
The Evil Queen of Aravea

Her Majesty, Queen Lyn Amber Alfondrania of Aravea is a vicious and arrogant woman. Under her reign, her kingdom knew only suffering and chaos. She was feared for her unpredictable moods and thirst for power. Lyn, her last name the first thing she forgot, is a woman who had recently got her dream job as a professor at a university. She is a kind woman who aimed to nurture the next generation, and who selflessly tries to help other people with all her power. She was a woman others idolized and loved. So what happens when Lyn, only ever subjected to love and adoration, finds herself in the body of the most hated queen of a different world?

LalaMorose · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter Seven

(Worry nagged at the back of his mind. There was no way Lyn isn't affected as she appears to be. She might have ordered their execution, but they were her family. The halls were quiet as he followed behind his queen, Amely keeping up even though she looked like she might keel over. He quickened his pace and blocked Lyn's way.

"Lyn, please talk to us." He pleaded.

"Lyn?" She scoffed, her eyes as sharp as steel. "It's 'your highness' to you. Don't ever call me so informally again."

He froze, mouth slightly agape. He tried to search for any bit of compassion in her eyes, but he found none. In front of him stood not Lyn, his childhood friend, but Queen Lyn, ruthless ruler of Aravea. 'Have...have you finally lost yourself, Lyn?'

"As you wish," he bowed low, hiding the hurt in his eyes. "Your highness.")

"There is no sign of physical or spiritual damage." The physician said, lowering Lyn's hand but keeping his fingers on her pulse.

Cladius nodded. "I'll have the stone investigated. We're glad you haven't left since yesterday, Kalin."

"The condition of her highness is one that I must closely observe." The physician, now known as Kalin, simply replied. "The stone must have likely exploded due to soul incompatibility."

"Incompatibility? But that stone belongs to Lyn." Cladius retorted.

Kalin looked up, an eyebrow raised. "Lyn?"

"Her highness—err, Lyn asked us to call her as such." Amely replied for him.

"How strange, she hadn't allowed you call her by that name since she ascended to the throne." Kalin frowned as he released the queen's pulse and dispersed the light from his fingers.

"It's like she reverted back to her former self." Cladius added, hope blossoming in his chest. Maybe...

"It's the memory loss, for certain." Kalin interjected before he can finish his thought. "We can't be sure if she'll remain like this. If she regains all her memories, she'll be back to normal."

And the normal would be the ruler he had despised. Cladius scowled.

It was a huge blow to his pride as a personal servant to have almost gotten his queen killed. He recalled stepping away from the queen's doors, allowing that strange man entrance.

("It is for the best." He mumbled to himself, his hands curled up in fists. He turned around as he heard the doors open and followed behind the would-be assassin.

"Who are you!?" The queen yelled, calling upon her magic. She froze as the circles in her hands disappeared. "W-what..."

"I'm so sorry, your highness." Amely spoke, voice breaking. The nullifying potion she had placed in their queen's tea had been effective.

"You..." betrayal was clear in the queen's eyes, and it was one that he'll remember for the short amount of time he has left to live.

The assassin moved quickly; a quick stab to her chest with a dagger and he was already jumping off the window to escape. All that was left in the room was he, Amely, and the dying queen in front of them.)

It pained him to have to agree to an assassination, but the people of Aravea would have continued to suffer in their queen's mad quest for power.

He was prepared to die for it; he and Amely both. After the demise of the queen, the Duke of Isheon as her closest relative would have inherited the throne and he would have ordered their execution. Personal servants, as decreed by their oath, should stand by their master. The fact that they have let her die is a blatant disregard of this promise, and that wasn't even taking into account that they conspired with the duke to do so.

To be executed was the only way to regain their honor should the queen die. But she hadn't.

One chance, he thought. He had given the duke only one chance to kill their queen. He had said that he will not allow a repeat of what happened.

("Even," he sighed in defeat. "Even if it means we'll all have to suffer should the queen live."

"Understood." The duke said, his eyes sad.)

But, can he really allow that? Can he stomach letting his kingdom fall into ruin?

"Maybe-" Amely suddenly spoke. "Maybe we can find a way to keep her this way?"

"What do you mean?" Kalin asked.

"The queen's madness started when she heard the prophecy, maybe if we didn't let her hear it—"

Cladius shook his head. "We are to travel to the High Order tomorrow; the queen has already agreed. If we try to dissuade her, she might think we're hiding something."

"But the prophecy ruined our queen!" Amely thundered in a rare display of anger. Kalin and Cladius can only stare in shock. "She kept trying to fit herself into the queen the prophecy defined her as, and look where that led to! I just, I just want the old Lyn back."

Tears began falling down Amely's cheeks. He sighed; He understood her sadness, he truly did. The hurt he felt that day when Lyn had stared at him with such empty eyes, was unimaginable. He lost his childhood friend and was forced to serve one that tested every bit of his morals. He exhaled a tired breath.

"We will let her hear the prophecy." He said, his decision made. "If her memory returns, we will contact the duke."

Amely stared at him, horrified. "What?"

Kalin nodded in understanding as he stood up from his seat.

"We cannot favor the life of one for the lives of many." He said. "I have cared for her highness since she was but a child. It saddens me to see her so consumed by her lust for power. If there was a method we can apply so we could keep her this way, I will gladly help. But, we mustn't try to control her free will. We are no better than void demons if we do so."

Amely kept her eyes on the ground, silently wiping away her tears. "I understand."

Cladius walked until he was at the queen's side. She looked innocent while she was asleep, but that same face had looked on apathetically as she slaughtered many lives.

'Our travel to the High Order will determine your fate. For your sake, Lyn, please remember nothing.'