
The Extra's Struggle

What would you do if you died in a plane crash and woke up in a fantasy world where you were just an insignificant extra? That’s what happened to Lucian, a college student who was on his way to Hawaii for a vacation after getting accepted into a prestigious university. he soon realized that he was reincarnated into the world of a novel he had read before and that the world was heading toward a catastrophic ending. With no special abilities and no allies, how will he survive in this cruel and chaotic world? Follow his journey as he tries to defy fate and find his own happiness. “I’m an extra, but I’m not a bystander. I’m the master of my own destiny.” – Lucian Covert.

I_like_it · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Planning for the future


I couldn't help but mutter under my breath as I stared wide-eyed at the colossal mansion that would now be my home sweet home.

The place was so massive; it made Buckingham Palace look like a dollhouse.

It finally dawned on me 

'I wouldn't ever have to worry about money again.'

I grinned like a madman, and let me tell you, it was the first genuine smile I'd cracked since getting yanked into this loony world.

There's something about seeing the mansion in the flesh that hits you differently, you know?

We pulled up to the mansion's entrance, and just as I was about to pop open the car door and do a victory dance on the driveway, a butler who looked like he'd just walked off the set of a fancy period drama popped up.

He had that whole distinguished butler thing going on, complete with the suit and a face that screamed, "I've served tea to the Queen."

"Welcome back, sir,"

he said, his eyes widening a fraction as he took in my grin.

"I am back, Henry,"

I replied, flashing a smile that nearly blinded the poor guy. He was probably used to some gloomy Lucian who'd lost his smile in the laundry or something.

With Henry holding the door like the pro he was, we strolled into the mansion. And let me tell you, I was floored all over again.

The interior was like something out of a fantasy. It was so posh that even the Queen of England would've been like, "I'll take it!"

Rebecca, my new emotional anchor, wrapped her arms around me one last time and told me to go chill in my room. I obliged with a nod, figuring it was time to plot my plan for surviving in this world.

I strolled into my room, and man, this place was as big as the whole orphanage I'd grown up in. The bed was like a freaking cloud, and the room had more space than a football field.


As I lay on my bed, I couldn't help but feel that same guilt again. It gnawed at me, knowing I was basically stepping into someone else's shoes – shoes that probably didn't fit too well.

But hey, I had to put my feelings on the back burner because the future wasn't going to plan itself. Surviving in this world meant I had to get into the First Academy for Hunters(FAH).

The problem was, that the old Lucian had thrown in the towel, neither hitting the books nor the gym. I mean, who could blame him, considering his dismal potential?

But me? I was ready to dive headfirst into the deep end, and that's where my secret weapon came into play – the knowledge I'd dragged over from the novel.

Armed with that, I could prepare like a boss. So, I did what any rational person would do; I hit the study table like it owed me money.

For the next four hours, I wrote down everything about "Saga of the Flame Legend" that I could remember.

It was a bit like playing a mad game of memory, but I managed to fill up a pile of papers that looked like it could rival War and Peace. Satisfied with my progress, I locked that treasure trove of information away, ready to unleash it when needed.

But then, exhaustion hit me like a freight train. I rubbed my shoulders and stretched out the kinks in my back before sighing in satisfaction. Now, the real work could begin.

I planned out my schedule for the next four months with the precision of a military operation while lying in the comfort of my bed. It was all about leveling up, both physically and mentally.

"Seems like I need to get that 'item'..."

I mumbled to myself, thoughts drifting as I sank into the embrace of sleep.

In the realm of dreams, my mind wandered like a lost traveler. The mansion, my new reality, appeared before me, its grandeur even more breathtaking in the dream world. 


I found myself in a study, surrounded by towering bookshelves filled with ancient tomes. The room was bathed in a soft, ethereal light, and at the center of it all was a desk covered in scrolls and parchments. As I approached, a sense of familiarity washed over me.


I picked up a scroll, unrolling it carefully. It was a map, but not just any map. It was a map of the world from the novel, "Saga of the Flame Legend."

The details were astonishingly accurate, down to the last mountain range and forest. It was as if I could step right into the pages of the book.

With each scroll I examined, I uncovered more and more about the world I now inhabited. My heart raced as I realized the significance of this dream. It was a gift, a guide to help me navigate the treacherous path ahead.

'I need to remember as much as I can'

I thought, sitting down beside it and trying my best to memorize it, after what seemed like several hours I finally got up with a satisfied face.


As I continued to explore the dreamworld, I came across a mirror. It was ornate, with a frame adorned in intricate designs. I gazed into it, and my reflection morphed into that of Lucian, the original owner of this body. His eyes held a mixture of sadness and regret.

"You carry a heavy burden,"

he said, his voice echoing in the dream.

"But remember, you have the power to change your fate."

I nodded, understanding the weight of his words. The guilt I felt for taking over his life would always be there, but I couldn't let it consume me.

I had a mission, a purpose to survive in this world, and I couldn't afford to falter.

Seeing my determination he smiled for the final time before dissipating as if he finally attained peace.

With a sense of determination burning in my chest, I woke up. The room was bathed in soft morning light, and I could hear the faint chirping of birds outside. 

The MC does not have a person or soul inside of him like the TAPOV this is the last time the original owner will appear like this.

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