
The Extra's Struggle

What would you do if you died in a plane crash and woke up in a fantasy world where you were just an insignificant extra? That’s what happened to Lucian, a college student who was on his way to Hawaii for a vacation after getting accepted into a prestigious university. he soon realized that he was reincarnated into the world of a novel he had read before and that the world was heading toward a catastrophic ending. With no special abilities and no allies, how will he survive in this cruel and chaotic world? Follow his journey as he tries to defy fate and find his own happiness. “I’m an extra, but I’m not a bystander. I’m the master of my own destiny.” – Lucian Covert.

I_like_it · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Entrance Exam(2)



groaning, I quietened the alarm clock and got out of bed, Today was the start of the 3-day entrance exam of the first academy.


As I got dressed and walked down to the hotel lobby, I couldn't help but feel slight nervousness and anticipation welling up in my heart. 

nervousness for the upcoming entrance exam and anticipation for taking part in an entrance exam I could only read till a few months ago.

Arriving at the massive gate of the examination site, I was overwhelmed by the sheer size of the magical building. despite there being enough people to fill up an entire city, this building could still provide a spacious atmosphere.

As a reader, I knew this was not all thanks to its architecture but also space magic applied to this building making it twice the size on the inside than its exterior looked.

Though I did not know the details because this aspect was not focused on in the novel

'probably because it would bore the readers'

I thought, waiting for the exam to start,

around 11 A.M the exam finally started,

you see, the exam was divided into two parts, one was theoretical, and the other was practical,

The theoretical exam was extremely tough and served as a filter

being a hunter was not as easy as it seemed, it was a profession that came with an immense amount of risk,

those who were not serious would only die in vain,

this is why most parents including mine were not too keen on sending their children to these academies,

No parent would want to risk the life of their children, no matter what the reason,

despite that, there was a huge influx of new hunters every year, why?

because although being a hunter was a risky profession, it also gave a huge opportunity for growth, by being a hunter, you were already better than 80% of humanity.

Anyways, coming back to the exam, I was led to a lecture hall, assigned a seat, and at around 12, the exam began,

seeing the questions in the exam, I couldn't help but smile,

'seems that all that vigorous training wasn't for nothing' 

I thought as I started immersing myself in the exam...


as soon as the bell rang the answer sheet flew out of the hands of all the examinees and were soon piled neatly on the desk.


I couldn't help but be amazed at the site, although I had read in the novel,

seeing magic in real life was an incredulous experience, It was the first time in my life that I had seen magic on such a large scale in my life...

unbeknownst to me, my eyes were filled with an incredible desire, and a rare feeling of extreme excitation descended upon me,

'I want to control magic like that too...'

I thought, but soon shook my head to break my thoughts, I had no time to be daydreaming, tomorrow was the practical exam, and although the details about the type of exam, I already knew the task that would be given to the examinee due to my cheat of being a reader.

'let's check my gear for a last time after going home'

I thought, ignoring the slight shaking of my hand due to excitement, and hurried to the hotel, where I had a sumptuous meal and soon went to sleep.




The result of the theory exam came out on the same day at 11 p.m. at night and only the people who passed the exam could show up tomorrow.

out of all the applicants, only about 4000 remained for the second test and only half of them will be able to pass the entrance exam.

right at 10:55 p.m., I woke up from my sleep and went to check my results...


Lucian Covert

Rank - 1295/4231

Result - You are eligible for the practical exam.



I couldn't help but let out a grin looking at the result,

'The results are better than I thought'

I performed very well and placed in the top 1500 for the theory exam,

this would help my rank greatly in the future,

The results of the exam were not in the form of marks but ranking, and it would remain this way throughout our academic life, it was to constantly remind us of the extremely competitive nature of the profession we had chosen.


A new message had arrived telling the time of the exam tomorrow, apparently, the examinees had to report by 7 a.m tomorrow at the same place as yesterday for the practical exam.

From the looks of it, the coming two days will be hectic.


I sighed as I sat in my usual cross-legged posture and began meditating, feeling the mana in the air,

The show of magic at the academy head greatly stimulated me today, making a new realization dawn on me,

'There are no limits in this world'

there was no limit to human potential in this world, with humans breaking out of their low potential due to awakening, unlimited growth was no longer impossible. The only problem was 'my' potential...

This body had extremely low potential,

The potential in this world was divided into 


' I ' was the maximum potential a non-awakened human could reach in his entire life,

Judging from this, One could tell just how low the potential I now had, But,

'I would be able to solve this problem soon...'

I thought, suddenly looking forward to the upcoming hectic days.