
The Extra's Dominance

'My life is boring.' Cole thought when he was 14 years old. He thinks that there's nothing special about him or his life. And he thought that the only reason he was alive is because he was not dead yet. But then, at the age of 16, Cole developed a hobby. And that's reading novels. When he's reading, he feels emotions he normally wouldn't feel! Cole feels like he's been brought into a different world! And reading novels makes him forget about the boredom he's feeling! So he really enjoys and like novels! To the point that he even started making one! Yes, Cole became a novel author and his works were seen and read by many people around the world! And seeing people talking about his work and supporting him made Cole enjoy writing too! But after reading and writing novels again and again for a long, Cole started to feel less excitement and thrill in doing them... Nevertheless, he didn't stop. Cole feels like he would be bored to death if he stop, so he just continued. Ting-! "Huh?" But then one day, while Cole was reading through the comments of his novel. He received a mail... The sender was anonymous and the content of it didn't make sense to him. "My work has been chosen...?" "They will grant my wish?" "What kind of bullshit is this?" So Cole didn't pay attention to the mail. ... "Eh?" But then, he suddenly woke up in a different body and a different world! Cole was sent inside his novel! And he became Raven Obadiah? Who's that? The protagonist? No. The villain? No. One of the major characters? No. I don't know who the fuck Raven is too! Cole doesn't know him too! In short, he's just a fucking extra with no importance in the novel! But there's something weird about Raven's life that Cole doesn't know... And Cole, receiving a chance to have a life he could only dream of in the past... "Hiding strength?" "Staying an extra?" "Letting the main characters handle everything?" "Those sounds boring as fuck!" Cole, or should I say, Raven, decided to live a life full of excitement! He will do whatever he wants, and he wouldn't let anyone stop him!

Drei05 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
140 Chs


As I was about to enter the classroom...

4 students approached me. They're my classmates.

They all look like villains in every corner of their bodies...

Their group consists of 3 boys and a girl, like how common bullies form their groups...

But I know they were extras in the novel as I don't recognize any of them...

"Oh! Isn't this our gunner?"

The young man in the front of the group said to me with a scoff on his face.

And the other 3 were sneering in the back like idiots.

"Hey, what's wrong? Cat got your tongue?"

The young man asked me, seeing that I didn't reply.

'Am I seriously getting bullied right now?'

It's not enough to go back to school, now I'm getting bullied too as a 29-year-old in a body of 17 years old?

"Hey, are you deaf or mute?"

"Maybe he's both."


They all started talking among themselves and laughing.

But I just ignored them, they're not worth my time.

Then looking at their stats, all of them are ranks, the same as me...

'Bruh, why are they bullying me if they're as trash as me?'

I thought of a reason but there was no reason for them to target me...

"You're rank right?"

Then, the one in front spoke again, looks like he's the leader...

"You're also ranked 2619, the lowest in our classroom, you're an embarrassment in our class, why don't you just drop out?"

He added...

That's so unreasonable, And why does he remember my rank? I even forgot my rank just some seconds after Sir Kendy mentioned it.

And that's when it came to me...

'Ah, so they're that kind of people...'

They're the type that bullies someone weaker to feel superior...

They concluded that I was an easy target because of my rank and weapon of choice. Including that, I also don't have a strong backing.

"Or maybe you should just die..."

As the leader of the bullies said that, the others laughed.

'Should I fight back...?'

They're annoying and I hate annoying things...

If I don't fight back, I'll be considered a pushover and my academy life will be hell.

'But if I fight back now, they might use their authority and money to push me on the edge...'

In this academy, you're either talented or wealthy.

These guys don't look talented at all, so they're obviously here because of their families.

Worst case, my family will be targeted as well...

I don't want others to suffer because of me even if I still haven't met them yet. They're innocent.

Then as I was contemplating...

"You piece of trash..."


The leader in front of me spat at my shoe...

"You can't even talk in front of me."

He said.

I ignored him and just looked at his saliva on my shoe...

and activated...

I processed all the pieces of information I had and predicted the results of any possible actions I would take from now on...

And I finished calculating in 3 seconds.

Seeing no one near us, just the 5 of us in the area...

