
The Evil God is forced to become a Sidekick?

Fauros, one of the thousands of gods that inhabited the cosmos, and the only one that almost managed to reach true omnipotence, was cornered and betrayed by everyone he once considered an ally, his greed, and thirst for power made even the most vicious of gods to become part of the alliance to exterminate him. In every meaning, the entire cosmos united in order to stop him from reaching ultimate power, and unfortunately for Fauros, they succeeded. Fauros felt his own body crumbling apart as his existence dissipated into cosmic dust. However, right as he was about to disappear for once and for all, the voice of something or someone called out to him and bound a strange rule on his shattered soul [Your soul shall be of use for me... Not every day do you find a disappearing almost-omnipotent god ready to serve you] "Who's gonna serve you motherfucker? Come here and I will rip out your **** before then I ***** into your disgusting *****" ... Fauros wasn't exactly very well mannered... [Look at your tongue, even on the verge of disappearing you keep badmouthing everything in existence... *Sigh* Either way, I will now send you towards your new mission] "What new mission you fuck, give me my body back so that I can kick that ugly face of yours" [Make sure to make lots of good friends down there!] "Hah?" Thus, the evil god that once desired to control everything in existence was sent like that towards a very small planet in the middle of nowhere so that he could become... ...The sidekick of a Gary Stu in real life... °°°° The MC will be the Evil God by the way, just in case someone got confused. Just had this idea, just testing how does it look for now... Maybe I will continue it if I like it. I will also add more tags when I'm done planning completely the novel I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com btw Here's the link: "https://www.royalroad.com/profile/247125/fictions" That's all.

Jarron7 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

-Kuta Tanaka-

}------Kuta Tanaka------{



"I failed again... But I studied so much, then why did I fail?"

A young man was currently walking through his school with a depressive air around him. He had messy black hair and black eyes that had a faint sharpness in them, but because the expression of the young man was slightly sad, this sharpness was almost impossible to notice, adding the fact that the youth was also wearing glasses, the sharpness of his gaze was almost nonexistent.

On his hands, the young man was holding what seemed to be an exam that had a [39/100] score on the left corner of it, and whenever the black-haired youth looked at it, an expression of unwillingness and exhaustion would surface on his face.

"Why do I try so hard if it's the same every time...?"

At that moment, the young man entered what seemed to be the cafeteria of his school, and heard someone calling at him from afar.

"Oi Tanaka, come here and sit with us"

"Uh...? Fujimoto-san... Hmm, Sure"

At a slightly far table, a young man of brown hair and careless expression waved his hand at the black-haired youth, gesturing him to approach.

As the youth sat down at the table where many other youths were talking to each other, Fujimoto, the youth that called him before, gave him some money and talked to him in a low voice.

"Hey pal, could you bring us five juices? We are quite thirsty here..."

The black-haired youth, who was looking at the money given to him with a dubious expression, scratched his cheek in nervousness and spoke in a rather low voice about the problem to Fujimoto.

"But there's not enough money here... Fujimoto-san..."

Kuta's appearance --->

This Young man was Kuta Tanaka, a 16 years old high schooler who was just another average person in this society. He enjoyed reading and watching Anime, and he pretty much enjoyed them whenever he had the free time to do so... As for his specialties, well... He wasn't really good at anything.

Be it because of his lazy attitude when it came to responsibilities, or simply because he was not talented in anything, there was nothing this young man excelled in. Furthermore, he was very timid and had an introverted personality, thus, he didn't really have that many friends in his class... Well... You couldn't really call them his "friends" either...

"Oh come on, you can spend a little bit of your money on us, right? We are friends after all... Not to mention, we are already paying a very big part of it with our money, are you really that stingy Tanaka?"

"But this is the third time this week..." Kuta fixed his glasses with a nervous expression and tried to resonate once more with Fujimoto, but unfortunately for him, Fujimoto knew that Kuta wasn't the type of person to say no. Especially when pressurized to do so...

"Are you going to do it, or not?" Fujimoto glanced at him with an annoyed gaze in his eyes and gestured him to hurry up. All this while at the sides of the table, Kuta's classmates pressurized him to go already.

"..." Kuta glanced at the money once more and sighed in exasperation before he then nodded discouraged and walked towards the vending machine that was on the other side of the cafeteria.

This was... Simply another day in his life.




When school ended, Kuta walked out of the classroom and went towards the exit of the school in order to go back home. But right as he was about to do it, he decided to pass through the back of the school where the trash bins were located in order to dispose of some trash he had with him.

