
The Evil Crimson Dragon

On the isolated continent across the ocean, the crimson dragon coveted the prosperity of civilization. It was selfish, it was cunning, it bewitched people with its draconic language into stepping into the "abyss". But was this truly unforgivable evil? The emperor, kings, lords, and merchant tycoons had divided everything up, with only the dragon's domain left untouched. If a person suffered greatly, the so-called splendor giving them spiritual and physical shackles too heavy to bear, was abandoning the old world to walk alongside the dragon truly "evil"? The dark golden dragon's eyes watched all this, and it would thoroughly overturn this continent with its own ambition, desire, and ferocity! The old system would be burned away in the searing flames of the dragon's revolution, the revelation of the future shining forth in the starry sea! This is the story of a dragon starting from scratch and struggling to become the master of the continent!

fakszik · War
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69 Chs

The Difficulty of Seizing Power

"Summon Alvis over here!"

After pacing around the treasury for a few steps, Raphael shouted loudly towards the guards.

"Yes! Fetching him immediately!" The powerful voices of the rat dragon and blood wyvern responded instantly.

He then began pondering carefully:

"After this war, I have to admit that humans are a group with formidable cooperative abilities. Their concentrated explosive force was able to suppress me."

War can instantly expose problems that have accumulated over time, spurring deep contemplation from the stark realities and allowing for a more objective understanding of things.

The lesson Raphael gained was that being outnumbered means losing, and rapid weapons production is crucial.

But the dragon race lacked experience themselves. To catch up and surpass, their only hope lay with the over one million humans under their control.

"Yet when I tried to understand and grasp the specific situation in Erl, I found there were no reliable channels. The only method was the scraps of paper those humans handed over, telling me the financial ledgers had been burned by the fires of war when I asked for the detailed expense accounts."

He recalled the evasive responses he received that day after the war when he inquired about the state of the city districts.

"Hil has been cut off from the core administrative affairs for so long, my only pawn has become useless too."

Completely unable to directly engage the million populace, forced to issue his will through a layer of human nobles which could distort and misinterpret it however they wished. With the core operations shrouded in obfuscation, how could Raphael be at ease?

"But Alvis has already divided the human nobles' power for me, so he should be able to contribute something."

Soon after, Alvis arrived covered in dust.

"You summoned me? What is it about?"

He got straight to the point: "We are discussing plans to remodel and upgrade Erl in the future. There are many things that need to be calculated and planned, it's very busy work."

After listening, Raphael slowed down and elaborated: "Oh? Your tone seems to be rejecting me. Do you think I'm superfluous to your profound plans? It seems staying away from the dragon's lair and around the human nobles for too long breeds arrogance. Is that right?"

The confident, faint smile Alvis had been maintaining immediately froze and began crumbling.

He saw those dark golden dragon eyes radiating infinite magic power, the ruthless brutality hidden within now locked onto him.

In that instant, Alvis was reminded of that dreadful time in the Dragon Domain when this vicious dragon ruled over them. Those comrades who had failed this demo dragon and been fooled by his casual nonchalant attitude had all perished.

He vividly recalled the dragon calmly lying on the stone ledge listening to Kuma explain magical knowledge, tolerating Emilia, only to incinerate the latter without hesitation - proof that so-called "past feelings", "bonds" and "merits" could not stop his wrath once roused.

Kuma had indeed painstakingly taught Raphael theories of magic, allowing him to understand all kinds of spells, but his ending was no better than those deer devoured in his belly.

"Oh no, I was deluded by the recent smooth sailing and the fawning of those Morey nobles! I almost forgot how terrifying this dragon can be!"

Alarms were blaring in Alvis' mind. From his understanding of the crimson dragon, in that instant Raphael had truly considered slaughtering him, only maybe the history of cooperation and military merits preventing him from acting.

"No! What I meant was these are just minor details - taxing and troublesome, mostly repetitive tedious statistics and verification calculations. It's better left to professionals to handle. You are the guiding light showing us the overarching direction."

His cold sweat flowed incessantly as his gaze followed the long neck coiling around him.

"Just like even the mightiest military force is second-rate without an outstanding commander to lead them, capable only of blind charges with no other achievements."

Raphael narrowed his eyes, looking down from above at Alvis with his hands hanging limp like a misbehaving schoolboy, and mockingly retorted: "Why bother dressing me up? Everyone knows I'm that second-rate commander only good for brute force charges. While you - you are the supreme general with elite vanguard tactics."