I looked at the 4 students in front of me with an annoyed expression.

Then in my mind, I mumbled...



I activated the skill and also emitted my rank mana...

With the skill combined with my mana, it created a much heavier pressure.

Then it darted towards the group and pressed on them...





All of them stiffened and sweat started to form on their foreheads.

I don't know their names. And I don't need to know...

'I'm not interested in bugs after all.'

I approached their leader.

He flinched like the idiot he is. They're strong to the weak but weak to the strong...

And knowing that, I took advantage of it.

Seeing that I was stronger than they had anticipated made them nervous.

And because of that, the effect of the affected them more as it's a skill that attacks one's mind...

Staring at their leader with cold eyes for quite an amount of time, he soon started avoiding my gaze...

That's when I made my move, I took his handkerchief that was in his chest pocket and used it to wipe his saliva on my shoe.

After that...

I started wiping the leader's forehead and face with the same handkerchief.

I made sure his saliva came in contact with every nook of his face...

"You're sweating."

I mumbled. All of them remained silent.

"You must be feeling angry, being humiliated like this."

I followed, still wiping his sweat with the handkerchief.

"You must be planning to get your revenge after this, right?"

That's when the leader of the bullies flinched.


I slouched near his ear and whispered.

"I'm recording right now, once you or your group mess with me one more time... I'm gonna upload this to every social media platform I can."

And after hearing that, The leader glared at me followed by his goons.

I then straightened my posture again, ignoring their hate for me.

And just continued talking, I wasn't done yet...

"I'll destroy your images and social lives. Your family will be very disappointed in you guys, right?"

I looked at the others.

"The same goes for you guys."

Then I added. They just remained silent too.

"Silent treatment huh..."

I mumbled as I pressed something on my V.D...

Then after that, a hologram appeared, and it then played a video...

Just in case, I started recording ever since they stopped me from entering the classroom earlier.

As a matter of fact, I'm still recording even now...

"You all look pathetic, you know?"

I scoffed as they watched the video with me.

'Oh my, Oh my... They're on the verge of crying...'

I can see the tears threatening to fall from their eyes...

In the video I played, the 4 of them can be seen picking a fight with me, but after a while...

You can see them being intimidated by me, like the cowards they are.

This might seem not much...

But when this became public, they will be a laughingstock.

Considering that my rank was supposed to be rank and they're rank. There are even 3 of them while I'm all alone.

By this time...

They all have their heads hanging down while biting their lips.

Click, Click, Click.

Clicking sounds were heard in the area. It was me tapping on my V.D...



The idiots looked at me, they were curious about what I did.

They seem pretty anxious too.

Seeing that, I smiled and opened my mouth...

"I uploaded the video."

I said.

Their expressions crumbled, a bit of despair can be seen on their faces, It was just beautiful in my eyes...

Too bad I have to give them some hope back.

"Well, not really, it's a scheduled upload, it will be uploaded in a month from now, on every social media platform... Even on the Academy's page."

I said in a cheerful tone.

"I'm the only one who can change the schedule. Every time it's about to be uploaded, I'll add another month to the schedule."

I added.

I'm not stupid, they might hire an assassin to kill or kidnap me later on.

You might think that that's just too extreme, but in this world, it's pretty common...

"But if something happens to me, the video will be uploaded on its own after a month."

They're still young...

They care a lot about their images and reputations.

That's why I took advantage of it.

"So don't even try messing with me again... Oh, it will be uploaded even if it's not you guys who did something to me, so you should actually try and protect me instead."

In case this video got uploaded after something happened to me, they'll be the main suspects.

They also know that so I think I gained some guards...

Looking at the group closely again.

They were now crying a little bit. It seems like as time passes by, the affects them more, also, because of what I just did, they're mentally weak at the moment...

'I should probably finish this now.'

I calmed down and looked at them with indifferent eyes...

They all flinched at my gaze.


I then commanded.


And they all made way for me...

I deactivated and pulled back my mana aura.

Then, I walked past them...

They gasped and chased their breaths as soon as I did.

"Don't hate me, I just fought back."

I said, looking back at them.

Then they flinched again.

'Do I look that scary?'

They're acting too much...

