
The Extra's Struggle

What would you do if you died in a plane crash and woke up in a fantasy world where you were just an insignificant extra? That’s what happened to Lucian, a college student who was on his way to Hawaii for a vacation after getting accepted into a prestigious university. he soon realized that he was reincarnated into the world of a novel he had read before and that the world was heading toward a catastrophic ending. With no special abilities and no allies, how will he survive in this cruel and chaotic world? Follow his journey as he tries to defy fate and find his own happiness. “I’m an extra, but I’m not a bystander. I’m the master of my own destiny.” – Lucian Covert.

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19 Chs



With a final pushup and the sensation of my muscles burning, I let out a heavy sigh. Training had become a daily routine, and my body was slowly but surely starting to adapt to the intense workouts.


After a bracing cold shower, I descended the grand staircase of our mansion to join my family for breakfast. The usual pleasantries were exchanged as we sat down to eat, the aroma of freshly prepared food filling the air. Small talk carried on as we enjoyed our meal.

But today was different, and I knew I had to address it. Swallowing a bite of toast, I cleared my throat and looked at my parents.

"I've been thinking,"

I began,

"about my preparation for the First Academy of Hunters. I believe I need some time to focus entirely on my training and studies."

My words hung in the air for a moment as my parents exchanged concerned glances. Benjamin, my father, was the first to speak.

"Lucian, we understand your determination, but you've been pushing yourself so hard lately. We worry about your health and well-being."

Rebecca, my mother, added,

"We don't want you to overexert yourself, dear. You've made remarkable progress, and we're proud of you, but there has to be a balance."

I met their concerned gazes with a determined one of my own. "I promise I won't push too hard, and I'll take breaks when needed. But I need this time to prepare adequately."

Ethan, my younger brother, chimed in, "Lucian's right. I've seen how much effort he's putting in, and I believe in him."

After a few more words of encouragement from my family, they finally relented, knowing how important this was to me.

After a brief discussion, they reluctantly agreed to support my decision. With the influence and resources of my family, securing the break I needed for intensive training was relatively easy.

It was time to intensify my physical training and dive into studying the subjects required for the First Academy of Hunters.

My mornings began with rigorous muscle-building exercises. Pushups, pull-ups, squats, and deadlifts were just a few of the routines I endured. The burn and exhaustion were relentless, but I pushed through.

Then, one hour after breakfast, a swordmaster hired by my parents arrived. I practiced with a longsword, learning the basics and some advanced moves. The dance of the blade was both exhilarating and demanding, and I could feel myself improving each day.

In the afternoon, it was time for the intellectual side of my preparation. Elite tutors, again arranged by my parents, guided me through the subjects I'd be tested on: physics, alchemy, mana principles, mathematics, and chemistry. My days were long and filled with intense learning, but it was all in pursuit of a better future.

As the weeks passed, I could see changes in myself. 

One evening, as I sat at my study desk, I couldn't help but mutter,



The familiar window appeared before me, displaying my progress.


Name: Lucian Covert

Species: Human

Potential: Ⅱ

Level: 1


Agility: 1*

Mana: 2

Luck: 1**

Charm: 1**

Condition: Healthy, Tired


Grant (Ⅱ) (can grow)

- Give a certain property to any object

- Effect remains for 6 hours before disappearing

Swordsmanship (Ⅰ)

- Most Basic Swordsmanship without any style

- Knows some longsword moves



I could sense progress, but I also knew that I needed more than just hard work. It was time to get the "item" I needed for future growth, something that would play a crucial role in my journey.

The "item" was located in the city of Valeris, and I knew it was time to embark on a journey to obtain it. Valeris was a bustling city, and I had never set foot there before. It was a place where I could explore the new world I'd become a part of over the past month and a half.

The following morning, I informed my parents about my plan to visit Valeris and find a longsword suited for me.

Initially, they disagreed, suggesting that they could easily acquire it through family influence.

They were concerned about my safety after my previous attempt, but I assured them that things would be different this time.

In a heartfelt conversation with my father, Benjamin, he finally said,

"Lucian, your determination is evident, and we see the changes in you. We understand that you need this break, and we trust your judgment."

With their blessing and some preparations in hand, I set out for the city of Valeris.

Henry, our loyal butler, dropped me off at the train station. As I stood on the platform, ticket in hand, I marveled at the new world that had been hidden from me during my intense training.

The train arrived, hovering in the air with the aid of mana stones. I took a deep breath, bracing myself for the adventures and challenges that lay ahead as I boarded the train.