hole on his forehead.

Truly a gruesome scene!

"Very well then, let us return to the pavilion...the army is capable of dealing with the terrorists, right Yanagi-san?" (Erik)

Even though it seemed like Erik was asking a question; everyone in the room knew that he wanted the army to deal with the terrorists as soon as possible.

And this time, it wasn't a request!

Erik didn't want to soak his hands in the blood due to the incompetence shown by the army.

"Yes, we will deal with the situation from here on....you all return to your rooms." (Yanagi)

Yanagi simply nodded and motioned for Erik and Mayumi to leave and return to their rooms.

"Alright then." (Erik)

Erik agreed and sent a nod towards Naotsugu before turning around to leave.

"Come, Mayumi..." (Erik)

Saying so, he started to walk away from the place.

Mayumi bowed to show her appreciation towards the army before following after her fiance.


(Later that night)

(No-Head Dragon Hideout)

Two individuals could be seen having an intense conversation on the top floor of the [Yokohama Grand Hotel].


"Damn it!" (Douglas Huang)

A loud noise resounded throughout the place as one of the two individuals smashed his fist into the table in front of him.

*grits teeth*

"Fucking waste of money!" (Douglas Huang)

Douglas Huang smashed a flower vase in anger as he fumed!

He was the [Chief of the Japanese Eastern Branch of No Head Dragon] and resided on top of the highest floor in the [Yokohama Grand Hotel] in [Chinatown].

He was a cruel person with almost no empathy for other people.

He could do anything dirty to achieve his goals and showed no emotions when giving orders to kill other people.

However, he was also a coward when his life was in danger.

Exactly the reason behind his anger!

He had sabotage Erik Saltzman's CAD which was very risky!

Then he even sent three generators to disrupt the event and create chaos; only to fail in achieving any results!

Now, not only was he going to lose a lot of money due to the bets he had placed but also because he had to deal with the retaliation from the [Saltzman Empire].

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" (Douglas Huang)

"Boss wouldn't just abandon or kill me for failing him!?" (Douglas Huang)

"After all, I once saved his life!" (Douglas Huang)

"I am his confidant and had achieved a lot for the organization!" (Douglas Huang)

"Boss trusts me enough to know his identity, so a single mistake of mine shouldn't matter!?" (Douglas Huang)

Another figure spoke up after seeing Huang losing his composure.

"Can you stay quiet for some time, Huang!? I am trying to think of a way out of this mess!" (James Zhu)

James Zhu was the Eastern Branch executive along with Gregory.

The two of them were close friends of Huang who have known each other for more than half of their life.

James was the most cunning individual out of the three of them and had helped Huang get out of a lot of sticky situations.

"James! Tell me a way out, my friend!" (Huang)

"I don't want to disappoint the boss!" (Huang)

"I am thinking! So calm yourself and contribute!" (James)

"Yes yes!" (Huang)

While they were busy searching for a way out of their predicament.

A behemoth of a man was gazing at the [Yokohama Grand Hotel] from a distance.

The strange thing about this man was that the space around him seemed to be in a constant state of instability!

"The end is near!"


(A/N:-The server °•The Coffee Shop•° was created with the intent to help authors find a well-organized server where they don't have to worry about creating multiple channels and handle the server.

The idea for this server is similar to Ink store but this is more of a joint-server that welcomes more authors to join.

Discord link:-https://discord.gg/WXHTGQN)