
The Evil World

Long ago the world was a better place until when human beings ate ape meat that resulted in illness that couldn't be cured. People started turning into monstrous things to ever exist, zombies, John Michael wakes up in a hospital with other two females and one male beside him namely Judy, Mercy and Pinky respectively only to find themselves alone, they are forced to fight so as to survive.

Vicdave_20 · Horror
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6 Chs


<p>Long time ago the world was a better place, everyone was happy with their families, nature was beautiful and attractive to everyone's eyes. Due to climate changes, the soil was affected and the soil couldn't support plant life, hunger started killing human beings, people began to fight over food, shelter, clothes and many more other things so as to survive.<br/>The remaining human race started feeding on anything that survives so long as they survived, when a group of people from Malawi fed on monkeys an out break came out and people started getting sick, Dr. Martin from Ghana was contacted immediately to start working on the cure for the disease.<br/>Dr. Martin did everything in his power to try and find a cure, but all went in vain, people started turning to what Martin called zombies, when a zombie bit you, you were forced to chop off the bitten part before the spread reaches other parts of your body.<br/>The numbers of zombies grew to a number that cant be controlled easily by the remaining human race, but everyone, that is if there are any other people out there apart from the four of us has to fight so as to survive this evil world, my name is John Michael, and this is my story.<br/>Hello! Hello! Can anyone hear me, "hey I can hear you" Judy shouted. What's your name please miss, my name is Judy, "who are the other two, are you with them?" no, I have no idea, all I can remember last is I was involved in an accident I was going to school together with dad when we were hit head on collision with another car.<br/>Ok Judy help me wake them up, maybe they are still alive, they could be of value you never know, you see anyone out? "No there isn't even a single sound out there." Hey wake up! Wake up! Are you ok mister?" I tried to wake the man ""damn, what did you do to me" the man woke up in shock mesmerized.<br/>Can you remember your name sir? Yeah, my name is pinky, from Uganda I am in Malawi for business, what happened to us?" We have no idea, we all woke up in hear, no one else but the scattered dirt and the cobwebs around us." Mary said <br/>Hello everyone, I am mercy don't act like you don't see me, "nice to meet you mercy." I added. Ok here is what we are going to do next, we are new to this place, be careful where you go just in case. Pinky go and check the rooms and see if there is anything we should be worried about, Mercy grab anything you can get, anything useful, you know what I mean? Judy remain here, I will go check outside an see if you could get some help.<br/>In case of anything, raise those voices of yours like you will never shout again, I am out, wish me luck, "good luck John, everyone shouted."<br/>"Mercy! Pinky! Found anything yet?" Judy asked, no nothing yet mate, they replied together. "I think I got some stuff here, could be useful to us, Judy you can come check it." Pinky called. Look we have some guns, arrows and bows, do you think some was here before? Do you think we have animals around or dangerous creatures? Judy was afraid. "What do you mean guns, I have never seen a gun before." Mercy said as she ran to the room where Pinky and Judy were." Ok everyone, back to our positions until John comes back. Everyone went back to where they were assigned to check and find something useful.<br/>"Hello people am back, what do we have, I have some good news for you mates, I hope you have the same for me. Ok here is the good news that I got for you, when I got out there I found a garage, and gauze what? I found a car and a mother cycle both have fuel and the engines are still fine and good to go wherever we want to go." Everyone turned and looked at me surprised, thinking I had gone mad or something.<br/>"That's great John, here, this is what I found," Pinky handed me some weapons he had found in the section of the room. This is nice Pinky, this could really help since we don't really know what we are dealing with at the moment, come give me a hug brother. "Hell no, there is no fucking way I am going to hug your fucking ass, I am straight you son of a bitch.<br/>Huh come on Pinky just a hug nothing fishy, isn't that what families and brothers do when they are celebrating about something great, hey come on you guys are on my side, right Mercy? Hey Judy you support me? Ok no one wants to hug me, let's move.<br/>"Where are we going?," they all asked. We need to find food and maybe if there is anyone out there who could help us or need our help at this fucked up time, we can trace a mall or something, lets roll no wasting time. Stay close to me give the guns, any of you know how to user a gun? "I could use one John," Judy said smiling. Judy was ever smiling; I think it would be better if she was called smiling machine. Pink was always acting serious and mature.<br/>There, that is the garage am talking about, look at that Toyota man, Pinky have you ever seen a car before, Pinky hated jokes but I always liked mocking him, I enjoyed seeing him mad. "Fuck you John I know what a car is, before this shitty pandemic, or let me say before your fore fathers ate monkey I was a CEO in a certain company abroad." Pinky said boldly full of ego.<br/>Ok, Pinky get in, enough with the CEO explanation, you aren't anyone's CEO here, " haaaah haaaah" Mercy and Judy laughed as they got in the car. I am driving, buckle up every one, weapons should be ready to be fired.