
The Extraordinaires

This story is about a teenage girl named Ashikami that was kidnapped by scientists at a very young age . She spent most of her life in a “Research” facility.Of course,there are others like her at the Facility and they are all MOSTLY very good friends. Now,You may think it's just a normal “Research” facility ,but no ...it isn't. This Facility is for people in the world who were born with ....”talents”,and they aren't normal “talents”.Find out about Ashikami and her friends time in the “Research” Facility,by reading this story.

CrystalxClear · Sci-fi
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11 Chs

Chpt.10-“A dangerous angel”-Part 7

Prof.Kodachi Finally finished his sentence and said "Your power is...The ability to control Living-creatures souls" leaving everyone in astonishment...."Pant" "pant" "pant " "bang" ...."ashikami,Ashikami,ASHIKAMI!" "Gasp" "pant" "Omg,Ashi are you ok?"asked Nagakaki,with tears of joy."Uh,y-yeah what h-happened,why do I feel so w-w-weak.."said Ashikami softly."You don't remember,You passed out in the "Examination room" when Professor Kodachi told you your powers?"said Nagakaki Confusedly."Umm,...No"said Ashikami."Hmm ok I think you should rest a little bit longer,maybe take a nap..."said Nagakaki hesitantly walking off."I guess I'll just take a nap"thought Ashikami to herself.

"Kami dear Have a nice day at school,I love you!" "I love you too mother,and I will !"said Ashikami."Miss Ashikami,Your Limo is Ma'am"

"Ok Chiyuki,thank you..."said Ashikami stuttering."Bye Miss Ashikami!"said Chiyuki."B-Bye C-C-Chiyuki!"said Ashikami stuttering even more.Yokohama,Kanagawa, Japan;JST;8:35am The Daisuke Haru Compulsory School:"Well,well,well look who it is,little miss Ashikami Tanasumi !"Said a girl with Long Red hair,Brownish-Hazel eyes,Tan skin and a black and green uniform skirt."Can you just l-leave me alone today p-please?"Said Ashikami Trembling in fear."Awww,the cute little princess is scared!"Said the girl. AIMI HAISHITA ,STOP AND GET TO CLASS RIGHT NOW!!ALL OF YOU NEED TO GET TO CLASS!"Yelled one of the teachers."Yes Ma'am" Said all of the students except for Ashikami,who just walked to class quietly.;JST;12:30. Ashikami got out of her class for lunch break and as usual she sat by a secluded school garden.She took out her Unagi Sushi-Roll,Kake-Udon,And her cup of Matcha with foamy cream."Finally found you!"Said Aimi loudly."YOU DONT BELONG HERE UNDERSTAND?""Aimi,please just leave me alone..."said Ashikami with tears forming in her eyes."What're you going to do,tell your "daddy"?!"Said Aimi,sounding even more aggressive than before."Leave.me.alone...""Ohohoho getting bold are we,HERES A LITTLE GIFT FOR YOU!"Said Aimi.Aimi took out a slice of castella cake.Then she opened the wrapper and walked up to Ashikami.She held the cake in her right hand and then smudged it RIGHT on Ashikami's whole face.Ashikami bursted into tears ,while Aimi just stood there still laughing at her.Ashikami looked at Aimi ,She was angry,She was furious,all she wanted was for Aimi to feel pain.All of a sudden Ashikami's Light Gray Eyes started glowing a bright,shiny red color and black and white particles formed around her whole body,gradually getting larger every second."WHATS WRONG WITH YOUR EYES?!"yelled Aimi,Fear-stricken.Ashikami stuck her hand out and then"Crack".Aimis leg were bent completely backwards,and her bones were all sticking out "AHHHHH"screamed Aimi in pain.Ashikami eyes finally turned back normal and the particles were gone.Ashikami looked over at everyone and all she saw was everything spinning.She tried to walk over to everyone,but she passed out and feel straight into the floor before she could."GASP""What was that dream I just had?..."said Ashikami quietly."Ashi,you ok?" "Yeah I'm fine ,just a bad dream"said Ashikami."well come on,it's time for lunch"said Nagakaki."Ok"said Ashikami getting up out of bed,still thinking about that weird dream she had.TBC....