
Chapter two

Dane arrived at the location stated for the test.

A small palace on the outskirts of the village, a scenery only a noble family could owned. The terrain was very well kept with the, green grass shining and cut evenly across the garden. Many different types of flowers with different colors were planted giving the palace a sense of "still belonging to the nature".

In between the flowers, a long white stone pathway lead to the main building and the buildings surrounding it.

And before all that a very sturdy wall separating that magnificent view with the poor rest of the terrain.

As he had anticipated the line was long and noisy. Half of the mercenaries were talking like there was nothing to worry about. The other half was quietly awaiting their call.

He walked towards the end of the line and leaned against the rock wall.

Dane instinctively scanned the long line of warriors, his keen eyes, trained to see what lays beyond appearance, dissected each individual with a depth of understanding that bordered on the uncanny. From the way their shoulders squared with resolve to the subtle twitches betraying nervous anticipation, he absorbed every nuance, every hint of their inner thoughts and motivations.

"Always be observant. A small habit on the enemy could be the key to your victory"

The voice of his late master said.

He observed the weathered faces of seasoned veterans, etched with the stories of battles fought and hardships endured. Their eyes held a steely determination, tempered by the weight of experience, as they awaited the call to action once more.

Among them, he noticed the younger recruits, their gazes flickering with a mix of eagerness and apprehension. Their movements were stiff. All of them seemed like they had very little to non experience.

After he finished observing their body language, he delved deeper, sensing who was there as an ally and who was an enemy.


Many hours had passed. And the dawn was replacing the blue sky with orange and red. The birds formed flocks as they returned to their nests. So far only two warriors had passed the trial. Before Dane, three other man awaited. One of them had a body that could defy common sense, it was two head tallen than Dane, wich for him was a surprise as he usually was the taller, and he carried a sword that looked as heavy as a pile of rocks.

The other mano was old. His white hair almost gone from his head shunned like silver in contrast with his long robust beard, wich looked dry and colorless.

They were strong.

The man with the great sword walked up the circle where the test was being held. A full armored man waited. His dark silver armored was of the best quality, the design was sturdy yet flexible. He had a regular sword in his left hand and shield on the right. He had been fighting duel after duel throughout the day, yet fatigue was nowhere to be seen in eyes.

"The test is quite simple, last three minutes in the duel and you shall pass"

The man with the great sword nodded and lifted his sword in position, Dane couldn't hide his suprise as the movement the man did was more refined that he had expected.

The duel began, the armored knight took the initiative and weaved his sword with strength. The muscular man blocked the attack with easy and kick the night in the stomach. The armored man was pushed a couple feet back. It was the for time he had been hit in today's test.

Rapidly he threw his shield as a distraction, his adversary parry, but before he could counter attack, the knight had already invaded the space of the man and landed a punch in his ribs. The man smiled. The knight took a step back and took an attackin stance.

Suddenly a very rapid exchange of weaves and parry made a symphony of metal. Iron clashed and sparks flew in all directions. Both participants were strong and precise with their attacks. Their footwork was also impagable.

After three minuets a bell rang indicating the end of the test.

"State your name" the knight said.

"My name is Argor, son of Mandak"

"Argor, you've passed".

Argor nodded and walked to where the other two participants awaited. Their gazes were full of awe as they barely withstood the three minutes.

The older man walked to the canter.

"Before we clash our swords" the old man said. " Allow me"

And like that a green light surrounded the knight.

"You've healed me"

"I do not like to pray on leftovers" he taunted.

"You pass".

"But our duel.." He protested.

"No need, just having a healer is making this mission that much easier"

The old man protested but walked towards the other rapidly. Now only Dane remain.


Unlike the others, Dane did not carried any protective gear. His clothing was made of regular sheep fur and cotton. He carried a sword sheated in a dark wooden cracked sheath. He wasn't as muscular as Argor, but his body showed he wasn't physically weak, but to the naked eye he just looked like a regular villager.

"I might not be a good fighter" Dane said before the match started. "But I can be of use"

A green magic circle appeared between the Dane and the knight and soon a creature emerged from it. It was an eagle with a severed eye.

"You're a summoner" the knight said with a mix of suprise and disappointment. The eagle did not look nothing special.

"Yes, and Feth and I share our vision. I can scout the area and check for enemies on the rear"

"It would be valuable, but we can not protect you during the battle, you still have to pass the test" the knight said firmly.

"Seems is not gonna be as easy" Dane thought.

Dane unsheathed his sword and took a defensive position. The knight lowered his guard as he thought Dane had not chance.

Dane saw an opening and dashed forward holding his sword with both hands prepearing for a wide swing. The knight foresaw the direction and paced his sword to parry Dane's attack. However the impact never came, instead Dane use his sword to pick dirt as he ran forward and threw it on the knights eyes. It was such a unrefined and cowardly tactic he never saw it comig. And it cost him the duel.

As soon the dust enter his eyes. The eagle Dane had previously summoned chattered loudly, everyone had to cover their ears.

As soon as the knight reach for his ears Dane kicked the back of hi left knee making him lose balance, then he took his left arm and twisted making him lose the grip on the sword. Lastly Dane lifted the knight over his shoulder and threw him over some barrels. The knight stood immediately and pulled a small blade form his right poleyn.

"You should give up now" Dane said as he lit a very subtle and unstable fire.

The knight looked his surroundings and saw the trailer of oil that spilled from the barrels. He was also covered in ti.

Everyone widen their eyes as they never saw anyone using the terrain to their advantage so well.

"It's my loss" the knight said and picked his sword "Name yourself"

"Dane, I'm a blacksmith apprentice"

"Dane the blacksmith" he murmured " all of you had pass the test. We'll leave in a week as soon as the sun rise. You'll be getting a letter telling where and when we're are meeting to discuss the terms of the mission. For the time being, you are all dismissed"