
The Eye Father - Adventure with a Man

A college school girl Alena Puckett goes shopping for Christmas presents. She accidentally bumps into Tira a handsome and charming young man and breaks the expensive crystal glass swan he had just purchased Tira reveals that he is a prince and demands that Alena pays for the crystal glass swan or pretends to be his girlfriend before his already dying father. Alena is confused as to such deal and remembers her already planned engagement with her boyfriend Jan. Though charmed by Tira's handsomeness and princehood, she is hesitant to act as his girlfriend before his parents and the entire kingdom. Little does she know that there is more to Tira's extreme handsomeness, his charming smile, his Kingdom and the deal he offers to her.

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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Bad boy is troubled

The light is dim and the music is booming very loudly in a club. Young boys and girls dance and merry. Some of them drinking, others already drunk.

A group of guys sits down around a table. There are alcoholic drinks on the table and some ladies also hangs around them. A young man with blonde hair and a daring look lights a cigarette and puffs out the smoke. His friends hails and roar in laughter. Two sexy dressed ladies also caress and massages his chest.

"Man, you are doing well. Let me give it a try... One of the guys at the table takes a cigarette and a lighter. He lights it and puts it in his mouth. His eyes are watered and he coughs hardly.

The boys laugh and roars at his weakness to smoke the cigarette well. A fellow putting on a black cap and a jacket walks up to the table with a pretty black girl by his side. The dominant guy that was sitted at the table stands up and gives him a hug. They also shake each other excitedly

'What's up chap" the blondie hits the other guy

"The ceiling man" They both laugh heartily. The blondie notices the pretty black girl in a pink jacket and gives her a wink. The other guy chuckles.

"Bro I do not like this your looks, they are quite suspicious" The three of them laughs at the joke.

"Pardon me my Angel for not introducing my friend to you. Please meet Jan my good friend." The girl smiles and waves at Jan who offers a handshake.

"Jan, she is Vanessa, my girlfriend"

Jan is suprised and a big smile plays on his lip. "That's cool Derrick." He moves closer to Vanessa and place his arm gently around her shoulders.

"Hey pretty, you are the luckiest girl in the world." Vanessa chuckles and her smooth feminine voice is heard

"Why do you say so"

"Your man is one of the best gentleman I have ever set my eyes on." She laughs and blushes. Derrick looks around as if he is looking for someone.

"Jan, is Alena around, Vanessa needs to meet her " Jan countenance suddenly becomes dull.

"I did not bother inviting her. I suspect she is beginning to get uncomfortable with me"

Derick laughs on hearing this. He knew his friend very well and it was a conspicuous fact that many girls were crazy for him and would do anything to have him. Why was his friend bent on Alena.

"Have you spoken with her recently"

"Nah, it's been over two weeks." Derrick is disappointed with Jan. How could Jan have neglected to check on his girlfriend for over two weeks. Christmas was near and they were supposed to be planning on hanging out and spending time together.

"Not so good bro, I advise you call her now." Jan contemplates on Dericks suggestion and shrugs his soldiers.

"Fine, let me call her." He brings out his phone and calls Alena contact. The line rings but there is no answer. Jan looks at Derrick disappointed

"She did not pick the call"

"Uhmmm, try again one more time" Derrick said trying to encourage Jan. Being Jan's close friend, he knew that Jan was never an emotional person. Jan only cared about sexual pleasures with ladies and that was all. He himself is now amazed to see Jan being emotionally disturbed by the issue of a girl. He was pretty sure that his friend was already in love.

"Hey, it's ringing" Jan adjustes himself and clears his throat.

"Hello, it's me Jan"

"Hello, my sister is not around. I am her brother why are you calling her in the night"

Jan chuckles on hearing Henry's voice.

"Hey buddy, it's me Jan. Where did your sister go to"

"She didn't go anywhere. She is sleeping"

Jan chuckles "Alright, wake her up and tell her brother Jan wants to speak with her"

"No, I can't, I can't"

"Why buddy, are you not my friend"

"I am your friend but I can't wake her now. She is already dreaming about her prince Charming and they are both riding on a pink unicorn".

Han laughs hardly and Vanessa and Derrick are surprised.

"Don't worry about that, I have a pink unicorn too. I also have a blue dragon for you. Don't you like dragons?"

"I like them"

"That's good. If you wake her, I will give you a dragon and you will become a dragon lord"

"No, I will not still wake her, her prince Charming would give me sweets and cakes"

"Ha ha, I will...... Jan is interrupted as the call ended.

"Who was on the line Jan"

"It was her younger brother. He said she is already asleep."

Derrick chuckles "come on man, her brother is just pulling your legs. Alena can't be asleep by this time."

"I suspect as much but it's alright. I would visit her myself tommorow"

"If you say so man." Derrick walks to Vanessa who sits on a chair. He raises her hands and she stands up from chair "Do you mind joining me on the dance floor." Vanessa shakes her head and laughs to herself. They had just gotten to the party and the first thing Derrick wants them to do is to dance.