
The Extra's War

The brutal reality of my transmigration struck me as I gazed upon the bloody field. RUMBLE RUMBLE CLANG CLATTER Soldiers killed each other ruthlessly, painting the grass in crimson. Magical maelstroms set the field ablaze, and the smoke tinted the sky in dull grey. Barely composing myself, I hid myself, before a crystalline chime sounded: DING [Transmigration successful] [System activated, quest begins] [Quest: Survive the 'Battle Of Thalasia' and escape to the safe zone. Difficulty: "A" Reward: ???] Battle of Thalasia and the system... Aren't they from that book, "The Reincarnated Hero?" Also, what's with the reward and this absurd difficulty? Does the system want me dead? However, as I delved deeper into this realm, I realised it was only the beginning. The quests never ceased, and the world itself bore little to no resemblance with the novel. My very ally, the system itself was unreliable, concealing secrets of grave importance. Alone and adrift in this unforgiving world, I faced a reality far more ruthless than any fiction.

Ironskipper · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Resilient Retreat (1)


Action music is recommended, and illustrations are available in the chapter comments.


Occasional arrows rained on me, blocked by trees, ringing as they settled, but some of them missed me by a substantial margin.

The pursuit, though relentless, lacked finesse, I'd say most of them are at the novice stage.

Lush with trees and bushes, the forest gave the impression of a mystical realm, a luxury in my 'old world.'

As the terrain thickened, signifying my plunge into the heart of the forest, I sharpened my hearing.

Their footsteps echoed, and I sprinted in recognition, hearing their footsteps gradually wane, but the toll on my body was evident.

Each breath felt like a raspy gasp, and my muscles burned with searing intensity.

"SHIT! RANDALL, GRANAR, CHASE HIM! THE REST OF YOU WILL SUPPORT THEM, BRING HIM ALIVE! MOVE YOUR ASSES, COME ON GO!" the leader's frustration reverberated, fueling the steps of the assailants.

Damn it, I scowled, pushing deeper into the forest after a brief relief as the pursuers accelerated.



"Give me a break, dammit!" I muttered silently, my face etched with exhaustion. I couldn't keep up this sprint much longer.

On the map, their positions became visible now—six pursuers, each one intent on capturing me.

The relentless pursuit intensified, and I could sense them emerging from the shrubs behind me.



Please, just a little more, I pleaded silently, pressing on until a clearing emerged.

Seizing the moment, I shouted, "COME HERE!" an angry challenge to the entity lurking in the bushes.

I immediately changed directions when I saw the leaves rustling.







I looked behind and saw a youth clad in leather armour several meters away, dashing past the shrubs towards me.

System! I willed, and time slowed, numbing my body, allowing for respite.

What can I do, what can I do, what can I do!? I panicked.

I had close to no resources, and my stamina was depleted from running at top speed.

Calm down, Vane, calm down—I shouldn't panic, no matter what, I reaffirmed, and rid myself of all worries momentarily.

I gazed ahead and discerned the forest— a rock ledge in the distance with a hollowed tree beside it, leading to the top. I could climb it.

Collecting myself briefly, I prepared to run once again, and soon time flowed.

"GAH!" I recoiled from the sudden fatigue that hit me, but I trudged on towards the rock ledge, gasping through my mouth.


I dashed through shrubs to shake him off, but the difference in our stamina was evident, and he gradually neared me.

Please, body, please, just a little longer, I begged my body to run for a while longer, as my lungs refused to breathe, and my muscles felt like lead.

Despite the pain, I moved, on the verge of collapsing.

"Ah!" I saw the rock ledge only a few trees away from me, I carried my body with all my might.

"YOU ARE GETTING NOWHERE," the assailant warned, but I was already beginning to climb the dead tree.

"Shit, come on!" the tree had no grip, however, and black dust stuck to my palms as I tried to hold on to its side.

System, I called, and the entity appeared, but not with the time dilation.

"System can you help me?" I asked, traces of anxiety seeping through at the nearing footsteps.

[System functions are locked.]

That was all I received, but there was no time for devastation.

Clicking my tongue, I peeked through the hole in the trunk and saw that it was completely hollow inside.

Punching it lightly, I felt it was hard enough to sustain me, and entered the hole, large enough to fit me.

Using my hands and feet, and planting them to the sides, I started propelling myself up the large trunk.

"U-Urgh" I grunted, as my legs were unable to keep up with the load, forcing the burden onto my hands.

My hands weren't overexerted, unlike my legs, letting me climb the trunk, albeit with greater difficulty.

"GRANAR, COME ON, HE'S IN A TREE!" Randall shouted to his comrade, sticking his head into the trunk.

That was his greatest mistake.


"URGHAAAAA—GUAGKH!" he vociferated, as I fell on him, breaking his neck.

"Gah—urghh—shit!" I suppressed my screams, as my legs were twisted when I fell.

But I heard the other assailant approach us, and wasting no time, I planted my knife into his jugular.

"RANDALL! RANDALL! ANSWER ME DAMN IT!" the distant shout resounded and I snatched the ration bag, climbing again.

"RANDALL! PLEASE! TALK TO ME!" Randall's comrade screamed, sparing no attention to me, letting me climb atop.

I used my knife to chip away at the trunk, which took a while, but eventually, a part of it cracked.

For a brief moment, I sustained myself on my legs.

"UGHK!" I groaned and punched with all my strength at the chipped trunk.

I punched relentlessly, tearing my knuckles in the process, but also tore apart the hollow wood.

"AH!" I slipped on my leg as I punched, causing me to catch the edge of the hole with my wrist, the bark dug into my veins.

"Ga-agkh, Shit!" I almost fell, but immediately kicked the trunk to propel myself up into the hole, placing my hands on the ledge, and dragged myself.

I made sure to be near the tree, to discourage the other one from coming up, and saw the duo.

The other person, Granar, I'm sure, held Randall, soaking his leather armour in the blood of his comrade, shedding tears.

I scoffed at them, they began this charade, and now they've suffered for it. I rested on the ledge, unable to move, and breathed deeply.

That reminded me of the few people I cared for in my past, but now, I was here, and could never meet them, and I doubt I could meet them there either.

The support group was nearing my location, and they seemed to have slowed down, keeping together, perhaps, from the screams they heard.

"YOU! YOU FUCKER! HOW DARE YOU!" Granar threatened, looking at me, but I dismissed it and began moving while eating.