"Just don't mess with me and the people around me, then everything will be alright, so cheer up."

I declared and went to my seat...

After that, the bullies went back silently to their seats with solemn expressions.

They were not mentioned in the story, so their families are not that strong, well, my family is just too weak...

But once I earn a lot of money, it will change.

So before those bullies decided to take revenge, I need to solidify a safe position to avoid things like this...



Not long after that, the main characters entered the classroom together...

Them being together at this time is weird, they shouldn't be acquainted with each other until next week...


They all then looked in my direction, their gazes were filled with curiosity, surprise, questions, amusement, and respect...?

Except for Eve, she just glanced at me for a second then went to her seat.

'What's with these guys?'

I'm not dumb, I can clearly see that they're looking at me...


I said and just ignored them.





Alec was about to go back to the classroom when he saw Eve, Aoi, Adelle, and Curtis...

All of them are in the rank 10 of all freshmen, so they know each other by name and face.

As Alec got near them...

He noticed that they were looking at something.

Or to be exact, someone...

At the classroom's door, there's a young man being blocked by 4 students.

(It's Raven, but no one in this group knows him.)

In Alec's and the others' eyes, Raven is getting bullied...

(Which he is.)

"What are you guys doing?"

Alec asked as approached the others.

The group just glanced at him, then looked back at Raven immediately.

"That guy, he's weird."

Only Adelle answered his question. She said that as he pointed at Raven.

"Weird? Him? Why?"

Alec asked again, he was confused...


Adelle pointed at Raven again...

"It looks like he's thinking at the moment, not even nervous or intimidated being surrounded."

Then she explained.

Alec looked at Raven and noticed that it was true...

Rather, Raven looks bored and annoyed.

"Ever since he showed up in the class this morning, all of his actions were weird."

Aoi stated.

"He withstood Sir Kendy's pressure, even if Sir was holding back, it's still impressive."

Then Curtis followed.

"He even called Sir 'petty'... I heard him."

He added. Everyone in this group heard Raven say it because of their extraordinary senses.

"Even his choice of weapon is weird..."

Aoi added.

And hearing all of that...

'True, only ordinary citizens use guns nowadays.'

Alec became curious about Raven.

"He also trained for an hour nonstop."

Aoi said.

"You've been watching him real close huh~?"

Adelle said in a teasing tone.

"Not just me, but everyone watched him unconsciously because of his actions, everyone did, right?"

Then Aoi grumbled.

"I did watch him for a while, but can't I just go in the classroom now?"

Eve joined the conversation for the first time. She looks annoyed and really bored.

"No, let's watch him a little longer... Aren't you curious about what's he gonna do?"

Adelle responded.

"Not really."

And Eve immediately replied, She wasn't really interested.

"If you want, let's just go to the cafeteria and have a date."

It was then, Curtis asked that to Eve. Following his words was a wink of his.

The others cringed seeing Curtis like that, even Eve who always wears a serious expression most of the time.

"I'll just stay and watch."

Eve declined Curtis's offer.

"Too bad, maybe next time then."

It was now pretty well known that Curtis has a crush on Eve ever since the opening ceremony. He said it was love at first sight and confessed to Eve on the spot.

It was when they were awarded for being in the top 10 of the Lunar's qualification test.

At first, the group found it funny, but now, it's just cringing them...

"By the way, what's his name?"

It was then, Alec asked, pointing at Raven.

But no one answered, because no one knows...

Anyway, the group all decided to watch the situation a little longer...

They witnessed the 4 students spit out harsh insults toward Raven, they even mocked his rank and ranking in the academy, even the weapon he chose...

They were pretty far but Alec and the others enhanced their eyesight and hearing to spy on them.

"You should just die..."

The leader of the bullies said to Raven.

It was then, Alec got really angry while watching.

"Don't interfere, you're just gonna make things worse for him."

Alec was about to rush to the bullies when Curtis grabbed his shoulder and stopped him...

Alec calmed down and decided to observe the situation a little longer.

But as time passed, Raven did nothing and he was still getting bullied...

"Maybe he's really just a plain weirdo."

Adelle mumbled in disappointment.

"He's an rank based on his report card, his ranking in all freshmen is low too. Maybe we just got excited for nothing."

