
The Eternal Prince

Zane wakes up from a deep slumber, but the world he knew no longer exists. He is disoriented and confused, trying to piece together what has happened while he was asleep. As he explores the unfamiliar surroundings, he discovers that the world has undergone a transformation beyond his wildest imagination. Zane wakes up to a world that is alien to him. A world where technology has progressed beyond his wildest dreams, and where supernatural forces reign. It's a world where Zane must navigate through the unknown, surrounded by strange and dangerous creatures that he's never seen before. As he takes his first steps, he feels the weight of eyes upon him, and a sinister presence lurking in the shadows. Determined to uncover the mystery of his slumber and the world's transformation, Zane sets out to find answers. But with every turn, he's faced with danger, betrayal, and forces that will stop at nothing to keep the truth hidden. As he delves deeper, Zane realizes that he's become a target, and that he must stay one step ahead of those who seek to harm him. Zane's quest for the truth takes him to places he's never imagined, and to confrontations with foes that test his limits. But he's fueled by the hope of reuniting with his loved ones, who may still be alive in this strange new world. As he inches closer to the truth, he realizes that his journey is far from over, and that the dangers that await him may be far greater than he ever could have imagined.

Lahine · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


Zane approached the castle gate with a nervous pit in his stomach. The guards stationed at the gate were big, burly men, their arms bulging with muscle, and their faces stern and unyielding. The guards, dressed in gleaming armor and carrying menacing weapons, stood sternly in front of him.

"Halt! Who goes there?" one of the guards demanded. He had a thick beard and brown eyes. His hair was shaved close to his scalp, and he had a scar running down the left side of his face. His armor was polished to a shine, reflecting the sunlight in a dazzling array of colors.

Zane tried his best to steady his nerves and spoke with the most convincing voice he could muster. "I am a servant of the castle. I am here on a mission to deliver a message to the kitchen head."

Zane took a deep breath and presented his stolen token to the guards. The guard nearest to him took the token and examined it closely. Zane held his breath, praying that he wouldn't be caught out.

Suddenly, another guard approached, and the two guards started talking in hushed tones. Zane strained his ears to listen, hoping to catch any scrap of information that might help him.

The second guard was shorter and stockier. He had a round, friendly face with rosy cheeks and a twinkle in his eye. His armor was a bit tarnished, suggesting that he was not as meticulous about its upkeep as his colleague.

"I heard that Lord Redmont has increased security around the castle," said shorter guard, his voice low and urgent.

"Really? Why's that?" asked the other guard.

"I don't know, but there are rumors that there might be an assassination attempt," replied the first guard.

Zane's heart skipped a beat. An assassination attempt?

"Also there was that attempted break-in last week." one guard asked the other.

"Yah they caught them right?".

"Yes, they tried to sneak into the castle, but they were caught by one of the night guards. They put up a fight, but the guard managed to subdue them."

The guards continued their conversation, unaware of the turmoil inside Zane's mind. Finally, the guard holding Zane's token handed it back to him.

"Very well, you may enter," he said gruffly.

Zane breathed a sigh of relief and stepped inside the castle gates, his heart still racing.

As Zane passes through the guards, he can't help but notice that the castle walls are lined with numerous lift-like structures, each one transporting people to different floors of the massive fortress.

The lifts are powered by some unknown source, humming softly as they move up and down the walls with an eerie efficiency. Zane can see people bustling in and out of the lifts, going about their daily business within the castle walls.

As he watches the lifts in action, he notices that each one is marked with a different symbol. Zane tries to decipher the meaning behind the symbols, but fails to comprehend them.

As Zane makes his way through the castle, he feels as if he is being watched. He senses eyes on him, lurking in the shadows, and he can feel his heart pounding in his chest. He knows that he must be careful and keep his guard up at all times. The tension is palpable, and Zane feels as if he is walking on a knife's edge.

The castle is a labyrinth of corridors and hidden passageways, Zane tried to blend in, taking on the mannerisms of a servant and keeping his head bowed as he moved around.

As he made his way through the winding corridors, Zane couldn't help but notice the extravagant décor that adorned every surface. The walls were covered in ornate tapestries and intricate frescoes, while the floors were made of polished marble that reflected the flickering torchlight. The ceilings were high and vaulted, decorated with shimmering chandeliers that cast a warm glow across the halls.

The perfume in the air was thick and heady, a mix of floral scents and musk. The sound of idle chatter filled the halls, punctuated by the clinking of glasses and the soft strains of music played by a nearby string quartet. Zane kept his head down, trying to blend in with the throngs of servants and nobles that bustled around him.

Men and women alike were dressed in the finest silks and velvets, their outfits embellished with jewels and intricate embroidery. Zane did his best to mimic the mannerisms of a servant, moving quietly and unobtrusively through the crowds.

As he moved deeper into the castle, the crowds of nobles thinned out and he found himself in quieter, more secluded corridors. Here, he could hear the distant echoes of whispered conversations and the soft footsteps of servants scurrying about their duties.

As he turned a corner, he found himself face to face with two noblewomen who were deep in conversation. Zane tried to act inconspicuous as he pretended to clean near them, making sure to keep his head down and out of their line of sight.

"I wonder if the Queen ever comes down from the top of the castle," said the first noblewoman.

Zane's interest was piqued by the mention of the queen. He pretended to be cleaning near them, making sure to keep his head down and out of their line of sight.

