
the experiment girl

a girl living as experiment in a laboratory finally escapes her chains and runs away, but once she opens the door she finds the world is an apocalyptic chaos, with dangerous monsters known as "clickers" have killed most of the population. Since she was raised in a laboratory she doesn't understand most things and is terrified as she runs into a family of clickers for the first time. Lucky she is saved by a rowdy group of survivors that call themselves the Lawmakers, and their boss Dean. Dean seems to like how strange and innocent this girl is, since the world has been in chaos for over 25 years its almost impossible to find anyone this kind and dangerously gullible, and decides to take her in as a new member. But the lawmakers began to notice that their hard, terrifying boss has a soft spot for this new girl, and are not happy to see this new side of him. And they start to question just how safe it maybe to keep an experiment in a laboratory..... Why was she experimented on all those years? What will the Lawmakers do if they continue to distrust the boss's new favorite? What are the Clickers and why don't they seem to be so monstrous to this strange girl? read The Experiment Girl and find out !

Mrs_Bravo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs


She closed her eyes tightly, waiting for the sting of death. Something heavy was on her shoulder, but it wasn't painful?

it, was warm, and strong but only for a moment. It wasn't a monster, but a hand?

"Did that twisted monstrous figure hold her shoulder with such warmth" she thought in disbelief.

She peaked open a curious eye, only to see, not a monster, but a man. A man much taller then her, in black leather jacket. He wore a pair of jeans that looked to have been many years old, with dark hair. She could not see his face, just his broad back infront of her, in his right hand a crowbar dripping with black oozing liquid.

She peired over his shoulder on her tip toes, no longer in fear but in curiosity.

The female was laid on the ground, spread in a terrifying pose. Teeth outstretched, ready to peirce her heart. A gapping head wound could be seen spilling vital blood and ooze.

The two smaller ones made a weeping noise and ran deep into the woods.

A man with one eye appeared behind the girl, quickly and quietly making her jump, but he paid no mind. "Sir, should we fallow them?" he asked in a military tone.

"Nah, let em grow, even a mean Son of a Bitch like me wouldn't want kill a baby. Right, Jimmy?" The Leather jacketed man smirked shaking the fluids from his crowbar.

"No Sir, I guess not." The large man said caught off guard. She couldn't help but think he seemed disappointed.

"Now as for you." The Leather jacket man said calmly pointing the crowbar in the direction of the small girl. "What in the all time Fuckery are you doin takin a stroll in this Clicker filled Hell hole....." He eyed her up and down "Especially dressed like that" He said lightly lifting the edge of her white gown with the bloodied crowbar without thinking about it, and leaving behind a small red imprint. Making her franticly stretch it further down with both hands at the bottom seam, even though he had bearly moved it up at all. Her reaction surprised him, he'd been out in the woods with these men and women for years. They were not at all this innocent, and in the world the way it was, how could they be. The men and women in his group were hardened by years. They changed clothes, and showered together with no thought at all, but seeing her so taken aback by him nudging her dress made him chuckle . He began circling around her small frame like a hungry shark waiting for his blood stoaked meal. "You've got no protection..." he stated flatly. "no wrist guards, no shin guards, no helmet.... what the fuck, where's your shoes" He began pointing out each place with the crowbar in a stunned manner after his observation. "Dont you know its dangerous going anywhere without protection, or even God damn pants! What is little white riding hood doing running around here dressed like this?" he started walking closer to her almost touching her nose with his. "Or were you hoping to meet the Big Bad Wolf?" He teased in a hushed deep voice. Feeling the heat from his hot breath on her lips made her blush violently, she'd never had a man get so close to her before.

He smirked, pulling away seeing her bright pink complexion remained.

"But really kid, why aren't you wearing anything to protect you out here, this isn't your first time out right?" he said mockingly.

"Y-Yes Sir." She almost whispered, catching him off guard. "What was that, speak up alittle, I dont bite." He scratched he's head in confusion.

She bound up all her courage in her chest, and gave a calming breath.

"Yes Sir, it is.... my first time out" She spoke clearly and calmly looking in his eyes. He was taken in complete shock but wouldn't let it show on the outside he held his cool demeanor, but on the inside he was at a loss for words. He searched her eyes for any hint for sarcasm, or snarky tone he could hold on to, to explain such a crazy thing to say, but there wasn't a hint of any kind of malice or sharp tone. Only complete innocent honesty. He didn't think she was lying for a moment about never being outside, but how? How can someone never be outside before?

He swallowed his questions and inner panic and sighed putting on his cool calm performance.