
The Extra's Indifference

Read my new novel! ----> Villain: Puppeteer Narrator

Kayleren · Fantasy
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117 Chs


After whistling for 5 minutes later, the priestess agreed to my request to take the basement as my room. Though with some conditions. 

"There are rooms that you shouldn't go in no matter what. if you enter them even I don't know what will happen to you." 

"May I ask the reason for this?" 

"You can but I don't know the reason. Our lady herself told us to don't enter there. And some of the idiots didn't listen our lady's words and they didn't come back after entering these rooms."

'Are there something powerful resides in these rooms or maybe traps that protect some knowledge or artifacts? Though asking this to the Ilelia would be more ideal instead of entering there or guessing like this.'

"It can't be helped then. Mark that rooms so that I don't go in them by mistake."

"By the way, my intuition tells me that we will meet again many times. So, let us introduce ourselves properly." I said with a small smile and gestured to her.