Aoi followed.


And Curtis added...


Eve just sighed and started to walk toward the classroom.

The others started to follow her, including Alec...

It was then, they saw the leader of the bullies spit on Raven's shoe.

"Those bastards!"

Alec was really about to charge at them and beat the hell out of them...


When they felt a change in the atmosphere around Raven...

They saw him look at the spit on his shoe with disgust.

And after a few seconds, he looked at the 4 students and his demeanor changed!

Resulting in Alec and the others halting their steps...


They can feel the aura and pressure coming from Raven even though they're far away from him...

They saw Raven approach the leader, he took his handkerchief and wiped his shoe with it...

Then after that, Raven used the same handkerchief to wipe the sweat on the leader's face!

"You're sweating."

Raven's cold voice sent chills down to Alec's spine as Raven looked like a king standing in front of bugs!

While Adelle and Curtis have complicated expressions on their faces...

"You must be planning to get your revenge after this right?"

But when Raven said that, the two of them frowned.

"So he knows after all."

Curtis mumbled.

"What is he planning?"

Aoi asked, but no one answered, no one knows what's the answer anyway...

"I'm recording right now, once you or your group mess with me one more time... I'm gonna upload this to every social media platform that I can."

Curtis and the others were surprised by what Raven said.

"I'll destroy your images and social lives. Your family will be very disappointed in you guys, right?"

They saw Raven tap his V.D. and a hologram appeared. A video played, you can see the students harassing him and them being intimidated afterward.

'When did he start recording?'

Alec and the others got the same question in their heads...

"Does this mean he predicted all of this?"

Adelle asked. This caused the others to frown, because if that's the case, then that means Raven has great insight.



Snapping them out of their thoughts is Raven's cheerful voice.

The group of bullies looked at Raven. Alec and the others did too.

"You see, I uploaded the video."

Then after hearing that, everyone's faces crumbled, except Raven's and Eve's...

"They will get their revenge after this because the video is already uploaded anyway."

Adelle said and the others agreed with her, they were confused about why Raven did that.

But they got their answer from Raven too...

"Well, not really. It's a scheduled upload, it will be uploaded a month from now, on every social media platform... Even on the academy's page."

Raven's cheerful explanation was so clear but it was also cold...

"I'm the only one who can change the schedule. Every time the video is about to be posted, I'll add another month to the schedule."

He started to explain more.

"But if something happens to me, the video will be uploaded on its own after a month."

Alec and the others' eyes widened as they realized what Raven was doing.

"So don't even try messing with me. Oh, as it will be uploaded even if it's not you guys who did something to me, you should actually try to protect me instead."

Then after destroying the bullies' mentality like that...

Raven regained his calm and collected look.

Then he opened his mouth...


'It wasn't a request, it was a command.'

Alec and the others thought.

And seeing the bullies obey and make way for him like it was natural...

They felt awe for Raven.

The overwhelming pressure and aura of Raven disappeared after that, then he made his way into the classroom.

While Alec, Eve, Adelle, Curtis, and Aoi, are still frozen in their places as they recall what just happened...


Adelle admired. But no one in the group thinks it's weird as for them, Raven was really awesome at that time.

He controlled the situation swiftly without using violence, he didn't even have backing but still managed to win. He even hit harder.

Well, they were jerks anyway so they deserve it...

"He's hot."

Adelle then added. This time, it got the group surprised, they were looking at her like she was weird...

"Why? His clean appearance, the way he speaks, and also his cunning personality. That makes him hot, the way he uses his brain makes my heart beat faster, and just look at his sharp eyes~"

Adelle explained but they were still looking at her the same way. Even Eve is frowning at her.

"I'm not in love okay!? I just think he's hot!"

Adelle exclaimed.

The others just ignored her reasonings and started heating to the classroom...

And when they entered the classroom, all of them looked in the same direction.

To be exact, a certain person, even Eve glanced at him...

Raven saw them looking at him, then his brows knitted together.


Raven then said in a low voice but all of them heard it...

Causing Alec and the others to frown.

'You're the weirdest one here!'

They exclaimed internally while glaring at Raven.

The Dominance of the Extra!!!

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