
The Eye Father - Adventure with a Man

A college school girl Alena Puckett goes shopping for Christmas presents. She accidentally bumps into Tira a handsome and charming young man and breaks the expensive crystal glass swan he had just purchased Tira reveals that he is a prince and demands that Alena pays for the crystal glass swan or pretends to be his girlfriend before his already dying father. Alena is confused as to such deal and remembers her already planned engagement with her boyfriend Jan. Though charmed by Tira's handsomeness and princehood, she is hesitant to act as his girlfriend before his parents and the entire kingdom. Little does she know that there is more to Tira's extreme handsomeness, his charming smile, his Kingdom and the deal he offers to her.

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The Eye Father - Adventure with a man

Chapter 1: The Deal

The ground is covered with snow and the wipers of cars are busy wiping off snow drops. Decorations lights on different houses are not also left out in the job as they flash beautiful light passing the message that Christmas is near.

A pretty young girl putting on a black jacket with a pair of trousers is seen in a mall. She moves around different shelves and picks up christmas cards and other gift items. She notices a figure behind her and she decides to turn back so she could get a better view of the person.

As she turns, she accidentally hits the person she wanted to see. A crystal glass swan fell from his hand and shattered into pieces, drawing the attention of the people in the mall.

"Oh my goodness, I am very sorry" Alena says her heart racing fast. She looks at the young man standing in front of her and her she is speechless. This man was by far the most handsome man she had ever seen both in movie or real life. Infact the lan was more handsome than what she could have imagined.

"Hey, are you alright" The young man asked, seeing that that Alena just stood there speechless. Alena is brought out of her thoughts.

Yeah.... I am sorry for the mess.

"Yes you should be sorry, because you are going to pay for it"

Alena is shocked. How can such a handsome man ask a pretty girl like her to pay for a glass, how much did the it cost anyways.

"How much does it cost"

"Ninety thousand dollars" replied the young handsome man

Alena's mouth heart skips on hearing the cost. How can somebody spend that much on just a glass swan. Who is this man

"Aren't you going going to pay for it?" The young man ask her again. She is irritated by his rudeness and queer behaviour but she must comport herself because she was the one at fault here.

"I am sorry sir, I don't have such money with me"

"Really, then why did you break the crystal glass swan. Don't you know how much it cost"

Alena sighs and cleaned the sweat that was now forming on her brows despite the cold winter and the air conditioners which made the mall cold. Why was this young man bent on embarrassing her. The shattered pieces of the glass which brought the first attention had already been swept away but she could feel that people were looking at both of them. She also doubted if she heard small laughter from a young woman and her son shopping next to them.

The young man chuckled to himself and gave her a sly gaze "Can you pay me for the damage you did"

She is slowly begining to lose her control. Is he thinking that she is a slut or did she appear like one

"I have told you already that I can't pay you. I don't have such money on me now."

"How about you give me the gifts that are with you. I can see they are pretty cool"

Alena looked at him and force a smile "Those gifts are for our neighbours and a

a few friends and relatives"

The young man laughed genuinely fot the first time "Don't I deserve a Christmas present as well."

"Not with this manner of yours" Alena replied feeling a little better. The young man stretch his hand for a shake and gave a small enigmatic smile.

"I am sorry for not introducing myself, I am Tira and you are?"

"Alena." She responded

"Great name for such a beautiful girl". Alena smiled evasively and bit her lips. Though Tira was handsome and the man of every girls dream, his actions hitherto to this time had made a stain to his personality.

"Alena, if you accept my deal, I would let you forget about the crystal glass swan"

"What deal." Spending now over ten minutes with a stranger who is just beating around the bush is one of the most annoying situation one can ever fall in.

"Follow me home as my girlfriend to meet my parents." Alena laughs hardly hearing Tira's words. She had perceived him as a joker but she didn't know he was such a big joker.

"I am prince Tiramisu, son of King Azara and Queen Anne. My father is old and already dying. In my kingdom, it is the custom of the King to give his last blessing to the heir every December 25th before his death"."

"I never knew you were a prince, Joker"

"I am not joking Alena, I am serious. I need your help more than the ninety thousand dollars." Alena looked at him and she sees the seriousness now in his eyes and voice. Is Tiya still joking or he wanted to still toy with her mind. Her streams of thought is interrupted by the boy's voice. He asks her what she is thinking about.

Realizing that he is still here, she tells him that she is sorry and she cannot agree to his deal

Tiya tries to speak but he suddenly begins to bleed from his nose, he gasps for air and falls on the ground.

Alena is shocked and kneels by his side afraid "somebody call an ambulance" she screams as she tries to hold Tiya who is jerking on the floor.

The people at the mall begin to gather around Tiya and Alena. They're surprised and worried . The security tells the people to give the him space. One of them brings out his phone and calls an ambulance. In few minutes, the Ambulance arrives.

The rescuers enters rolling a stretcher. They place Tiya on the stretcher and roll him to the back cabin. Alena looks at the ambulance reverse slowly and then drives towards the Central hospital. She now realizes that her eyes had been soaked in tears.