
A I D E N' S



Walking on the empty huge hallways of his castle, his face was blank. Eyes were like green deep ocean and shape was tall and muscular.

His grey coat hanging over his left forearm gave the clear hint of his tiredness yet he maintained himself so well. His boots firmly slapped the floor with elegance and strictness, Master Xavier Aiden was one man of heavy morals indeed.

He dedicated his entire youth in his family business without any complains.

Aiden's were the famous jewellers in Europe. Their base was believed to come on existence 500 years ago and currently owned by Master Aiden all alone, there were more than 170 showrooms of Aiden's all around the Europe.

Beside everything one man of royal attitude was he.

The rich master was also the most eligible bachelor currently, the only fact that attracted many eyes of women towards him.

But strangely caring less about all that, the 28 year old hunk was never heard to have any romantic affairs with any woman before. One neat and very egoist character he owned.

Soon the hallways of his castle ended and master Aiden reached his huge chamber, while turning the knob he was about to step inside when suddenly he heard one of the server's voice pausing his tracks.

"Master, madam have been waiting you for the whole evening. She has invited you to have dinner with her!"

The server spoke as without even looking at her, he breathed out without any expressions. Soon turning his shoes and walking towards the dining space with his rich aura.

He seemed unbothered.

The big hallways again leaded him to his destination as he saw a woman in her early 50s sitting on the head chair of the dining with a delightful smile plastered on her face.

She was his birth giver.


Calling him with her tone sounding soft, her features were delight. Master Aiden approached the seat next to her without bothering to even greet her properly.

And even she didn't seem to mind that either.

"I had been here waiting for you for quite a time, you are late than usual days today. Is everything okay?"

His mother still continued to smile as she questioned him with a hint of concern in her tone.

"Something came up."

Master Aiden uttered blankly with his deep voice without any emotions as his mother nodded to him in understanding. "I see."

With only one gesture of her, the servers immediately started serving the dishes to the two in silence.

Master Aiden talked never for once the entire time, while putting his whole focus on his meal without even bothering his mother who was looking at him little hesitantly now.

He knew what was up with her suddenly but still he didn't react. Reading the meaning of her hesitation was one easy task for him, Master Aiden knew his mother way too well.

Yet he pretended like he knew nothing.

Minutes went by like that. The dining was too silent to be peaceful now and master Aiden still didn't bother about his mother.

Raising his hands towards his glass of red wine, master Aiden took a sip from it as that was when his mother gutted speak finally...

"See this. She is Garcia's only daughter, Hannah is the name. She is beautiful isn't she?"

Sliding a photograph of a woman on the dining towards his side, his mother smiled with little anxiousness.

Again... the very same thing!

While master remained silent like usual times, he sipped his wine with no amusement or surprise getting the intention behind his mother's invite obviously and clearly.

Looking at the photograph for only a second he diverted his eyes back again on his plate while slicing the meal and putting it inside his mouth again.

Silence again...

Chewing it neatly without any sound, master Aiden didn't care to reply his mother as she collected her guts to speak again.

"She studied in the states from medical majors, well educated is she with excellent beauty."

Mother Aiden uttered with her soft yet convincing tone while searching for her hopeful reply from her son but instead getting the same cold silence, her heart became saddened.

She kept quite for a while again.

But as soon as master Aiden was done eating his meal and grabbed his napkin to wipe his mouth, mother Aiden again questioned him.

"What do you think Xavier?"

Now directly coming to the point.

While pausing his movements immediately then, finally master Aiden looked at her direction with his eyes speaking only the language of strangeness.

"How many times do I have to tell you, mother?"

Those were his words as he sounded absolutely emotionless.

The look he had on his features never for once soften. His mother needed only one thing and that was to get her son married to a high so family.

But thoughts of master were not as same as her...

"I have no intention to get married!"

Master Aiden sounded clear and dark as his mother's still untouched meal got cold, frowning to the cold usual reply of her son mother Aiden looked at him with obvious displeasure written on her face.

So cold, so rude, so arrogant and so disrespectful was master Aiden towards everyone.

And mother Aiden knowing the reason behind that nature of his, clenched her fists tightly.

"It has been 8 long years, Xavier. Can't be that whore is still in your head-"

Murmuring angrily while sounding embarrassed and disgusted, mother Aiden didn't surprise master Aiden who still remained unbothered.

Does he not feel anything?

Maybe not!

"My denial doesn't concern anyone but only me, I don't want to be wedded because I don't feel like doing it. So stop looking women for me mother!"

Master Aiden uttered straightforwardly with his tone sounding deep and dark, while finally deciding to quit the dining hall he stood up from his seat and turned around walk towards his chamber.

But just then, his mother's words stopped his tracks making his mind such a manifestation.

Yet again...

"I want to see my grandchild before I am dead, is that too much to ask?"

Mother Aiden also got up from her seat and yelled on top of her lungs to make her son understand the purpose of her desperation to get him married so eagerly.

She wanted a heir, a heir promising to grant master Xavier Aiden's position in future!

But only if marriage was that easy for master like she spelled it out, things would have been definitely different.

"I can get you a grandchild without even getting married, mother!"

Throwing those emotionless words at her back without even turning back to look at her watering red eyes, he took his mother by a big shock there.

His words were disgraceful.


She shouted at his shamelessness as not even bothered by her anger, master Aiden only scoffed.

