

I am a Villainess.

But I thoroughly enjoy my role.

I think the gods were fair when they sent me here.

Am I not sent to be the Messenger of Doom for the unsuspecting real villains in this world?

I've been ready. I'm born for the role.

Now, I will conquer.


I ended up in an Otome Game- Yan Yan Yandere, the ultimate Yandere otome game in the market. It was an absolute hit among fujoshis, young and old.

The game was about a sweet little bunny-like girl who was sent to an elite school after she managed to pass the strict entrance exam.

There she met several male students who ended up being admirers of hers.

I personally shipped the heroine with the Crown Prince as I enjoy shipping the original couples best. Plus, masochists males with sad backgrounds were my thing.

And as all cliche transmigration stories go, I found myself waking up into the villainess of the story's body. My name is Eliza Herrington.

But you can call me Eli.


The yandere villainess, Eliza was the fiancee of the future Knight Captain, Henry Whillard. Her character was one of the most disliked character for how petty and vicious she was. She was utterly incorrigible and used all means to dispose her rivals. Of her methods, she favoured either setting people on fire, or unscrupulous schemes.

She had loyal followers, a myriad of admirers and tons of money.

This kind of winner in life was known as a lowlife villain in an otome game. Really, I laugh at the ludicrous common sense of a girl game.

However, now that I am Eliza, I will use this life well spent.

If I were to doom myself in the end, it would be one without regrets.

That is, if the condemnation event will actually happen succesfully in this lifetime.




The tall beautiful lady in a sleek auburn ombre dress was smiling gently, drinking the freshly dried flowers-infused tea.


"Yes, my dear Father?"

The handsome middle-aged man with a few creased lines at his eyes wearily frowned.

"Father would like to ask you something."

"My dear Father, you can ask anything from this daughter of yours."

"Then, my dear daughter. May I ask if the fire at the palace last night your doing?"

Eliza smiled contentedly as she bit into a lavender earl grey macaron.

"Father, how could you ever think that? Your dear daughter knows that our family are staunch monarchists. Why and how would your daughter ever set fire into the Palace's study room that is heavily guarded?"

Her father's eyebrow twitched. Then why was there a note in his daughter's favourite lemon citronella-scented paper handwritten in beautiful cursive writing mocking the crown prince on the table of the desk as evidence?? Also, the crude drawing of his Highness in ... unspeakable positions with his male retainers... Why did Lord Herrington feel that this had the scent of his daughter everywhere? 

Fine, perhaps someone was framing his dear daughter.

"And my dear Eliza..."

Eliza's eyes brightened as she bit onto a coffee flavoured dacquoise. The new patisserie was definitely a keeper! She marked her approval in her head.

"Were you the one who also revealed the Prime Minister's son's secret cabaret and underground casino to the King causing His Highness to sent a decree to exile the Prime Minister's entire family?"

Eliza's amethyst eyes widened in surprise.

"The club belonged to Lord Albert? Oh dear, Mary was harassed at the club and so I had thought to bring poor Mary justice."

Here, Lord Herrington's eyesbrow twitched. The Mary, who looked like a hulk, was harassed? Even if you paste gold on Mary, Lord Herrington would still not believe that anybody would want to willingly harass that "female".

"But Father, Lord Albert was hiding his intel and spies inside the casino, this I heard from Lady Yolanda, his ex-fiancee. I'm shocked to hear that the spies were in cahoots with Wraithly country. Weren't we sworn enemies with the country?"

The fair girl before him cocked her head adorably, her lips pursed in confusion as her soft red hair fell gently around her face.

At her words, Lord Herringon paled considerably. Revelation hit him and he quickly pat himself on the back for removing himself from his partnership with the Lindt family by his daughter's request.

"But, Eli my darling. You surely wouldn't have anything to do with the Baron's new daughter's debut party scandal, would you?"

At this, Lord Herrington shivered a little.

The bunny-like sweet girl with pink blonde twintails came to mind. To think that she was actually someone so... promiscuous.

At the remembrance of what he had heard, his regal face blushed red. To also think that the twin sons of General Raltor were so... brave as to do such a thing in public.

And for the crown prince to even make a scene in front of all the nobles.

Unheard of!

"Father," Eliza blinked her eyelashes innocently, "I have no idea. What happened?"

Lord Herrington coughed and brusquely replied her.

"Ah then nevermind."

As he stared at his daughter, he couldn't help but be suspicious. His daughter's personality, he well understood. But nevermind, she was still his dear daughter.

"And my dear daughter, I heard rumours about you and Professor Tuxley."

Lord Herrington cleared his throat when he recalled what the Dean had told him. His daughter had still not officially dissolved her previous engagement. For him to hear such things from the Dean, this was perhaps rather inappropriate.

At this, Eliza finally paled as the teacup clattered as she lost her grip.

"Father, what did you say?"

Confused, Lord Herrington repeated his words.

Immediately, Eliza got up, her billowing silk sleeves almost spilling the assortment of high tea delicacies in a golden gilded cage on the table. In a panic, she made to head to the door.

"Father! I'll be leaving Autlandia for a short trip. I have forgotten I promised Lady Yolanda to visit the Greenvale Mountains with her!"

"But Eliza!! It is in the middle of a deep winter there now!"

Before Eliza could scurry off, a black shiny leather boot stepped into the room.

Following those lanky legs were the stiff maroon military uniform of the Captain of the Knights.

Lord Herrington face was filled with surprise as he starred at the chiselled face of Henry Whillard.

"Whillard, how nice to see you!"

