
Arrival in the world

Life has not been easy with her since the day she came into the world, her parents, two drunken teenagers who once met on any given night in the poor part of the big city.

Without any care during the beginning of the pregnancy, when her mother discovered the pregnancy she even tried to control herself, but the drugs and drinks so charming to her eyes took all of her attention away from the little being growing in her womb.

At the time without information she had no idea what abortion was, but she would end up killing the baby with her life, unlike her her father worried from the beginning about the little human being who would be part of her life after a few months , worried about letting go of his addictions and started working in a small supermarket, the work was hard, but it would be worth it. With the money he got a health plan for his girlfriend, plus all the drugs she would need.

One day coming home late for the overtime he was unloading heavy loads he expected to find his wife in the small apartment probably asleep, he would take a shower and then spend a few moments stroking his baby in his belly.

But it was not what he found, Amelia was lying, bleeding from her legs, on her side a needle ampoule was doing, she had returned to her old habits, but her body tired from pregnancy could not take the potency of the drug, making her body go into collapse.

In a few seconds Arthur took action, took her in his arms and ran with her down the street begging for help, nobody bothered to go help the young couple, but someone had the decency to call an ambulance.

At the end of the night Hanna was born, small by the 32-week pregnancy, but she was breathing, showing the struggle she had for life when she gave her first breath to the world, but she was perfect in her father's eyes, even when connected to several threads. There was still a lot to be done, his lungs had several problems, it was not easy to survive so long in his mother's belly.

It took Amelia days to wake up from the coma, she woke up frightened looking at her hands with needles from the serum she took a long breath remembering what she had done, Arthur was on his side with a face almost relieved that she had finally woken up.

" And the baby? "- She asked in a hoarse and sad voice imagining his disappointment if she killed her own son.

"She is a girl, a little warrior according to the pediatrician, who will have many problems in life thanks to a drugged mother. "- Ignoring Arthur's rude comment she asked for a glass of water which he quickly fetched, he could be angry, but he would always do his bidding.

Arthur returned with a doctor explaining how the hospital's detox plan worked, she would experience several relapses, pains, hallucinations, but she promised to stay strong for her little girl.

Arthur knew it was a lie, but he was happy that his girls were alive for that moment, for a second he felt he could get a good family, but he knew that Amelia would never recover.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Thank you so much <3

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