
The Evil King & Forced Queen

Adrianna_Renee · Teen
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: Family Issues

"Ahh there she is.. My queen" the man in all gold armor spoke wearing a gold crown. He looked down at Anna and smiled.

"You were meant to be my Queen long ago.. that is before dear old daddy, killed my father. But thankfully the poison spread rather quickly" he smirked eyeing her.

"You bas-.." she stood up and walked towards him only to be roughly forced to her knees and held there.

She kneeled in defeat. She was 5'3 still much shorter than the Emperor. She had long jet black hair that went to her waist, curves on her sides, eyes as blue as the sea, tan skin soft as silk. She wore a two piece outfit in the color red & gold. Gems & ruby's outlining her outfit along with outlining her curves and breast. She wore a head piece with a gem that was pink and red in the center of her forehead.

Anna realized it was the boy who she met years ago while going home from getting her fortune read. This Emperor killed her father intentionally with poison. He has been watching her when she didn't know. After all these years, you come for me now?" Anna sighed annoyed.

"Yes, you are the last known sorceress, and well when I first laid eyes upon you, I knew you would be mine. My father is gone, so is yours. You are alone and in need of a home. Well my witch... you have a home. With me" the Emperor explained.

Anna glared and sighed. " I will never be yours nor will this palace be my home and my prison."

The Emperor laughed. "You will join me or else the people around you, the people you visit those small villages.. will burn... men, women & children" his voice dark and deadly as a siren.

Anna was released by the wave of a hand from him and his guards backed up giving them space. " My name is Adam, the Emperor-of Egypt and you.. Anna will be my Queen by tomorrow's sunset"

Anna looked at him. "No I will not" something inside her burst sending an energy to the Emperor he fell back and she started to run but as she did a huge built man grabbed her and held her by the neck holding a dagger to her heart.

Anna squealed staying still. "Well well, if it isn't my stupid stepbrother... oh how you have fallen brother. Release the woman & be on your way or I will kill you. " Adam spoke

"You know I have a name brother.. its Rick so use it! This woman... I care nothing for but it seems you do. If you want her alive return what you stole" Rick spoke tightening his grip

"Your bluffing" Adam smirked

Suddenly Rick stabbed Anna in the leg then cut her stomach lightly.. enough to bleed but not enough to kill.....

Anna yelled in pain as she slowly healed, she head butted him and elbows his neck as she pushed him back.

She fell and knelt down as she felt the silver of his blade finally affect her. She winced.

"It is said brother you damned your soul for power? You can turn into a dragon, you have little powers that you have no control. Lets find out. Give me what I want or I kill your whore!" Rick yelled

Anna spoke in a forbidden language which caused her eyes to roll back and her nose to bleed. She suddenly vanished and appeared in a home that was empty.. it was not hers.. she passed out on the bed. As she reached her limit.

Adam yelled loudly and fought Rick but none of them fell. Both equally matched. "You will give me what I desire. Or I will kill what you desire" Rick spoke and walked out the palace as Adam let him go as he told every guard to find the witch.