However, Lord Herrington's voice faltered when he remembered the rumours about his daughter and Professor Tuxley. He glanced at his daughter who was sitting demurely at the table, as if what had happened just now was an illusion.

Henry Whillard smiled genially as he bowed his head slightly while holding onto his silver sword, his pale blonde hair gently sleeked back.

"Lord Herrington. Miss Herrington."

His gentlemanly smile beamed through the room but the beautiful elegant lady at the table definitely felt it cutting through her like a knife.

"Father, I would like to ex-"

"Lord Herrington, could you excuse me and Miss Herrington. I have something to discuss with her."

Lord Herrington felt that Henry's tone was definitely amicable and respectful, but why did his body shiver? His daughter was also bizarrely sending pleading looks but he resolutely ignored it.

"You young people have much to talk about. I have work to do. Give your regards to your father, Whillard."

With a gentle smile and laugh, Lord Herrington escaped the oppressive room.

Eliza drank two cups of tea without realising. She was not going to start a conversation between them. She wasn't willing to die so early.

She was obviously a very villainous person. She had decisively used all means at her disposal to do what she wanted without repercussions and managed to escape her fate.

She even had a plan in mind. She had planned to kidnap the hidden character, the herbivore Professor Tuxley who was a prodigy in plants and the masochist yandere of the game.

After abduc- eloping with him, she would create a poison empire.

But she didn't know when was it that this... this clingy slug Henry started to veer away fron his character!! What did she ever do to trigger this secret boss of the game?

She definitely avoided him from the start, her childhood fiance. Such a bringer of Death who would ultimately cause her Fall, she definitely did not want anything to do with him!

Plus, this character's yandere characteristic was a secret. Such a terrifying character, Eliza had no desire to associate herself in whatever way.

But somehow she had triggered Henry Whillard's Yandere button.



She smiled non-committally.

"Professor Tuxley just sent his request for a university transfer to Greenvale."

Eliza was shocked at the sudden news as she stared at the man who comfortably sat before her and poured himself a cup of tea.

"Lady Yolanda will also not be travelling anywhere soon with you."


Henry Whillard gently blew at his tea, his sexy thin lips curling into an agreeable smile as his green eyes stared at the beautiful lady before him.

"She'll be busy preparing for her wedding with Hexford."

"The Second Prince!!? But he would be de-"

"Demoted into a commoner when the Crown Prince takes the throne in August?"


"I'm afraid he won't be. Hexford is slated to be King by then. So Yolanda needs to start preparing for her queenly duties as soon as possible.

Eliza cried a little for her friend inside. The torturous queen-training was something no lady wanted to go through.

"Ah but Whillard-san, although these are all interesting news, it is rather inapparopriate that we talk for long privately. Whillard-san, you've already received Father's request for our anulment of our engagement."

Eliza had really good survival instincts and she knew that if she does not leave now, she was going to be caught into something troublesome that she won't be able to escape from.

Eliza smiled and then stood up to leave when Henry grabbed her wrist gently and tugged it. Eliza fell onto his lap.

Holding her waist, this gentlemanly knight kept his elegant aura as Eliza squealed unbecomingly and tried to push herself away.

When she angrily stared at the man before her, his dark eyes made her gulp.

"Eliza-chan...? Eliza's Rabbit Knights are rather well trained. I wonder what His Majesty would say when he knows that Eliza-chan has her own army."


Henry smiled and gently tucked a few of her soft red strands as a retainer suddenly appeared to place a few documents on the tea table. When Eliza read a few lines, her face paled further.

This! This!! How did he know???

"Eliza-chan. I wonder if Eliza-chan knows that I have a problem."

Here, Henry lifted her white fair hands to bite onto her little finger.

"Does Eliza know that I am aware Eliza tried to avoid me since we were young?"

"Ah, Whillard-san, that is-"

"Eliza, we yandere characters have a problem. Even if we transmigrate over, our yandere characteristics still remains."

"What?? Transmigrat-- Whillard-san, I do not understand such-"

"Ah how adorable. Really my fiancee is so cute. If I had not stepped in, who knows how many bugs would be all over my Eliza."

"Ah!! Whillard-san, this is not appropria-"

Her blushing red face contrasted greatly against the reports of how cruel and vicious Eliza Herrington was. Henry smiled sadistically.

"Eliza-chan, your pyromaniac ways... Let your husband deal with them hmm?"

"W-Who is my h-husband!!"

"Such a tsun. Hehe. But I think this is also cute."

Henry smiled as he bit another finger delicately, his tongue flicking lightly like a snake.

He held her gently, but Eliza couldn't budge at all.

"Eli. Did you know that the character Henry Whillard has a slight kink to his character?"


"Henry Whillard is a possesive yandere. To the point that he likes to cage his... Disobedient love interests... But Eli-chan is far from disobedient right?"

Eliza was speechless. This... This madman was obviously threatening her!!

"So, Eli-chan. Let's get married next week. I promise I'll be an M(asochist) for Eli."

"D-don't lie!! Henry Whillard's character is an Ultimate Ultimate S(adist)!!"

"Ah, Eli even knows this secret."

Henry Whillard smiled gently but his eyes gleamed like a snake.

"Of course for Eli-chan... I promise to be just a teeny bit S. Don't you know? Henry Whillard is a very gentle character unless you trigger him."

He kissed the mole above her lips gently.

"Let's have a good marriage, Eli-chan."

Eliza cried silent tears.

How did a super Villainess like her get caught in this snake's fangs?? Sobs sobs.


That was how Eliza Herrington's Villainous streak ended. She still wrecked havoc whenever she wanted but everyone knew that only her husband, Commander Henry could reign this troublemaker in.