"No, but I've heard she resides at the top of the castle, and no one is ever allowed to bother her," replied the second woman. One had a high-pitched, nasally voice, while the other had a more refined, aristocratic tone.

The nasally-voiced woman ,"I've heard she's quite reclusive."

The aristocratic woman replied with a sigh, "I've never had the privilege of meeting her in person myself. It's said that she rarely leaves her chambers and spends most of her time in quiet contemplation."

He tried to subtly get closer to the women to hear more. But just as he was about to get in range, he accidentally knocked over a broom, causing a loud clattering sound.

The women turned to look at Zane, and he froze, hoping they hadn't heard anything suspicious. But to his relief, they simply glared at him for the noise and went back to their conversation.

Zane's heart was pounding in his chest as he quickly tried to clean up the mess. The sound of the noblewomen's conversation still echoing in his mind. He knew he had to find a way to get to the top of the castle and see the Queen for himself. As he made his way down the hall, he saw a group of guards standing by the grand staircase. He couldn't risk being caught by them, so he turned down a smaller hallway that led to the castle's servant quarters.

The hallway was dimly lit, with flickering torches casting eerie shadows on the walls. Zane could hear the distant sound of footsteps and muffled voices, but he couldn't tell where they were coming from. He walked cautiously, staying close to the wall to avoid being seen.

Suddenly, he heard a loud thud and a grunt coming from a nearby room. His curiosity piqued, he cautiously approached the door and pressed his ear against it, listening for any signs of danger.

Inside, he heard the sounds of a scuffle, followed by a voice shouting, "You'll never get away with this!"

Zane's curiosity got the better of him, and he opened the door just a crack to peek inside. He saw two men, one of them dressed in the castle's livery and the other in dark clothing, engaged in a fierce struggle. The man in the castle's livery was clearly losing the fight.

Without thinking, he burst into the room and tackled the man in the dark clothing to the ground. The other man, still dazed from the attack, quickly recovered and joined the fray.

Zane found himself in a desperate fight for survival, exchanging blows with both men as they fought fiercely. The room was in chaos, with furniture overturned and objects flying everywhere.

But, Zane managed to come out on top. He knocked out both men, breathing heavily as he stood up and surveyed the damage.

As he turned to leave, he noticed a piece of paper lying on the ground. It was a map of the castle, with detailed notes on the location of the lifts and the layout of the castle.

"Jackpot!" he exclaimed.

Zane knew he had struck gold. He picked up the map and slipped it into his pocket, feeling pretty lucky.

"Damn today is definitely my lucky day."

Zane quickly examined the map, memorizing the route he needed to take to reach the top of the castle. He then stuffed the map into his pocket and made his way down the hallway towards the kitchen.

The kitchen was bustling with activity, with servants rushing about preparing meals for the castle's inhabitants. Zane slipped in unnoticed, blending in with the other servants as he made his way towards the back of the kitchen.

Zane tried to blend in as best he could, keeping his head down and avoiding eye contact with anyone he passed. He took on the mannerisms of a servant, shuffling along in a hunched posture and keeping his hands clasped behind his back.

There, he found a small pantry tucked away in a corner. He opened the door and stepped inside, closing it quietly behind him. The pantry was dark and cramped, with shelves stacked high with food and kitchen supplies. But it was the perfect hiding place for someone trying to stay out of sight.

Zane sat down on a pile of sacks and pulled out the map, studying it carefully. He traced the path he needed to take with his finger, making sure he knew every turn and staircase he needed to climb.

Taking a deep breath, Zane folded up the map and slipped it back into his pocket.

Without wasting any time, Zane fills a plate with all sorts of delicacies from the kitchen, carefully selecting only the finest and most expensive items.

Once he has his plate, Zane begins his ascent to the top floor of the castle. He realizes that the top floor is located several floors above the kitchen, so he needs to take several trips on the lift to reach it in the shortest amount of time. The lift itself is a marvel of engineering, with intricate gears and pulleys that seem to move of their own accord.

Zane finally reaches the top floor of the castle, where the queen's chambers are located. As he steps out of the lift, he feels a sense of excitement and nervousness wash over him. He looks around, taking in the opulent surroundings and the rich tapestries that line the walls.

But his reverie is short-lived as he suddenly hears footsteps approaching. He quickly ducks behind a nearby suit of armor, hoping to avoid being seen. But it's too late, as a guard rounds the corner and spots him.

"Hey, you there! What are you doing up here?" the guard barks, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword.

Zane tries to think on his feet, hoping to come up with a convincing lie. "I, uh, I was just delivering some food to the Queen," he stammers, holding up his plate as evidence.

The guard narrows his eyes suspiciously. "You have no business being up here without proper clearance. Come with me, we'll have to sort this out with the captain."

Zane's heart sinks as the guard leads him away, his mind racing as he tries to come up with a plan to get out of this situation. He knows that being caught could mean imprisonment or worse.

As they walk down the hallway, Zane spots a small alcove off to the side. He quickly calculates the distance and makes a run for it, hoping to lose the guard in the confusion.

The guard shouts and gives chase, but Zane manages to slip into the alcove and press himself against the wall. He hears the guard run past, his footsteps echoing down the hallway.

He sighs ,"Damn, that was close.", feeling a sense of relief wash over him. But he knows that he can't stay here for long, as the guard will surely come back with reinforcements.