The more gentle and pleasing Raphael's words became, the heavier the mountain weighing down on Alvis' heart felt - this was clearly a sign of the crimson dragon's extreme fury.

"No! No! No! Who would discuss such things?"

"Probably your new friends, I'd wager."


Alvis' inner anxiety only grew, as Raphael's words became scattered, making it difficult to grasp the crux and find a way to defuse the situation.

"What is he thinking? Suspecting me of raising my own forces to rebel? No, that can't be it! He's not some human king or emperor, but an embodiment of power itself. Dissatisfied that I've neglected him? Impossible, I'm not a dragon."

Raphael's expression grew increasingly stern, every slight movement of the scales on his face tugging at Alvis' taut nerves, amplifying the deep-rooted dread in his heart until it threatened to overwhelm this man who had crushed the Imperial allied armies on the battlefield.


"You want to say something?" Raphael asked in a low, leading tone.

But the fear on Alvis' face was suddenly kneaded and mixed by some strange force, like dough being shaped into ever-changing forms.

"What I want to say…is the path we have planned for Erl going forward…"

Raphael's brow furrowed deeply. "Hmm?"

Yet Alvis seemed to emerge from a nightmare, his demeanor gradually calming as he began describing their plans - from investing in training large numbers of alchemists and soldiers, to eventually warring with Morey and Karuk to consolidate their rear, finally invading the Strife Plains to truly establish a Northern Empire spanning the upper reaches of the Mordon River.

"That is all I wished to convey."

Alvis finished: "The most crucial task is indoctrinating the general populace with reverence and loyalty towards you. This is the foundation solidifying our regime."

"Sounds plausible." Raphael relaxed his encircling stance. "But I've heard of an ancient military concept called a 'arrow catcher shield' - a conspicuous wooden shield drawing all eyes and fire, while warriors hiding in the shadows to seize the greatest profits."

"There is no comparison to be made."

Raphael gave Alvis one final deep look. "Off you go then, get to work."

"Crimson dragon reigns supreme!" Alvis proclaimed with a straight-armed salute before departing.

"Supreme? This is outright usurping power!" Raphael inwardly sneered.

"Putting me out front as an icon while that human lot gorges themselves on authority and riches behind the scenes, acting under my banner for their own profit - I'm just a symbolic sovereign?"

But all this was inevitable. From the start he lacked reliable ground-level administrators, while having to govern two territories simultaneously.

Had Shena not come to him, the populace of Oakenburg would have been slaughtered once he pacified Pillar Mountain. "Erl" this buffer state would never have emerged. Raphael was clear he lacked the conditions to directly rule these humans.

Yet since there were "traitors" willing to take over administration, he had no objections - they simply added another screen to shield his domain from humanity's armies.

This was why Raphael disregarded Erl, as it was never part of his original plans.

However, the benefits of this political nation-state were now increasingly apparent. The immense synergized power generated by these highly cooperative humans held boundless potential. Raphael finally decided to seize control of this "idle asset" himself.

However, the human nobles had already allowed it to operate independently as an integrated system, making outside intervention very difficult.

"If I try to forcibly overturn it, would these people even submit? But relying on the threat of death to ensure obedience seems useless for governing - I still lack a loyal force to administer on my behalf."

Raphael pondered carefully and realized that without using force, he had no way to seize control of this steel barrel. But employing force risked triggering "non-violent non-cooperation" - if it caused immense internal turmoil leading to Erl's decline, that would violate the original intent of utilizing the nation's strength.

With no other choice, Raphael could only remain a bystander for now.

"Whether Moran or Alvis, they've pulled through under my implicit intimidation. I can understand Moran as a stubborn old noble. But Alvis…he must have been bought off, or has already seen through this veil…to defy me so brazenly! Does he not realize without me, he'd have no position at all!"

The successive setbacks left him vexed and flustered. Crucially, his old lair was still occupied by Ryton's forces, and Pillar Mountain endured constant bombardment, unable to even play a simple game of stack gold uninterrupted.

After much thought, he could only summon Hil first.


"Phew, I almost didn't make it through that."

Walking down the road, Alvis recalled the intense scenes from his meeting, relieved he remembered the eventual fate of those working for the Deluca household at the last moment and persisted.

"I no longer wish to run myself ragged as some bigshot's lackey, Raphael included!"

He silently steeled his determination.

In fact, he had such thoughts even when fleeing with his family initially. But they were merely idle musings then, reality being harsh.