He might be lazy, but he didn't like having trash with him, so he had no option but to go there and dispose of it.

However, right as he arrived there, he saw a figure crouching down in silence while smoking a cigarette.

'Isn't that...?!' Kuta widened his eyes as his heart skipped a beat... Not because of love though, it was mostly because of fear.

Next to the wall was Natsuki Watanabe, one of the most beautiful girls in the school (because of popular opinion), and also one of the most terrifying girls that there was, as she was pretty much a delinquent and didn't give a damn about the school rules. She had beautiful red-colored hair styled in a bob-like haircut and two beautiful ruby-like eyes that combined with her red hair perfectly.


As Natsuki looked at him with an annoyed gaze, Kuta's heart almost stopped due to fear and made Kuta take a step back in nervousness, after all, the girl was carrying a baseball bat on her shoulder as if it was the most normal thing in the world. If by any chance he was to annoy her, then who knows what would she do.

He would probably die if that thing were to hit his head...

There were even a lot of rumors about her beating down several men alone with her bat because of a small quarrel. Kuta wasn't sure if these rumors were true, but he wasn't planning on discovering it. Thus, he bowed shortly in greetings and increased his pace towards the trash bins where he disposed of everything and then hurriedly left.

"Fuh~I almost died there... Why the heck does she have an aluminum baseball bat with her?! Is she planning to murder someone today...?" After leaving school for once and for all, Kuta sighed in relief and let his thoughts run wild as he imagined all possibilities for her to be there.

Fearing for his life, Kuta decided to hurry up his pace in order to avoid any possible problem. And thus, after a few more minutes of walking, he finally arrived at his home safe and sound.

Leaving his shoes on the entrance, Kuta finally entered his home and looked around to see whether his mother or his little sister were in the house.

"Hi mom"

"Hmm... Welcome back Kuta" A very beautiful woman of black hair and eyes nodded at him before she then turned to look at the computer in front of her without much thought.

This was of course Kuta's mother, Akina Tanaka. A 37 years old woman that worked as an office worker, and a very silent person that did not usually speak too much. It could be said to be a trait of the family as Kuta's grandfather and grandmother were the same.

This trait seemed to have been inherited slightly by Kuta and his sister, albeit just a little bit. As both of them were slightly timid and introverted kids that did not really talk that much.

Well... His sister was a bit different from him though...

"Ah, you came back... great"

The one that spoke was his little sister, Yoi Tanaka. A 12 years old girl of few words that went through a very great change ever since puberty struck her. Ever since she became older, her attitude towards him changed completely and she started looking down at him as if he was nothing much. It somehow annoyed him, but he wasn't the type of person the express his feelings that easily so he just stayed silent.

Yoi had black hair and eyes just like all their family, but unlike him, she seemed to have gotten the best genes as her face was a lot more attractive than his in many ways, and she was also very good at almost anything she did. Obviously, there were a few things she was bad at, but it wasn't like he was good at those things either...

In summary, he seemed to have left everything good while he was getting born, and his sister took it all when her turn to be born arrived.

Not that he cared that much. She was still his little sister after all, even if she was a lot better than him in many things, both of them were still siblings so there was no need for hostility.

As Kuta nodded his head in greetings to both of them, he went straight to his room and changed his clothes before then lying on the bed and picking up a manga to read.

This continued for a while until someone called at his door.

*Knock Knock Knock*

When he turned to look at who it was, he saw that it was his sister that was calling at the door. She had the same apathetic expressions as always and didn't seem to care much about what he was doing.

"Mom called you... She seems angry so you better hurry up"

"Huh...?.... Alright, thanks Yoi" Kuta nodded his head and smiled wryly at his sister. However, the gesture seemed to have annoyed the sister as she frowned when she heard him call her by her name.

"Don't talk so casually to me"

"Hmm..." Kuta just nodded with a sad expression as he started walking back to where his mother was.

When he arrived back, he saw her mother looking at him with an angry expression on her face while holding what seemed to be a paper in her hands.

When he looked in more detail at the paper, he discovered that it was the exam where he had gotten [39/100] in the score! And thus, he knew now why his mother seemed to be angry at him.

"I believe I told you clearly to study for the exam... But it seems like it was useless, even after I told you so many times that if you wanted to be someone in life you had to study, you still continued reading those mangas and lazying around instead of hearing me!" Massaging her temple, Kuta's mom stomped the paper on the table and looked at him with reproach.

"But mom, I did study..." Kuta tried talking to her, but it was useless. His mom was too angry to listen anymore.

