
The Extra's Struggle

What would you do if you died in a plane crash and woke up in a fantasy world where you were just an insignificant extra? That’s what happened to Lucian, a college student who was on his way to Hawaii for a vacation after getting accepted into a prestigious university. he soon realized that he was reincarnated into the world of a novel he had read before and that the world was heading toward a catastrophic ending. With no special abilities and no allies, how will he survive in this cruel and chaotic world? Follow his journey as he tries to defy fate and find his own happiness. “I’m an extra, but I’m not a bystander. I’m the master of my own destiny.” – Lucian Covert.

I_like_it · Fantasy
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19 Chs


A few days later, I was given a list of sword arts and was told to choose from it, my jaw dropped seeing the amount of sword arts present on the list. there had to be about 40-50 sword arts on the list. 

Although sword art was easier to get than mana art, it did not mean that they were that easy, if there was a one in a million chance to find a mana art, there was a one in a thousand chance of finding a sword art.

seeing the list I was once again reminded of my family's influence.

after spending a minute in awe and daze, I snapped back to reality and began choosing a sword art, now that I had a list I could be picky and choose a sword art according to my tastes.


let's see, most of the sword arts on the list were incompatible to me, some were overly flashy and some were quite ordinary. I wanted a sword style that was stealthy but lethal.

after browsing for about 5 hours, about 5 mana arts caught my attention.


Whirlwind Blade (III):

Manipulates air currents to enhance sword strikes with razor-sharp gusts, allowing for swift and precise attacks.

Earthshattering Stance (III):

Channels the power of the earth to infuse the blade with seismic force for devastating ground-shaking strikes.

Pyroblade Dance (III):

Ignites the sword with mystical flames, enabling the wielder to unleash fiery slashes

Temporal Freeze (IV):

stops the time for about two seconds, allowing Weilder to make a powerful surprise attack.

Aquatic Tideblade Technique (IV):

Harnesses the fluidity of water to create a fluid, unblockable fighting style.


Each art had its own allure to it, Whirlwind Blade and Temporal Freeze had an element of speed in them.

Pyroblade Dance and Earthshattering Stance had huge power in them.

Finally, the Aquatic Tideblade Technique had flexibility. 

After thinking hard about it for a long time I decided to go with the Temporal Freeze as the element of surprise and speed could do wonders, just thinking about it makes chills go down my spine.

After making the decision, I told my parents about it, and in about two hours the sword art was in my hands.

Without wasting any time, I decided to read the art book, familiar incomprehensible words, familiar glowing and scattering of the art book, and a familiar pain in my head ensued.

This time I did not faint and the pain was a lot less than before maybe because the amount of information traveling in the head was less this time.

taking a deep breath, I muttered,




Name: Lucian Covert

Species: Human

Potential:  Ⅱ

Level: 1*

Strength: 1*

Agility: 1

Mana: 2

Luck: 1**

Charm: 1**

Condition: fatigued, excited

Skills :

Grant(Ⅱ)(growth type)

•  give a certain property to any object 

•  Effect remains for 6 hours before disappearing


Most Basic Swordsmanship without any style

Knows some longsword moves


Arcane mana control(II)(growth type)

•  Gives the user the ability to control the mana inside his body

Temporal Freeze (IV):

•  Stops the time for two seconds, allowing Weilder to make a powerful surprise attack.


seeing the art in my status menu, I got excited to try it out, 

but unfortunately, my theory tutors had arrived and I had to study.

The next day, my swordsman instructor arrived after hearing about me acquiring a sword art.

the first thing he asked me was to show him my art in action.


Taking a deep breath, I got in my stance, the only thing I knew about right now was a downward strike.


I shouted as I sliced the sword downward 

Temporal Freeze - time stop.

Everything came to a still but I did not stop and aimed at the teacher's head, but my slash was slow and time restarted just before the dummy sword hit his head,


Alex, with slightly wide eyes and a surprised look, countered and I was on the ground in 5 seconds panting.


to make matters worse, the aftermath of using the skill was severe, as stopping the time means stopping the time of everything around the wielder, only the wielders body mover and it causes the body to be faced with resistance as if each arm was restrained by a 20 kg weight.


my teacher clapped, as he said,

"you have chosen a good sword art!"

he said as he smiled,

"you said your goal was the First Entrance Academy?"

I could only nod with a confused look on my face,

"with your newfound sword art, it might be possible to pass the exam"


I gasped as I heard his words, although my goal was the first academy, deep down I knew that it was gonna be a very arduous path.

but with Alex affirming it I knew that my chances of being at the first academy had increased by leaps and bounds.

He told me to rest for a day, as my body was in a bad condition after using my sword art which was still unfamiliar to my body and brain.

As I walked down the hallway toward my room, I couldn't help but think about what the Instructor had told me this morning.

I was very happy over my increased chances of getting into the first academy, not knowing what Hell was waiting for me tomorrow.