
The Evil Beginning

Leslie_N_Boteler · Fantasy
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Chapter 2 (re-uploaded because I forgot chapter one)

It was a rainy Thursday evening, and Hannah was on her way to meet her boyfriend Bradly Thompson. They had been together for two years since they were two strangers stuck at a bus station. She saw him with his sister Jackie, and Jackie seemed to be happy about something. When Jackie noticed Hannah approaching, she went back to her serious self the best she could, hiding a smile. Bradly turned and smiled, before walking to meet Hannah and pulling her into a loving kiss. "Why did you want us to meet at the best station where we got stuck?" Hannah asked, curiously. It was a few blocks from her house so it was a ways to go, and Bradly had a car. He could have picked her up, but didn't. Hannah was fearing the worst. 'Is he going to break up with me...He does seem to like someone else. He was so distant from me lately and hiding things.' Hannah thought as he led her over to the exact spot where they stood, two years ago.             

Bradley smiled and got down on one knee, as he pulled a small box out of his pocket. "Hannah, I honestly can't remember how terrible my life would be without you. Since the day I met you, right here, two years ago, I found something I never knew was missing. I fell in love the moment our eyes met and I asked you out on the spot and never thought you'd say yes to me then. Here I am, to ask you a different question and I hope you'll say yes too. Will you move in with me and become my wife? Will you Marry me?" Bradley asked, and Hannah was shocked and she smiled as the tears rolled down her face. "Yes, and Yes, Oh my Gosh YES!" Hannah said, happily as he slid the ring on her finger and kissed him.  Both quite happy, said goodbye to Jackie, and left to go plan their wedding.                                                                                                                 

I don't have to describe the wedding, do I? I won't because we all know what weddings look like, none are really all that different. Besides, this isn't about them, it's about their children's children. Anyway, I am going to skip the wedding talk, and the honeymoon, to bring you nine months later.  This is really important to pay attention too. Things get...well...you'll see.                                             

Nine Months later, April 4th, 1978. It was late evening-early morning, when Hannah's water broke while asleep. Bradley had gone to the office, so she quickly called for Jackie who came over to help take care of Hannah. Jackie hailed a cab and they went to the hospital. They rushed to the nearest empty room. Jackie called several friends and family from the hospital. When Bradley heard, he quickly left work. He was the boss, so he can do as he wished. Okay, let me stop here for a second. Remember the evil guy, the person who took over my body told you about? Yeah? Good, because he becomes a key player in what happens next. Okay, so I probably should give him a name..hmm.. He'd probably call himself Caine.

Bradley was on his way to the hospital, when Caine, upon learning that the mother of the child who would ruin his plan was about to be born, he decided to kill the parents and the baby. So, he caused a big car accident which Bradly could not escape from. He ended up going to the hospital, barely alive, in an ambulance. Hannah wanted Bradley by her side, and she couldn't bear to give birth without him present. However, the doctors were called away for a few moments leaving her alone. She was pushing, even though she was in pain. She saw a man enter the room that wasn't her husband , nor a doctor even if he dressed as one. He gave her an evil smile and stabbed a needle into her neck and injected her with a fast-acting poison and left. There's one thing he didn't count on,however... Hannah's strong will. She knew the poison was spreading through her blood, so she took the needle from her arm and used it to stab holes into her arms and caused them to bleed. The doctor came in horrified. "What are doing?!?" He asked, alarmed. "Someone injected me with poison...where's my husband..Bradley?" Hannah asked. The doctor found it strange that her husband would be in a car accident and that she would be poisoned.

Thankfully, the doctor lifted the sheet and saw the baby's head and a tiny bit of the forehead. He helped her and she gave birth to a healthy baby girl. The mark of the mother gave a strange glow. The doctor cleaned the baby and handed her to her mother. "Marissa Jane Thompson...Doctor.. If I die, I want my daughter to go to my best friend Ashlee Auclair. Please, doctor..protect my child.." Hannah said, luckily Ashlee arrived just in time to hear her best friend's final words. Once the baby, was cleared to go, Ashlee took her home to her parents, whom has moved to America to expand their perfume business they had inherited. Ashlee worked for the government so she had access to a lot of files. She knew of the prophecy and what it contained. She knew then, that her best friend had given birth to the start of it. Which meant the end of the world was going to come sooner, than later.