"Yeah sure, and this is the score of someone that studied seriously? I doubt it. You didn't hear me when I asked you nicely, then I will have no more option but to start selling your mangas if you don't hear me out from now on!"

Kuta's mom was completely stressed out, not because of the score of Kuta in this exam, but because he was on the verge of repeating the year. She had gone several times to advise him and tell him to study with the hope he could do his best to improve, but whenever he went to his room to check how he was doing, she would see him reading a manga or watching anime. Thus, the false image that her son did not care about studying started forming on her mind until today, where she finally exploded.

"..." Kuta was speechless and was unable to say any word to his mother. Something she mistook for him ignoring her.

"Did you hear me or not?!"

Kuta shook aside his sadness and nodded with a sad expression spread all across his face. He had not the courage nor the strength to replicate his mother, as pathetic as it might be.

Kuta did indeed study, but his mind was simply bad, and was not able to remember anything during the exam. Be it because he was studying incorrectly, or simply because he was an idiot, he didn't know.

Lately, the feeling of not existing had been haunting the mind of Kuta. He wondered what did the people he knew think about him... or if they even cared about him. His family was a pretty good example of this, his mother barely seemed to pay attention to him, and his sister did not care about his existence... No... Rather, she seemed to hate him.

His father was the only one that seemed to care about him, but even then, he worked almost all day outside and Kuta was not able to spend much time with him because whenever his father came back he was too tired to talk with him...

In his school, no one seemed to notice or care about him, and the only "friends" he had weren't really his friends, he was barely a food bringer for them and he knew it very well... Thus, the feeling of not really existing was something constantly haunting his mind during the past few months. And every time something bad happened it seemed to worsen... Like now.


With a dropping head, Kuta shook his head and smiled once more before he then walked towards his room and muttered something in a low voice...

"Let's go buy something to eat... Maybe that will help me relax" Muttering in a low voice, Kuta grabbed some of the money he had not spent on his so-called "friends" and left the house in order to go buy something at the supermarket.

While waiting on a semaphore, Kuta's existential crisis continued repeating as his anxiety continued rising every moment.

*Beep Beep*

Be it because he was too immersed in his own thoughts, or because the feeling of nonexistence was still haunting him, Kuta did not hear the honk of something approaching him from the side at an enormous speed and continued looking at the asphalt without a care.

It was only after the object was already next to him that he finally noticed it.


An enormous truck moving at a terrifying speed towards him... That was the last thing Kuta saw, before his vision went dark.

'Damn it... Am I getting isekaied?' Were the last thoughts of Kuta as his consciousness slipped away...

... And allowed a new one to enter...




A month later...

Many people were standing around a white bed watching at what seemed to be a sleeping patient.

"Doctor... Is Kuta really waking up?!" A middle-aged man of stylish black hair looked at someone who seemed to be a doctor and shook his shoulders with an anxious expression on his face.

"That's what our data tell us, sir, he should be waking at any time now, so be sure to pay attention to him. If something bad happens, call me immediately please, I need to be tending to other patients for now" The doctor bowed lightly for a moment before he left, leaving the people there with anxious expressions on their faces looking at Kuta who was lying on the bed with closed eyes.


"So my kid will finally wake up? I wish I had been there with you to save you from that truck... Kuta... I'm sorry..." The middle-aged man grabbed Kuta's hand and sobbed while repenting for not being with him the day Kuta got accidented. This man was none other than Kuta's father, Kenzo Tanaka.

Standing beside him were also Kuta's mom and Kuta's sister, who was looking at him with obvious sadness in their eyes. Especially Kuta's mom.

Because Kuta had accidented exactly the same day when she had reprimanded him, this made her think that because of that her son had tried to take his own life by crashing against a truck.

The witnesses of the accident also told her that Kuta did not move when the truck was coming towards him, and instead waited for it as if that was what he wanted. Which only reaffirmed her thoughts on this situation being all her fault.

It was to say that, although she had indeed some fault in the situation, this all had happened due to the accumulation of unfortunate incidents and stress that made Kuta not pay proper attention. Thus, it was Kuta's own bad luck that had originated this from the very beginning.


But that didn't matter anymore because...


Kuta was awake.

"Kuta, are you awake?!" His father dashed towards him and grabbed his face with a worried expression, his son was finally opening his eyes after a month of coma, after all.

But what came next was something that no one expected.

"Who the fuck are you shitty old man? Unhand me right now if you don't want me to rip those hands and shove them into your *****"




Everyone in the room was thinking the same thing at that moment.

'Did Kuta just swear?'


}------End of the Chapter------{