
The Extraordinaires

This story is about a teenage girl named Ashikami that was kidnapped by scientists at a very young age . She spent most of her life in a “Research” facility.Of course,there are others like her at the Facility and they are all MOSTLY very good friends. Now,You may think it's just a normal “Research” facility ,but no ...it isn't. This Facility is for people in the world who were born with ....”talents”,and they aren't normal “talents”.Find out about Ashikami and her friends time in the “Research” Facility,by reading this story.

CrystalxClear · Sci-fi
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11 Chs

Chpt. 1-Ashikami Tanasumi-Prologue

Yokohama,Kanagawa,Japan ;JST;9:07pm

The Tanasumi Estate: "Miss Ashikami,Your parents have requested to see you." "Alright kashino,I'll be down in a bit." As Ashikami was getting ready to put away her journal,she heard a very faint ,but noticeable whisper. She turned to see who it was,but ...it was no one there."It was probably just my imagination "Uttered Ashikami calmly."Kami dear,you're finally here!"Said Apollonia Tanasumi,Or Ashikami's Mother."Hello mother!" Ashikami turned to a tall,Slim man on her right."F-father"said Ashikami bowing,nervously.The man looked at Ashikami and said "Tch,Let's go we're going to be late." "Y-yes Father"said ashikami timidly. Nakano,Nagano,Japan;JST; 9:59pm Shinrai Museum,Exhibition:"Name?"said a tall,Buff man in a black and white suit."Furumi Tanasumi"Said Ashikami's father."you may go in."said the tall,buff man...."FURUMI TANASUMI!"Said a young-male voice."ah yes,Nice to see you again....Izumida ."The young man walked up to Mr.Tanasumi and Wrapped his hand around his shoulder while walking away with him,drink in hand . "Kami dear,Mommy's going to talk with the Other ladies ,why don't you go play with the other children outside ?"Said Mrs.Tanasumi..."O-ok Mommy"said Ashikami Nervously.Ashikami walked towards the big door that led outside to the backyard and opened it .She saw 7 Children ,none of them looked familiar to her.She was so nervous that she just stood there watching the other children Until,...."Whistle" "Whistle" "Whistle" After the 7 children heard that noise ,they all seemed to lose control of their bodies ...NO .....Their minds.They Kept hearing the noise and following it .Finally,the noise stopped and the kids were out of their little "trance".The Children looked around to see they were no where near the museum.Some cried.Some were brave,and some were quiet.After a few minutes,Two Dark figures approached them One was a Tall man and the other was an average height woman. The children froze in fear in their presence "Hello Children,We're scientists " said the man. "Get to the point already Kodachi!"Said the woman annoyedly. "Ignore her children,anyways we're scientists who research people with special talents .....talents like yours" said the man."And no he doesn't mean talents like singing,dancing ,blah blah blah ....he means your POWERS."said the woman,wasting no time ."powers? Hah! You losers sure are dumb for grownups....there's no such thing as powers !"Said a mean looking boy ,he had red hair,bright-blue eyes,and ivory colored skin."SMACK" "Do.NOT.ever.disrespect us like that again..." said the woman after slapping the red-head.the red haired boy tried his best to hold back his tears ,but he couldn't and started crying quietly."Now,does anyone ELSE have something to say?!"said the woman furiously.The rest of the kids stood there staring ,in silence."Now ,We're taking all of you to our research facility....and don't even try to use your powers ,that whistle you heard subdued your powers!"Said the woman."That makes it easier for us to take you with us."said the man while cuffing them.They also put a blindfold and mask over the kids mouths to prevent them from screaming for help and seeing where the place they were taking them was. Finally,they got to a giant lab ....the inside was very lifeless the walls ,floor,etc. were all white . "We're going to assign you all into cells,based on your powers incompatibility..so you can't escape."said the woman,Sternly. Every day since then,they Experimented, tested,and monitored them day,after day.It was like this for years ,until THAT day.