
Chapter 1

I usually don't go to museums, but today was different. I was on a mission. I was looking for a relic.

The Eye of Horus. They said that it doesn't exist, but I know better. Footage from the search for it

missing, the dig site under National Guard, it all points to one thing: it exists. I followed the trail of

the artifacts from the dig site and looking closely at the pictures, I noticed signs of them being

tampered with. I followed them all to the Cairo Museum. I was just about to open the door to the

locked museum when a loud voice rang through the air.

"What do you think you are doing." A voice asked.

I turned around and noticed a tall brunette girl walk towards me. "I asked what are you doing." She


I quickly reached into my bag and pulled out my wand. I started to say the spell to make someone

forget something when a blast of cold air pushed me back.

"You're here to steal an artifact aren't you? If so, then you're under arrest by orders of the Chief

Lector." She told me.

I looked at her and sighed. "Can I at least explain why I'm doing this?" I asked her. She just gave me a

look that I assumed was annoyance. "My name is Ryan Redolf. I need the Eye of Horus. Without it,

The First Nome will collapse."

For a split second there she had a confused look on her face, then she looked at me suspiciously.

"What makes you think that?"

I launched into my whole story (Ow! Yes I'm getting there! Sorry, Lorelei was pinching me.) and she

looked surprised at what I knew about her and her illegal acts. "So you see, if I don't get it, the First

Nome will fall." I finished.

She quickly looked behind her to see if someone was watching. She then looked at me and told me to

follow her. I followed her down the side of the museum when she suddenly stopped. I noticed

someone walking towards us.

"Who is that with you?" the person asked.

"This is Ryan Redolf. I caught trying to break in to steal a relic.�� she answered. "Why don't you come

out of the light Renee."

"You aren't in charge of me anymore Lorelei. I don't have to do as you say." Renne said.

"Then let me by. I have a meeting with Tymoteusz. He would like to say hi to Ryan." Lorelei replied.

Renne answered with a grunt and let us pass. As we walked away, I looked back and noticed that

Renne's eyes were glowing red. Then the lights disappeared and she was gone.

"So. The Chief Lector's name is Tymoteusz? What kind of name is that?" I asked Lorelei.

"Don't be rude. He may be old, but he can still blast you to dust." She snapped. "And I'm not taking

you to see him anyways. You said you wanted the Eye of Horus? I'm the only person other than

Tymoteusz that knows where it is. But based on your story, you know that I have been following the

path of Isis. As long as no one else finds out, I'll be safe from harm. So I could take you to it, but I'll

have to go with you since I'd get punished for letting you get away. My original plan was to let you

take it and go, but since Renee saw us, I have to alter my plan."

I looked at her and noticed that she had a look of determination in her eyes.