
The ever walking man

SGojo1shere · Realistic
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2 Chs

A dream

The man with tears still in his eyes fell asleep. Most of the night nothing happened. But in the REM sleep phase. He had a dream.

In his Dream he was on a Beach with a calm sea And a sunset. "What is this place?"

The waves became stronger and made sounds that sounded like voices. "Find this place"

The man was confused at first And asked "Where is this place?"

Then the clouds of the beautiful orange sky opened to make the form of a man "I Will Let you find peace into this place. That humans created into a loop of wasted time and sadness. Find happiness"

"But how?" The man asked with a sad Face

"You should find it yourself. I will help you, But from there you will find it. With the happiness you wished for." The figure in the clouds said as it Started deforming

And the dream faded away "Wai..."

The man woke up with his hand pointing at the sky "t"

He looked at the table. Something was different. There was a card that the man have never placed there. The card looked like a credit card. A note was placed next to it, And so the man read it. "Pack up an adventure awaits. And remember take the card i have left for you."

"Wait what. The dream was real?" The man asked as he started jumping around excited