
The Eternal Queen

Ardele is a witch living in a kingdom full of prejudice. There in the kingdom of Clairemont, she is a mercenary. Due to unfortunate events, she is driven out of her home. With destiny guiding her, she discovers a secret empire, and dives deep into a new world. With new rules. There, in her new life, she discovers hope. Encouragement. Love. But in ways that she does not expect. There, she discovers happiness that was fated for her. Life continues to spin her life in an elaborate tale, setting forth a destiny Ardele has tried to avoid. She knows who she is. She knows her power. She is the eternal queen.

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54 Chs

High Rewards

Inside the castle gates, I start to wring my hands together. The decision to come here is now hitting me hard. Did I make the right decision?

The footmen guide me off, and the carriage leaves. The man blowing the whistle from earlier meets my stare.

His long dark hair is smoothed down into a crisp ponytail at the nape of his neck. His cold eyes are surprisingly blank, reminding me of a corpse, and a shiver crawls up my spine.

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Ardele. I am the butler of the royal family, Nikolai, and I welcome you."

"I as well," I pause before adding, "Thank you for your gracious hospitality."

"I assume you know why you are here?"

My throat catches. "Ah, no."

Nikolai passes me a crisp envelope, and I take it from his white-gloved hands. I peek inside and pull out a card with Arcana's blood red crest on the corner. Opening the card, there is a sentence etched in clean bold letters.

Complete the task, and the reward will be unimaginable.

I peer up at the butler. "I am here to complete a task, yes?"

"A simple task at that," he says so convincingly, it is not.

Nikolai informs that some guards will retrieve my personal belongings back at the inn and move them here. I hesitatingly agree after a few seconds, and he bids the guards farewell. I hope that they do not dig through my items. It will bring up questions I would rather not answer.

Nikolai leads me into the cold castle, and I swear can feel the frigid spirts here. The floors and walls are immaculately clean. Bringing my hand up, the reflection follows with my dark hair and green eyes staring back. The large front doors shut behind us, the locks softly falling in place, finalizing my destiny.

The entryway is empty, and I scan the surroundings wearily. The marble floors are stunning, and the halls are just as beautiful. The walk is long, and I am sure we have not even walked through a quarter of the castle yet. Nikolai ushers me into a large room with books lining the walls.

The study is full of ancient books it seems, and I study an old fae tale presented on the shelf. Nikolai bows, and shuts the door behind me. I take one step forward, before the door clicks.

Whipping back around, I try to open the door, but it is locked. What the? My heart starts to speed up, and I flatten my palm on the dark wood about to magically unlock the door myself.

The sound of a chair twisting around grates into my ear, and I freeze like a deer. I am not alone. I did not sense a being at all besides Nikolai next to me. But the ancient books masked the overwhelming presence that I now feel. I tilt my head forward to meet the door. I am so walking into my own grave.

Seconds pass, and I think through my options. The person in the room seems to be getting impatient, I can feel the aggravation. Gathering up the bravery that I do not have currently, I pivot on my foot, the black tulle of my dress fluttering around me.

Startling steel grey eyes meets mine. Goosebumps creep its way up my arm, and my blood starts to heat. Only certain purebloods can make my body react like this. Royal blood. Like when I met Lady Coralie. And suddenly everything clicks.

Bowing low, I mutter, "Crown prince Fallon. It is a pleasure."

A moment of silence passes, and I straighten. His face is expressionless, but his aura says otherwise. I continue to study him, and he does the same. Ash blond hair accompanied by steel grey eyes. Tall frame sitting behind a large ebony desk, and a cunning mind from the looks in his eyes.

"Sit down."

His deep voice jolts me into action and I cautiously step closer to his desk, sitting myself down on the ruby velvet cushioned chair.

"As you may know, you are needed here for a task."

I dip my head down. "Yes, your highness."

"You have three days to find a cure."

Ah, so this is the task. The king needs a cure for his illness. No wonder witches are needed. The disease must be dealing with poison then as most witches have the correct herbs to treat them. However, that does not explain the disappearances of the witches though.

Thinking about it, six witches have attempted the task from what I have heard, and it seems as though the king has still not been cured. What kind illness does he have?

I nod my head, and the crown prince sets a pamphlet in front of me. Picking up the delicate paper, I quickly flip through the pages. The king's medical records. And all the antidotes and remedies he has been given before.

"You start tomorrow, Miss Ardele."

Flicking up my eyes from the pamphlet to his, they harden. Not responding, I get up, clutching the pamphlet to my chest. The cold but kind butler opens the doors behind me, and I practically sprint out, ready to be out of the prince's presence.