
The Eternal Queen

Ardele is a witch living in a kingdom full of prejudice. There in the kingdom of Clairemont, she is a mercenary. Due to unfortunate events, she is driven out of her home. With destiny guiding her, she discovers a secret empire, and dives deep into a new world. With new rules. There, in her new life, she discovers hope. Encouragement. Love. But in ways that she does not expect. There, she discovers happiness that was fated for her. Life continues to spin her life in an elaborate tale, setting forth a destiny Ardele has tried to avoid. She knows who she is. She knows her power. She is the eternal queen.

lovelyz · Fantasy
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54 Chs

Definite Wish

I hesitate inwardly at the king's question. I wanted to go back to Clairemont, but now I am not so sure.

I need to clear my name if I want to stay here. And I do. Criminals from other kingdoms escaping to live in another empire are called illegal immigrants.

I am not a convict. Besides, I love being here at the castle. But now there is no use for me. I will most likely go back to living life as a dressmaker accompanied by Nora, but will that be enough? Will I yearn for something more?

With nothing concrete, and my emotions all over the place, I do not want to decide. It is for the best.

"No, your majesty. I would be happy to go back... home."

His eyes search mine. "Where is home?'

I stiffen. "W-well..."

"I will ask one more time. Do you have a wish you want to be fulfilled?"

Silence fills the room, and I swear everyone can hear the sound of my loud heartbeat. Now or never. The big leap of faith is finally here.

"I would like my name to be cleared, your majesty."

King Zeren strokes his chin. "What did you do, child?"

I clench my fists in the skirts of my dress. "I got framed in Clairemont for a murder I did not commit, your majesty."

He nods. "Consider your actions atoned for in this kingdom. However, if you take a being's life not in battle or in those kinds of circumstances, I will have the pleasure of executing you personally. I do not care for liars."

"I understand."

Before the king dismisses us, I ask, "I have another request, your majesty."

"Is that so?"

I pause, gulping down my nervousness. "I would love to work in the castle, your majesty."

Coralie grins at me, and I do not even bother to see the crown prince's expression. The king hums, and the queen beams at me behind him.

"Do you have an area that you specialize in, Miss..."

"Ardele," the crown prince answers.

I do not spare him a glance, completely ignoring him. I am perfectly capable of answering my own questions, thank you very much. But I nod when King Zeren glances quizzically at me.

"Yes, I do. I specialize in many areas, your majesty. I am a good pharmacist and healer. I work well with medicine, and I enjoy tampering with materials. I am also valuable in war tactics, serving as a mercenary in my previous station, and I do well in combat as well. My knowledge of the world is vast despite being quite young. I would be grateful to aid you during your reign."

The king glances at the crown prince for affirmation and whatever he found in his son's cold eyes assures him enough.

"Lovely. Miss Ardele, you are promoted to being a war commander and healer out on the battlefield of Arcana. I would also love for you to work in the science and medical department as well. As stated earlier, one step out of line has a penalty. Nevertheless, I cannot wait to see you prosper."

Coralie shakes me with excitement,and I attentively smile. It feels as though a large weight has been lifted from my chest. There is nothing hold me back.

I am a free witch, under the jurisdiction of a gracious ruler. I am happy that the king is now alert and barking orders. He is the king and fair leader. I respect him for giving me a chance. Very few would do the same.

The guards lead us out, and my heart feels full, finally free. The people of his kingdom will be ecstatic at the good news. His people completely adores him and for good reason.

Arcana's kingdom is relatively new here in the North and has only brought peace to its inhabitants. Life has led me in completely different that I had imagined. And I wouldn't change it for a thing.

I am up in my room, and I glance about the room in a new perspective. This bedroom is now permanently my room. The white silk canopy bed is now my bed. The washroom is my own private bath. It is crazy how fast life can change.

I also sent Nora a letter to tell her the news, and hopefully she can visit me soon. We have been exchanging letters, but the past three days have been a flash in my mind.

Her latest envelope is in my piles of parchment. I do not know much about paperwork, but Coralie has been introducing me into it. How to calculate money spent, how to pay workers, how to donate, and the list goes on.

Nora's name is bright on the crisp white envelope, and I rip it open.

Dear Ardele,

I hope that you are doing well, and I hope that the castle is treating you well. I just got the good news from your previous letter. Was I the first to know? Because jaws dropped around me when I said the news out loud. I am glad that you had successfully completed the task. I knew that were going to anyways.

I have been immensely bored over the past few days. No one to giggle with. But business has been busy. That's been good. On another note, I am glad that you are working a coveted job in the kingdom from your first attempt. Way to go! Not many can say the same.

But I am going to be lonely. It is fine. I don't mind giving up a little for you to win a little. You totally deserve where you are currently. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I am eminently proud of you. I will meet you in the castle soon! I will send Lady Coralie's custom dress personally when I am finished.

In the meantime, find some suitors for me. And some for yourself while you're at it.

Best of luck & wishes,

Nora Lancaster of Arcana

Laying down in my bed, I close my eyes. It is mid-afternoon currently, but I want to rest my eyes for a bit. The day has been draining. Today shot my nerves beyond measure and I need to recharge.

If someone told me that my life would eventually end up like this, I would have not believed them. My breathing start to slow, and I fall into a blissful rest.

A heavy knock pulls me out of my sleep, and I stretch my arms. I tuck some strands that came out of my chignon back behind my ear, and I pull myself out of bed.

The sun is about three quarters down, and night is going to come in a few short hours. Pushing my skirt down to the ground, I open the door to find the crown prince leaning his back against the doorpost, looking out into the hall.

"Your highness?"

"I need your help."