"Just like how you could be to get me married so desperately."



"I am almost done with my stuffs, you feed Travis and get him to the bed!"

The woman with long wavy hair spoke over the call in hurry, walking with her pair of high heels slapping the ground elegantly Lexana seemed very exhausted.

"Need not tell me that again and again, I fed him good but your little demon said he won't sleep without hearing your bedtime stories!"

Rubbing her nape, she smiled tiredly at the sound of her friend ranting about her nephew who was being babysitted by her.

Lexana's only purpose of life was him, her 8 year old nephew Travis was her only family.

Seemingly circumstances were difficult for her as being a single guardian to him, Lexana had to manage everything to make his life comfortable hence she had to be out working a lot.

Leaving Travis with her friend Serah's care who is also happened to be her landlord, Lexana's burden lessens somehow.

She was one kind lady.

"Fine then, I will hurry up. Give me 15!"

Lexana replied with her soft voice as the woman on the other side only chuckled at her words.

"Be careful on your way out there, I will heat up the dishes!"

Serah replied nonchalantly before cutting the call as Lexana shook her head tiredly.

Walking on the hallways of her office, it was past 9. By this time almost everyone packs up and leaves but knowing only one person to be around out here was her boss, Lexana confidently marched towards his cabin.

He was the type to never quit his work so easily until he feels his body giving up. Hard worker was he indeed!

Soon reaching her destination she didn't hesitate for once before barging inside his cabin and showing up in his sight, not even surprising him with her sudden visit she sighed.

The man sat on his desk busied himself with piles of paper, approaching him she smiled through her tiredness.

While he only looked at her face for a second before engaging himself back in his work again.

"You are still around?"

Mr.Daniel uttered as Lexana nodded her head with still a lazy smile decorated up on her lips.

"Just wanted to catch up on you before leaving!"

She uttered sweetly as the man stopped his all actions while hearing her stating those words, moving his eyes up again on the woman standing in front of his desk he gave her all the attention then.

"You sound like a creep miss Lexana!"

He uttered as a giggle left pass Lexana's side before she shook her head and sat on the seat in front of him without even hesitating a single bit.

While he eyed her with good patience.

"Influence Mr.Daniel, it is your influence!"

She commented back as the man only sighed in reply.

Before relaxing his back on the chair behind him, his muscles loosened up a little. He yawned while stretching his arms in the process.

"You are done with your stuffs?"

He questioned lazily sounding as unbothered as possible but still catching a hint of secrecy in his tone Lexana grinned.


She hummed as the man nodded his head while diverting his eyes from her again, obviously he was trying to not show how much he was affected by her positive attitude of leaving.

But figuring out everything well Lexana couldn't help but feel weird. Her boss had some feelings for her and same goes for her too but due to some complications in Lexana's life she couldn't manage to be in any sort of relationship with him at the moment.

Not like she doesn't trust him, it was just that she owned an heavy responsibility of her nephew and fearing her relationship being a distraction for her 8 year old little family, she was overshadowed by a lot of stuffs.

Upmost was her hidden mutual feelings for him. They feel it but they don't care to make any progress on it.

Seemingly the sadness his eyes showed had another meaning, Lexana was about to transfer from their showroom. She was promoted and been selected by the main headquarters because of her impressive performance at work and also with the heavy help of Daniel.

Aiden's, the almighty famous jewel business had their showrooms all around the Europe. California being the one where Lexana worked from past 5 years with excellent service performance was finally selected for a promotion.

And the opportunity was tremendous.

Choosing the candidate for the promotion, the supervisor of the department... Daniel picked Lexana's name without any second thought.

Which meant she was being transferred to the main headquarters of Aiden's in England and getting the opportunity to work there with the mains, it was one big achievement for her indeed.

"Department will miss your presence but again congratulations for being promoted!"

Daniel uttered while arranging his piles of papers, pretending to be busy in front of her while still observing his every little actions well Lexana saw clear sadness his eyes held.

"If not you had proposed my name to the higher ups, I would not have been here taking my farewell from you."

Uttering those words Lexana took him off guard, moving his eyes again on her Daniel chuckled at her straightforwardness.

"I guess, I shouldn't have done that!"

Playfully replying her in a second, Daniel laughed off his own words while making Lexana smile again.

Daniel knew well how much she needed this opportunity. She had a heavy responsibility on her which demanded one proper and more secure job than she had here in California...

Hence he helped her out having the obvious realisation of everything being ending with her once she leaves.

Even both had the idea that they weren't meant to be but they accepted that fact without forcing one another on each other. Both accepted their fates without any complains.

"Take care and thank you for being there for me, always. Any last words before I leave, Mr.Daniel?"

Getting up from her seat. Lexana looked at him with a playful gaze as Daniel just shook his head at her boringly.

"Never be late and never talk much. Our CEO hates people being unpunctual and over smart, especially for the fact that you are a woman..."

Uttering those words Daniel throw a short look at her up and down before sighing heavily.

"Never work your mouth with him!"

Spelling those cautions he seemed unbothered but Lexana's frown on her features indicated clearly how shocked she was after hearing those words from him.

"What do you mean?"

She questioned as Daniel only blinked once.

"Master Xavier Aiden is one man of heavy pride..."

Uttering those words, he sighed while looking at Lexana's face which still showed her confusion clearly.

"Especially when it comes to women, he is too narrow minded."