Yet after rising to become Erl's highest governing official while overseeing their victorious war effort, power and accolades piled one after another. Alvis felt he had established a sufficient base to become self-reliant.

This self-reliance did not mean becoming a king himself, but being able to rally forces without relying on the crimson dragon's prestige - to become an authority figure deciding his own destiny through his own capabilities.

Entering the core institutions in the northern suburbs, a group awaited his arrival.

"Lord Governor, what did the crimson dragon want with you?" The perceptive Countess Amelia asked. "He seemed really off during this morning's meeting. What is he thinking?"

Seated beside her, Komo echoed his wife's sentiment, "Yeah, is he planning some major move?"

The panic and relief on Alvis' face had already been concealed, his self-assured coldness resurfacing to present a decisive, reliable leadership persona.

"Nothing much, just inquired about our future development plans and exchanged some words." He casually turned the page with a calm demeanor that put Amelia, Komo and the dwarves at ease.

"Alright, let's continue where we left off. Should the governing body be rebuilt anew or constructed on these temporary foundations?"

This was an issue - now that Erl had been set on the right path, the core administration could not remain housed in temporary structures.

"The palace is a good location, but seems too remote. Somewhere within the city center would be more appropriate," Amelia suggested.


Late at night, Alvis concluded his workday and boarded a carriage back to his residence.

Helen and the children Misha and Hess had been awaiting his return at the entrance for some time.

"Why are you all out here?"

Alvis smiled, "Still worrying over my safety? We won the war, I wasn't harmed at all."

Hess and Misha obediently came forward asking to be carried, so Alvis scooped one up in each arm.

It was then that he noticed Helen's gloomy expression.

"What's wrong? Did the new servants misbehave? Did they make you angry?"

He felt somewhat indignant, having experienced such arrogance from servants far too often back in the Deluca household.

"No…no, it's not that. Truth be told, being just a village girl, this is my first time being waited on…" Helen replied. "Today I had nothing to do all day, unable to even help feed Hess his milk."

"Ah, those trivialities!" Alvis breathed a sigh of relief. "My dear, you'll have to get used to it - this is the life we'll be living from now on. You should socialize more with the other ladies, learn how to spend your days in leisure. Hess and Misha will become impeccable gentleman and ladies with perfect futures ahead of them."

However, Helen did not seem moved by this rosy vision, instead growing concerned. "Alvis, I indeed fantasized about such lifestyles as a young maiden. But just months ago we were destitute refugees, starving. A little over a year ago, I was still in the western capital district, making ends meet by washing clothes for the impoverished workers. Now you tell me to live like a noble lady - I can't do it."

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Alvis made his way to the living room, only to notice an unusual crimson head resting on the sofa with its back turned.

"Who's there! Do you know whose residence this is!" He immediately shielded his wife and children, issuing a verbal warning.

"Alvis, you truly are as oblivious as the master described," a familiar voice came, before the rat dragon Hil stood and turned around, a complex look on his face.

"You…" Alvis breathed a sigh of relief, but was then overcome by a surge of delayed outrage.

"Even if you are the crimson dragon's leader, you cannot barge into my home uninvited! I am the governing official of Erl! The army's commander! Surely I have the right to require guests to receive the master's permission before entering, no?"

Hil shook his head sadly. "In fact, your wife did permit my entry - if she counts as the lady of the house, that is."

"Helen - you!" Alvis glared at her furiously. She shrank back in fright.

"I…I just thought, since we live under the dragon's protection, his kin should have certain privileges."

"What is it then!" Alvis snapped impatiently, disregarding his wife to face Hil.

"Well, the master instructed me to discuss the matter of your children's education."

"What?" Alvis could scarcely believe it.

Hil continued, "I took a look at the academy district's regulations. They stipulate that any girl over five years old, any boy over four, must be sent to school. How old are your children?"

"I…" Alvis was at a momentary loss for words.

Misha was already five, while Hess would turn four very soon.

But he was well aware that esteemed academy was little more than an indoctrination camp, conducive to Erl's future citizenry being more readily controlled. Though material conditions were decent, the spiritual education was stifling and oppressive, each step forward bought with bloody sacrifice.

He had already discussed with Amelia to arrange one-on-one private tutors for the nobility's children, grooming Hess and Misha into elegant, understated talents.

He had thought everything was under his control, the rules mere formalities. But Hil's presence now struck at this vulnerability.