
The Eye Of Samsara: Reborn!

From being used by the Uchiha clan to justify their actions to being used by the Hokage to make peace. Arashi Uchiha, a kid born with six paths power, and yet he hasn’t awakened it… Orphaned by the nine tails attack on the village, Arashi didn’t have the childhood everyone could ask for, the higher council forced him to live under a fake name called Tsuki Uzumaki without his knowledge because they feared what they were told about him. Eventually, Arashi befriended another orphan in the village, Naruto Uzumaki. At a young age, Arashi was in a violent disagreement with the third Hokage, this led him to awaken a power he never knew he had. The Rinnegan is a legendary power that is considered a myth to some. Arashi lives and trains to become a shinobi just like his friend, but unlike Naruto, he doesn’t do it for recognition and acknowledgment. Arashi simply wants to protect what and who he cares about. On his journey to becoming a shinobi, Arashi makes new friends who don’t care about his eyes, and he regains his family with the Uchiha clan after his brother finds out who he is. Arashi goes through a troublesome life in the village, but he never gives up. Arashi suffers at the hand of his villagers not accepting him and believe him to be a reincarnation of Madara Uchiha. And he suffers in the Uchiha clan who don’t fully accept him until he earns it. Arashi Uchiha faces multiple powerful enemies at a young age because of the natural desire for his eyes, and the people he loves are forced to pay for this, but he never stops trying to save them. Arashi Uchiha will always fight back! (I don’t own any rights to Naruto and its properties, and I only own my created characters and their powers.)

The_Hollow · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

A sudden twist: Danzo's assault!

After finishing their ramen, Itachi and Arashi quickly left the restaurant, "Thanks for the food!" Arashi called out, waving as they went.

Itachi settled the bill, a wry smile on his face. 'Shisui, how did you treat him to ramen for so long? My finances won't survive at this rate.'

"Let's go, I need to get back to training," Arashi urged.

"Slow down," Itachi advised. "Save your strength for the actual training."

The two headed for the Uchiha training grounds. Upon arriving, Arashi immediately summoned shadow clones and resumed his rigorous routine. Two weeks of constant practice finally enabled Arashi to switch his Rinnegan on and off at will. 

This particular morning, Arashi arrived early for some solitary training. Setting up a target across the field, he contemplated, 'If I've mastered controlling the Rinnegan, perhaps I can finally nail this jutsu.'

Arashi performed a sequence of hand seals, ox, dog, rat, and focused. Lightning chakra began to circulate in his hand. With a firm grip on his tanto, the lightning extended along the blade. 'This is getting easier,' he thought.

Activating his Rinnegan, he took aim. "Lightning dance!" A concentrated beam of lightning shot forth, annihilating the target. 

Exhausted, Arashi panted and bent over, his hands on his knees. Sweat trickled down his face. 

"I... almost did it," he muttered, surveying the aftermath. The landscape was scarred; trees smoldered, and the earth was fractured. Only the ground where he'd stood remained untouched.

Clenching his fist, Arashi resolved, 'I must learn to control this power better.' 

He moved to a pond, focusing on refining his chakra control. He walked on the water's surface with precise steps, balancing leaves to hone his skills further.


While Arashi continued his intense training regimen, Fugaku convened an early meeting with the Uchiha clan. The hall was filled with family members, including Itachi.

"I've called this meeting to address the rising concerns about the coup d'état," Fugaku began. "There are now factions within the clan who are reluctant to support the coup. I won't condemn anyone for their stance. I've already clarified my position: launching an attack against the village is too great a risk."

He paused, sweeping his gaze over the assembled Uchihas. "It seems that most of the clan agrees with me. I propose that we acknowledge this consensus and move on."

The room erupted in affirmative shouts.

"Now, on to another pressing issue," Fugaku continued the tone of his voice shifting. "Itachi has informed me that Danzo Shimura has awakened and is now at large."

Murmurs of disbelief and concern filled the room.

Fugaku looked toward his son. "Itachi, would you care to elaborate?"

Itachi rose from his seat. "Regrettably, it's true. Danzo Shimura, the man who sent hunters after our own and planned to isolate us from the village... is awake and has escaped. The Anbu are doing all they can to capture him."

The room grew tense, heavy with memories of a man universally reviled.

"But why reveal this now? Is that why Arashi has been under surveillance?" another voice questioned.

Itachi responded, "The situation has escalated. The village's forces are spread thinly along the Land of Fire borders, leaving Konoha vulnerable. Now more than ever, the Uchiha Police Force must intensify its efforts. Should anyone spot Danzo, report immediately to me, my father, or the Hokage. Not just Arashi but the entire clan and village are at risk. Danzo is an S-rank shinobi and harbors many of Konoha's secrets; he must be stopped."

Nods of agreement and determined faces filled the room. The Uchiha clan was united, at least on this front.

Fugaku concluded the meeting with a final word. "This meeting is now dismissed."

As the room began to empty, several clan members approached Fugaku to discuss personal matters. Itachi remained behind, sensing that his father wanted to speak with him.


Hearing his name, Itachi turned and noticed a girl with long brown hair waiting for him near the doorway. He smiled faintly and approached her.

"Are you busy right now?" she asked.

"Not particularly, what's up?" Itachi replied.

