
The Eye Of The Moon Plan

Erik Saltzman was a young man, a normal student who spent his time studying and playing games. Enjoying his time with his family, annoying his little sister, singing songs and much more. His life was plain and simple but he didn't have any complaints with it. He was happy with what he had. Unfortunately, his simple life came to an end when he died at a young age of 17, courtesy of [Truck Association]. Upon his death, instead of finding peace, his soul was abducted by an Outer-God. The dangerously powerful entity was able to "convince" Erik Saltzman soul about the world being riddled with pain and agony. He asked Erik if he wanted to end this "Cycle of Eternal Damnation". Outer God:- I will grant you strength, to end this all, no more suffering and everyone will be happy. Erik:- What is the price? True Paradise is just a fantasy which can't be achieved no matter what you do. Outer God:- It is true that a thing such as True Paradise can only be dreamt of but what if we change the reality into a dream? After all, everything is possible in a never-ending dream. Erik:- What do you propose? Outer-God:- To create a True Paradise, you must first make the "Impossible" into something "Possible". Erik:- Swapping reality with an everlasting dream..? Outer-God:- The "Eye Of The Moon Plan" Erik:- Madara wasn't able to succeed, and I don't need to tell you about his capabilities. What makes you think that I would succeed in doing something that he couldn't? Outer-God:- Firstly, You aren't affected by Plot-armour and secondly, you don't blindly believe in anything, you're caution and decision making sets you apart the rest. Erik:- Hm...How do you propose to even start this "Plan for Salvation"? Outer-God:- You will be sent to a dream world, [Irregular at Magic High school]. You will need to successfully put everyone in that world into a dream. That world is heading towards its destruction, so begin from there first. Erik:-Irregular world? You do know the danger that infests that world right? Not to mention the broken protagonist and his sister, how am I even supposed to survive there? Outer-God:- That where I come in, I will grant you a few abilities which shall help you in your endeavour. Erik:- Hmm..... Outer-God:- You would ask about your family? How they are? Erik:- Unfortunately, I can no longer affect that world and from my observation, you too can't....otherwise you would have chosen someone with a higher success rate. Outer-God:- On-point observation indeed. Erik:- I can only pray for them to have a happy life and move on. Outer-God:-Indeed... ----------------------------------------------------------- •Cover:-Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint. •Release rate:-4 chapters worth 1000 words per week. [We have created a server °•The Coffee Shop•° with the intent to help authors find a well-organized server where they don't have to worry about creating multiple channels and handle the server. The idea for this server is similar to Ink store but this is more of a joint-server which welcomes more authors to join. Discord link:-https://discord.gg/WXHTGQN]

Legendary_Person · Anime & Comics
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163 Chs

Chapter-114 "Crystal Eyes" and "My demons" pt-1 (Side-Chapter-4)

(Mizuki POV+Third POV)

I-It has been a week since the appreciation ceremony held by the school to show s-some love to the participants who will be representing their school i-in the [Nine-Schools Competition].

E-Erika, Leo, and others were currently busy with th-their club activities so I had to wait for them to finish before we could go.

The school wa-was over for today but the club activities usually stretched a few more hours before the students could g-go h-home.

I-I was happy with my high-school life, ever since I-I met my friends! Erika and Leo have been very good to me, even the president is k-kind to every student no matter if they are course-1 students or not.

I-I belong to a middle-class family of humble origins, my father ow-owns three little restaurants while my mother is an air hostess.

I barely get to spend some time with them since both of them are always working to improve our financial condition.

Becoming a specialized magician wa-was no easy feat!

It to-took a lot of money to support a magician, especially if you are attending a prestigious school such as the [First High School].

Ev-Even so, I could tell that they truly loved me more t-than anyone else in this world!

How can I be s-so sure?

It was because I-I could see it!

The love emitting from their bodies!

Ever since I-I was little, I could see things that others couldn't!

It was m-my little secret that I never told anyone!

I could always tell w-what someone was feeling even i-if they put on a mask on their faces to hide their real selves.

It a-also helped me s-seeing pushions rather than just being able to feel it like others.

A-After doing some research, I-I got some information about my "special condition".

P-People who have "over-sensitivity to spirit particle emissions" are referred to as bearers of "Crystal Eyes" w-within Ancient Magic.

It is the term used in Divine Earth Magic, for those who can see the colors of the spirits and are also able to see where spirits spring forth and congregate, as well as the 'divine spirits' of the natural order and the key to accessing those systems.

