
The Extra Tames The Villainous Duke

I was doomed to die?! Hell no! Who says I have never read these web-novels in my previous lives! I know how this works. Even though I am just an extra I'll become the protagonist! I just know it. For Elena who died a futile death, all she is about to do is go for the male leads. Or that had been the plan until- Why can't I recall having read this novel! Where is the description and the all too obvious male-lead? God, this can't be happening! Can Elena, now reborn as the fragile Lilly, figure out which of the thousands of unfinished novels she has been reborn into? And what is up with this feisty little brother who tries to kill me at every turn? And who is this silver-haired beauty? Could he be the original male-lead? Watch as Elena hits hard and tries it all just to gain the love of the thought-to-be male lead, while some annoying brother constantly tries to kill her in the name of LOVE?!

BananaPeel_Group · Fantasy
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1 Chs

A typical-noble-lady's reincarnation?

"Oh yes. Finally, some peace and quiet." Our dorky protagonist sat down on the soft cushion and proudly sipped her tea. Loudly, as if trying to prove just how perfectly quiet it was. 

She closed her emerald eyes and was about to fall back to relax, mulling over how she died because she tried to catch her new iPhone that just had to fall out of a hot-air balloon and then in the next moment fell over the railing herself or how she had woken up in this room that had more gold and gems than a freaking treasure room. Exactly, this and that!

This she did until her peace was destroyed. 

The screeching of the shimmering golden door with the hand-sized rubies was heard. So loud that one could only wonder why you couldn't just pour all the oil reserves of Russia, Canada and the USA onto it, to make it shut up!

"I said no one is to enter!"

A woman, no more than 15 stood there. Dressed in colourless maid's dress that looked like the not-trimmed curtains of the protagonists old first-floor flat- too long and with frenzied ends.

"Oh great! Child labour! Where the prick did I get sent into?" Of course, the lady never said a word and kept this modern judgement- for the better - to herself.

"My Lady, your brother is here to-" She paused, looking to the right. Then she grabbed a cup and a spoon. Within seconds she emptied the liquid. Then she turned as quickly and walked out just like wind. 

Because of the swift movement Elena didn't even get what this was about. Her brain was scoring the laps faster than light. Somehow it had hung itself up with the child labour. The golden liquid that was flying towards her was almost unnoticeable.

"What third rate have I been reincarnated into…" she looked at herself, her face literally began to drip with honey and her red lips formed a weird smirk. 

"Who dares to-" 

Suddenly, she looked up. With the honey filling her mouth a weird taste ran down down her throat. 

"This is poison!" The fine lady stood up and began to chough out all of the sweet liquid filling her mouth. How very unfitting of our noble lady. 

"WHO DARES!" She clenched her fists and stared at the door her sudden turn made the honey fly all through the room. You could almost see veins popping up in her face filled with rage. 

Like a shadow the little-boy, who called himself her brother jumped behind her and held a knife against her throat. 

"Now you can't get away. This is your end, sister!" he laughed. 

"Oh my~ Dear me!" Saying the first part out loud her lips quickly closed as even more of the poisonous honey was filling her mouth. "Who is this trash of a brother!"

In the one week this frail lady had been in possession of her body she had fallen victim to two poisoning attempts, one trap with a literal knife and two murder attacks with freaking swords, these she was able to avoid because her tiny brother couldn't swing the heavily adorned blade in a graceful manner. 

"Will you ever stop!" 

She was the living prove that even with a weak body one can be strong. Her willpower and high-level magic ability had saved her ass each time. More the latter than the first, but well both counts. 

"Sister!" The boy now dangling in the air held by some invisible roap had a smile plastered on his face. 

"Why are you doing this?" She asked shaking the boy slightly as two maids hurried in to clean up the sticky mess. 

Even though she found it weird that they didn't intervene she was glad because this allowed her to calmly interrogate this boy, after all she needed information. And this she needed faster than you could turn your head. 

"Because you'll come to love me only then!"

"Listen here. I love you so~ much already." She smiled. "You don't need to try and assassinate me!" 

"Humbug! That was never true!" He frowned, wriggling in the air. "You cannot love anyone!"

"What do you mean?" 

"Your heart is as cold as stone!" He screamed. "You are a villainess through and through!"

Suddenly, the lady's eyes lit up brighter that all the stars in the sky. Passion was visibly painted all over her face. She released the boy and threw him out. A quick swoop through the air. She truly is the most skilled mage. 

Behind him the doors closed and she was alone, because the maids had already left. 

"So I am a villainess!" Unbeknownst how, but she smiled even brighter. You could say her face was dripping with honey. Well, no matter the expression or not, both was true. "Great my first real clue!" 

"At least I am a leading role!" Her laugh echoed through the mansion letting the crows flutter up and a lightning sore through the sky in this pitter-patter weather. "How perfect this life is going to be!"

"Now all I have to do is find the male lead. And what better way is there than going to a party."

She spun to the small coffee table and slumped down on a seat. A pile of envelopes was spread out on the table. 

"Invitations to balls and the likes, my lady." A maid had told her earlier. "They are all requesting you specifically."

"Yes, it is time to find me a party to go to!"

But upon opening the first letter a frown formed on the lady's face.

"What is this horror?"

She flipped the letter and read on. Her face darkened. Paled and it looked as if she had seen thousands of ghosts on a ship where she had grown truly sea-sick. 

"Scary." That was all she said. 

Turning the letter, her frown deepened and the envelope went up in flames. A chill would have run down her spine if not for the heat of the envelope.