
The Eternal Queen

Ardele is a witch living in a kingdom full of prejudice. There in the kingdom of Clairemont, she is a mercenary. Due to unfortunate events, she is driven out of her home. With destiny guiding her, she discovers a secret empire, and dives deep into a new world. With new rules. There, in her new life, she discovers hope. Encouragement. Love. But in ways that she does not expect. There, she discovers happiness that was fated for her. Life continues to spin her life in an elaborate tale, setting forth a destiny Ardele has tried to avoid. She knows who she is. She knows her power. She is the eternal queen.

lovelyz · Fantasy
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54 Chs

Breaking Hearts

Twisting away, I quicken my pace. He knows. He already knows. He figured it out in an instant he saw my face.

I am the offspring of a monster who can't be contained. What a mess. What mess this all is.

I cannot change my lineage. It is my blood. It has been something I have had to accept the moment I was born.

I am a cursed witch. It is why my chain is broken. I come from a lineage of uncontrollable witches that will someday meet their demise from their own power.

And it keeps on reminding me that it is all I have in the end.


Fallon grabs my arm, but I yank it back.

"Don't touch me," I growl.

My magic is basically tangible now, my frustrations coming to the surface. Hatred has followed me everywhere. It is the same here. With my emotions all over the place, my mana cannot be contained.

The air is crackling, and I know my eyes are glowing a crystal emerald color. I despise being an offspring of hers, her blood gifting me with a curse that I try so hard to suppress.

Calling forth my sword, the hilt feeling familiar in my hand. I rarely use my sword, the sword sacred, only used to fight in justice or protection. It is a major telling to where my heart is at the moment. And right now, it is clearly out on my sleeve, vulnerable out in the open.

Fallon smirks, and I can feel my heart crack. Bringing my sword up, Fallon unsheathes his own, matching my stance.

"How are you feeling, Ardele?"

I tilt my head. "I am feeling great, Fallon."

And I charge forth. My sword takes a green glow, and he dodges the blade. It crashes into the stone pavement, and there is a large dent.

Spinning around on my heel, my blade hits his, and he whips back.

"How are you feeling, Ardele?" he asks again, when our swords meet.

Pushing back, he falls due to the mass of the magic upon my sword. Rolling on the ground, he flips back around, charging into my torso.

"Why are you fighting?"

Gritting my teeth, the surrounding structures start to crack. We tumble to the ground, and he grasps my wrists above my head.

"We are on the same side. Don't waste your breath fighting me."

Flipping us over, I straddle his hips between my thighs. I brush my windswept hair out of my face.

My blade is above his collarbone, ready to strike. He brings a hand to my cheek, and he slides it down the nape of my neck making me halter.

"I have never been on anyone's side, regardless someone being one mine. You will come to resent me one day, Fallon. Everyone does."

"I will not resent you. I don't have enough time for that. Even if I could, I wouldn't. My resentment goes for the cowards and the people who strive off the weak. You are none of those. You have nothing to be ashamed of."

"I..." I choke, my hands shaking.

"Kill me," Fallon says, grinning in return.

I rest my forehead on his, shaking it. He is the bane of my existence. Yet at the same time, one of the reasons why I continue to live.

Our breaths mingle becoming one by our close proximity. I can kill him with one swift move. But I won't. It would be foolish of me to do so because of my own insecurities.

With his beating heart so close to mine, my heart stutters for a moment. His grey eyes dilate and without thought, my lips touches his.

Fallon goes still, his mouth frozen in a flat line, but I slowly pry them open. Kissing the corner of his mouth, nipping his bottom lip.

A beat later, he immediately takes over.

I sigh, and he swallows it up. He is everything I had dreamed of and more. The kisses are deep and intense, dragging me into a new world, where there is only peace.

Fallon runs kisses down the side of my jaw, and I groan. He pulls back, and slight smile touches his lips.

"How are you feeling, Ardele?"

My mouth cracks into a tiny smile. "You are so stupid."

Pulling his face down towards mine, he indulges me in a sweet kiss, before pulling me up to feet. I dust the debris off my dress, and I cringe momentarily.

I attacked Fallon of all people, acting like I was a complete savage woman. Do I regret it?

No. Everything is a learning curve. Do I hope that one day we will get to duel? Absolutely.

"Ah, sorry, Fallon."

He glances back. "Forgiven. However, I would love to spare with you in the future."

I dip my head. "It would be my pleasure."

"With more passion I hope?"

In less than a second, my sword is in my hand, and a blush creeping up my neck. He wants passion? The crazy, lunatic side of me? I'll give it too him.

Fallon brushes past, placing a chaste kiss on my head. "I am jesting. Another day, Ardele. Come on, Coralie likely got one hell of a show."

I freeze.

"What?" I bellow.

He tilts his head in the direction of the dining hall that overlooks the side gardens, laughing. Coralie waves at us, an overjoyed smile on her face, and my face burns bright.

Pivoting on my heel, I stride back inside with my chin up and back straight.

Fallon catches up, looping his arm in mine, and together we stride down the corridors to meet Coralie for dinner.