Summoning Magicians, while knowing that the spirits have colors, cannot actually see them. The spirits' colors aren't identified by sight but through recognition of the vibrations.

U-Unfortunately, I wasn't a-a practitioner of Ancient Divine Earth Magic, s-so I couldn't really ma-make much out of my ability.

N-Not to mention, my gift also had its own drawbacks!

I-I couldn't go in crowded places otherwise I-I would just be bombarded by everyone's aura.

It also affected m-my emotions and mind.

I-I tried to learn to control my a-ability but to no avail!

In the end, I-I had to buy a pair of [Aura Cut Coating Lenses] to help c-control my ability.

The special lenses used in these glasses acted as technological aid to help control Pushion sensitivity.

I-It cut down on visible Pushions, so I-I wouldn't be as affected as I used t-to be.

Unfortunately, it also resulted in me standing out in a crowd; especially since in an age where myopia has been eliminated, m-most people do not w-wear glasses, leading to people with [Aura Cut Coating Lenses] to stand out.

A-Anyway, I have already learned to adapt to m-my situation.


Huh? What was that!?

I su-suddenly felt a strange emotion "watch" over me.

A chill ran down m-my spine as I-I wrapped my hands around myself while trembling a little.

It felt like someone was slowly pouring cold water on my back!

Truth be told; I-It wasn't a comfortable feeling at all!

I could feel myself being attracted to the [Technical Skill Building].

Curiosity got the better of m-me as I slowly moved towards the said building.

I climbed the stairs and neared the source of this strange feeling.


Suddenly, another feeling assaulted me!

Unlike previously, this feeling expressed a single word!


I-It kept telling me to turn around and leave!

Unfortunately, I-I had to quench my curiosity!

So I pressed forward a-and closed the distance between myself and a slightly opened, deserted classroom.

I sneakily p-put my hand on the door to increase the gap!

I really wanted t-to know the origin of this feeling!


"Who's there!?"

A low shout came reverberated throughout the deserted room as Mikihiko willed his spirits to attack the newcomer!

If one were to look at the situation, they wouldn't be able to see anything due to spirits being invisible to magicians.

But due to the courtesy of my special eyes, I could clearly see the giant centipede heading in my direction.

I was about t-to scream when a shadow flashed in front of me.


All I could see was a dark flash in front of my eyes as the word 'idiot' resounded within my mind.

A tall, handsome young man appeared in front of me.

He had long silver-white hair tied using black-colored cloth stripes, he had a rather strong aura coiling against his muscles; ready to burst whenever required.

My eyes widened in surprise as the [Advisor] armband around his right hand, entered my vision.

His "chartreuse phosphorescent eyes" shone in the dark as a scalding hot aura seeped out from his body.

Facing the centipede spirit, he simply raised his hand towards the incoming spirit as a dark crimson aura spread outwards towards the incoming centipede spirit, completely drowning the latter.

While I successfully figured out the identity of his person!

"Stand down, Mikihiko..."

Erik stood in front of me as he protected us from getting hurt by the centipede spirit.

"I am so sorry! I was surprised and attacked due to reflex!"

"I didn't mean to hurt anyone!"

Mikihiko immediately bowed towards us and started apologizing for his rash actions.

"We will talk, but first take a breath and calm down."


Erik closed the door behind me, effectively isolating us from the outside; he then turned and motioned for me to take a seat and calm down.

I also complied with his instruction and sat down quietly watching the situation unfold.

"I am so sorry!"

"I was using [Water Spirits] to practice my magic and even placed a few repulsion talismans to prevent others from interrupting."

"Unfortunately, it seems like it wasn't enough."

After calming down, Mikihiko started explaining that he was using water spirits to practice summoning magic.

"Wait, do you mean that, that purple-colored centipede was one of your summons!?"


Mikihiko immediately walked towards me and held my shoulders!

Even though I could sense that he meant no harm, I still wasn't comfortable with him being this close to me.


"What kind of behavior is this!? I expected better from you Mikihiko."

"Huh!? Ah! I am sorry, Erik-kun!"

"It's just that, when she mentioned that she could see the color of my spirits, I suddenly lost control over my mind!"

"It's just that, someone who can see the color of a spirit is very, very rare!"

"She may even have [Crystal Eyes]!"



(A/N:-The server °•The Coffee Shop•° was created with the intent to help authors find a well-organized server where they don't have to worry about creating multiple channels and handle the server.

The idea for this server is similar to Ink store but this is more of a joint-server that welcomes more authors to join.

Discord link:-https://discord.gg/WXHTGQN)