<br/>Damn, this land is pretty bad fucked up man, anyone see any persons out there? "No, not even a fly." Mercy jumped into the conversation. There I see something like a building, maybe we could find something useful. "Ok I gauze it about time we find out what is waiting for us in that building then, John if something goes wrong this was your idea remember." Pinky said. Ooh man, don't start, what could go wrong, I believe in my instincts.<br/>Here we are, everyone out, weapons ready? "Yes," Judy answered courageously. Ok, lets get inside and see what is waiting for us, stay close to each other. "DISCOUNT MALL" woow what a name to name your place, lets check in and enjoy the discount people, this is our fucking day, lets enjoy when we still got time to live in this horror world. "Hey everyone look, mmh I really missed this," Judy said as she sips from a bottle of wine. That's enough Judy lets pick whatever is useful leave behind nothing, fill up the fucking trunk with food, you will celebrate later, now isn't the time to party, we got business to handle here, does anyone have a problem with that?<br/>"We have some clothes here, you can come pick some," Pinky insisted, alright people you all heard Pinky, you people look like shit, this is your chance to look good. Take everything don't forget shoes. "John, I think this would look nice on you come check it out," Judy handed me a leather jacket, she was the only one close to me and the one I can trust for now. This is nice Judy, thank you so much, be blessed that is if you believe in blessings, do you? "Of course, why would I not believe in blessings my Mama taught me to know God since I was in kindergarten, so I am a blessings person. What about you Pinky? A day would pass without pissing off my man Pinky. "Man, fuck you!" Pinky shouted.<br/>Let's move out before the sun sets, meet me in the car everyone. Everyone set? "Yes John." Judy said. "We are John, we are good to go, lets roll," Mercy added. Ok I think we have one hour we will be there; we have to beat the curfew. "Curfew from what exactly?" Pinky asked. Ooh, you don't know yet, you will see when the time comes.<br/>We drove slowly as we listened to hip hop music, specifically Tupac songs, that was my hip hop music hero. "Man, I can't hear shit from the lyrics John, turn that shit down, I kind of feel sleepy," Mercy lamented. What? You can't say that the lyrics are crystal clear, in addition that is what will keep us less bored with this boring evening, no TVs or any sort of entertainment, aagh man I really miss my childhood. "Everyone is missing that John," Pinky said softly. "I would rather listen to Swahili songs, you know "BONGO?" Those sang in Tanzania by Diamond Platinamz the famous Bongo artist?" Mercy said.<br/>Yeah, I know who that is, but I am not a Diamond fan, "if you loved someone you would like the bongo songs, they are very romantic, try them and thank me later." Mercy added. Ok people we are here, offload the luggage from the car to the house. Time to eat, just one rule, don't eat like tomorrow isn't promised we are here for survival and not to fatten like a bull that is to be slaughtered in the next one-month time, am I clear? We have cheese, bread, canned beans pick whatever you like, eat after that we will find beddings in hear to rest.<br/>"This is sweet, anyone wants to try?" Judy said as she licks her wet lips filled with beans soup. <br/>"Does anyone hear that?" Pinky said. Hear what Pinky? "Something is groaning out there, you don't hear that?" Maybe it could be them. "Them? Who?" Mercy asked. The zombies, the feed on people, if you are bit by a zombie you turn into one. I will check, give the gun.<br/>We all checked through the window, outside there were three creatures, the zombies, the seamed to be a family, male, female, and a young one, maybe she turned while she was around fourteen years of age. They were staggering towards our house.<br/>Ok we will get out there and shoot them we aim the head, Mercy you are with me, the rest stay behind us and don't leave our site. We all walked slowly and steady, very keenly because this was something none of us had dealt with.<br/>Now Mercy pull the trigger, aim for the head, Mercy shot the dad down, he fall on the ground, groaning helplessly, I shot down the mother, the baby zombie was still moving towards us, he was grinding his teeth like we wanted to chew us alive, I felt very sorry and guilty to shoot him, he was just a kid. I started having thoughts in my head what if this was mine, or a sibling? "Do it John, he is no longer human, John he is going to bite you!" I heard Mercy's voice faintly like a grenade had exploded around us, I was deeply thinking and confused.<br/>Mercy took the shot. "What the fuck do you think you are doing; you have a death wish or something?" Mercy shouted at me. I know, alright, you know nothing about me, you don't know about my story, maybe if you had your kid turned into a zombie you would understand what I mean. Leave me alone, I need some air.<br/>"Sorry John I dint know about your child," Mercy said tears rolling down her cheeks. But that didn't change a thing, my feelings were already hurting, my heart was pounding so loud about to explode, that kid reminded me of Zoe my baby girl and her mama Lois who were turned on our anniversary day.<br/>"John, let it go man, she didn't know about your past we are all here trying to understand each other and survive, ok?" Pinky confronted me. I had to forgive her anyway, you can't hold grudges for real, they were the only family I had left.<br/>Ok Mercy, come here, give me a hug, I will let it go but just know you really hurt me. "I am really sorry John, I didn't mean to hurt you, let's get inside." She said kindly.</p>