A small chuckle escaped her lips, her cheeks turning a soft shade of red. "Well, you've been so busy lately. How about we grab something to eat?"

Itachi's smile deepened. "Sure, but it will have to be in a day or two. I'm still very busy."

A bright smile lit up Izumi's face. "As long as you've agreed, don't forget, okay?" She turned and walked away, her steps light.

'It's unlike him to readily agree. Something's changed, but I like this change,' Izumi thought.

"Itachi," Fugaku's voice broke into his thoughts.

"Yes, Father?"

"I'm heading out. Where did you leave Arashi and Sasuke?"

"Sasuke is training with a clone of mine. I'm teaching him another Fire Style technique. Arashi is practicing on his own."

"Good. I have work to attend to, and you should also get going."

Itachi nodded in acknowledgment. Fugaku picked up his notebook from a nearby table and exited the room, leaving Itachi to ponder the day's events.

"Oh, and Itachi?"

Itachi turned to face his father once more.

"Two weeks ago, I decided to entrust you with the fate of the clan and the village. I'm glad my trust wasn't misplaced."

With that final note, Fugaku walked away, leaving his son alone. A soft smile touched Itachi's lips as he looked over the Uchiha compound.

'Shisui, this is the future you sacrificed yourself for. Your efforts were worthwhile. I'm upholding the safety of the clan and the village, just like you wanted. More importantly, I'm protecting Arashi. Now, it's time to execute the final stage of my plan. I have one last use of Kotoamatsukami, and I hope it doesn't come to that.'

In a blur of motion, Itachi disappeared, leaving only the afterimage of his presence.


Later in the evening, inside the Hokage's office, Hiruzen Sarutobi sat at his desk, busily signing mission assignments.

'A sense of unease clouds my thoughts with Danzo still on the loose,' he pondered. Reaching for his teacup, he noticed the glass cracked. His brows furrowed.

'This isn't a mere coincidence,' he mused, rising from his chair. He secured the windows and exited his office.

"Yugao, any updates on Danzo? Have Itachi and his team found him yet?"

An Anbu member with long, purple hair materialized in a swift motion. "No further communication has been received since the last update, Lord Hokage."

Hiruzen nodded his acknowledgment and proceeded to ascend the stairs to the roof of the building. A sudden breeze stirred, causing him to grip his hat. 'Something isn't right.'

Once he reached the rooftop, his eyes widened in disbelief at the figure standing on the other side.

"Danzo… How did you get past the-"

"The Anbu? Hiruzen, you've been using the same defensive strategies for years. I've advised you to upgrade them multiple times, but you never listened."

"And why are you here, Danzo? To plead for your life, perhaps?"

Danzo sneered. "You truly underestimate me. Shinobi don't plead. I've come to bring you down."

Hiruzen's eyes narrowed, and his demeanor shifted to one of seriousness. "So this is the second time in a few years that you've tried to 'bring me down.' What makes you think you'll succeed this time?"

Danzo began to unwrap the bandages, enveloping his hand slowly. "Last time, I had only one. Now, I've gathered many more. I intend to have a complete set once I've eradicated the Uchiha and ascended as the next Hokage."

Hiruzen's expression darkened as Danzo revealed his hand. Embedded within the pale flesh were six crimson eyes, each with three tomoe. Danzo then unwound the bandage from his face, exposing another Sharingan eye with a distinct double pinwheel pattern.

"Those eyes... Danzo, tell me you didn't-"

Danzo interrupted with a vicious grin. "These are the eyes of Kagami Uchiha and other Uchiha who perished in the Third Shinobi War."

Whoosh! Danzo lunged at Hiruzen. "Your time ends now, Sarutobi!"

Hiruzen parried the assault, the air swirling violently around them. "How far you've fallen, old friend." He shoved Danzo back, kicking him squarely in the chest and sending him reeling.

In that moment, Hiruzen's mind flashed back to their younger days. Memories of racing to the Hokage monument surfaced. 'I was always faster, but we used to run in parallel. I moved ahead because I knew you had my back, Danzo. After Hashirama and Tobirama sensei passed away, we were the only ones left to carry the torch. And yet you chose to bear the village's darkness.'

Hiruzen's face twisted into a pained frown, lamenting the tragic transformation of the man who had once been his friend.

"'Emotions have no place in battle,' you say. But don't forget; it's how we deal with our emotions that define us, Danzo."

Danzo performs a series of hand seals, taking in a deep breath. "Wind Style: Vacuum Bullet!"

Hiruzen responds with his own set of hand seals and inhales deeply. "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!"

Their techniques collide in the air, amplified by the wind, resulting in a deafening explosion.

"So this is it? The end?" Hiruzen mutters, walking towards what appears to be Danzo's lifeless body.

Suddenly, multiple ANBU agents appear. "We heard the commotion, Lord Hokage. Our apologies for the delay."

Ignoring them, Hiruzen approaches Danzo's body, tears in his eyes. "Danzo, it never had to come to this."

Just then, a chill races down Hiruzen's spine. 

"Is that all the Hokage can muster?"

Hearing that voice, Hiruzen's heart skips a beat. 

Shink! Blood spurts from Hiruzen's back, and he nearly collapses from the shock. 

"Hokage-sama!" The ANBU agents exclaim, immediately on high alert.