
31. Fighting a Vampire

.....'= Thoughts 

"....."= Conversations 


Ethan quickly assessed the situation, his heart pounding in his chest as he watched the fierce battle unfolding before him. Without hesitation, he knew he had to act, or the wounded shape shifter would surely meet its end at the hands of the vampire. With gritted teeth, he sprinted into the clearing, his muscles tensed and ready for action.

The vampire seemed to sense his presence and turned to face him, its cold, calculating gaze locking onto Ethan. On the other hand, the shape shifter, though weak and exhausted, let out a low growl of warning, urging Ethan to proceed with caution.

As Ethan closed the distance between them, he felt a surge of adrenaline course through his veins. Despite the danger before him, he knew he had to stand his ground and fight. This was no ordinary opponent, and Ethan wasn't about to underestimate the vampire's lethal abilities.

With a deep breath, Ethan steadied himself, his mind racing as he considered his next move. As a human, he was physically stronger than the vampire, in every aspect.

As the vampire lunged towards him with blinding speed, Ethan reacted on pure instinct, dodging to the side and delivering a swift, precise strike to the vampire's midsection. The blow landed with a satisfying thud, but Ethan knew it wasn't enough to incapacitate the otherworldly creature. The vampire staggered back, clearly caught off guard by Ethan's unexpected strength.

Seizing the opportunity, Ethan unleashed a rapid series of strikes, aiming for vulnerable areas while maintaining a heightened awareness of the vampire's movements.

The vampire countered with a relentless barrage of attacks, its movements a blur as it sought to overwhelm Ethan with its speed and ferocity. Yet Ethan stood his ground, deflecting the strikes with calculated precision and biding his time for the right moment to strike back.

The clearing echoed with the clash of their blows, the tension in the air palpable as the battle raged on. Ethan could feel the weight of every strike, the energy coursing through his veins as he met the vampire head-on.

Although he knew that the he was physically stronger than the vampire, he still tested his physical strength against it, while holding back quite a lot of his power. He confirmed that this vampire was only as strong as Victor, except the speed of this vampire which had reached the middle tier. Still he was no match for Ethan just based on physical aspects as there was a lot of difference between the middle tier and high tier.

Ethan hadn't yet used his Kraw Maga against the Vampire. Now after confirming the Vampire's strength, he decided to test his combat style against it in order to know it's true efficiency.

He didn't have to worry about the Vampire getting tired as they don't have the human concept of tiredness. He could spar with this guy however he want.

The only thing that worried him was the companions of this Vampire. But using his heightened senses which were lot more advanced compared to a normal vampire, he surveyed the forest. Fortunately, he didn't found anyone else in the deep and dark jungle.

Still, he didn't dare to become careless and kept a watch over his surroundings at the dame time while fighting the Vampire guy.

Remembering his training in Krav Maga, a brutal and efficient form of hand-to-hand combat, he adopted a defensive stance, assessing the vampire's movements.

The vampire lunged at him with blinding speed, its fangs bared and claws extended. Ethan sidestepped the attack and countered with a swift strike to the creature's midsection. The vampire hissed, recoiling with surprise at Ethan's unexpected resistance.

Drawing on his reserves of strength and agility, Ethan continued to engage the vampire, using a combination of evasive maneuvers and precise strikes to keep the creature off balance.

The vampire, sensing that this human was unlike any it had faced before, adapted its tactics, feinting and using its supernatural speed to try to outmaneuver Ethan. But Ethan was relentless, his mastery of Krav Maga allowing him to anticipate the vampire's every move. He landed a series of punishing blows, exploiting the creature's vulnerabilities and forcing it to retreat, blood oozing from several wounds.

Despite the intense battle, Ethan made sure to hold back just enough to test the vampire's limits without overpowering it. He wanted to understand his own fighting style, and it's effectivity in a real fight. The vampire, infuriated by the human's resilience, unleashed a flurry of attacks, but Ethan evaded them with the grace of a seasoned fighter.

As the fight raged on, Ethan maintained his composure, analyzing the vampire's technique and exploiting any openings that presented themselves. With each exchange, he gained a deeper understanding of his combat style.

The shape shifter, watching from a safe distance, was astonished by Ethan's skill and determination. It had never seen a human with such raw power and finesse in combat.

After getting used to his combat style while fighting with the vampire while making suitable changes to it in order to fight the vampire, Ethan decided to end it. With a final, well-placed strike, he incapacitated the vampire, pinning it to the ground with an unyielding grip. The creature struggled against his superior strength, but it soon became clear that it was no match for Ethan's iron will and resolve.

The vampire lay defeated at his feet and unable to muster the strength to continue.

He didn't kill the vampire yet as he wanted to get some information from that guy.

The clearing fell silent, the echoes of their battle fading into the stillness of the forest. With a deep breath, Ethan surveyed the scene before him, as he saw the shape shifter give a grateful nod, its wounds beginning to heal as it recovered from the harrowing ordeal.

The shape shifter, though gravely wounded, limped over to Ethan, its gaze filled with gratitude and respect.

The vampire who wasn't able to get out of Ethan's grip muttered," What in the hell are you? How can a human being this strong?"


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