
The Eternal Prince

Zane wakes up from a deep slumber, but the world he knew no longer exists. He is disoriented and confused, trying to piece together what has happened while he was asleep. As he explores the unfamiliar surroundings, he discovers that the world has undergone a transformation beyond his wildest imagination. Zane wakes up to a world that is alien to him. A world where technology has progressed beyond his wildest dreams, and where supernatural forces reign. It's a world where Zane must navigate through the unknown, surrounded by strange and dangerous creatures that he's never seen before. As he takes his first steps, he feels the weight of eyes upon him, and a sinister presence lurking in the shadows. Determined to uncover the mystery of his slumber and the world's transformation, Zane sets out to find answers. But with every turn, he's faced with danger, betrayal, and forces that will stop at nothing to keep the truth hidden. As he delves deeper, Zane realizes that he's become a target, and that he must stay one step ahead of those who seek to harm him. Zane's quest for the truth takes him to places he's never imagined, and to confrontations with foes that test his limits. But he's fueled by the hope of reuniting with his loved ones, who may still be alive in this strange new world. As he inches closer to the truth, he realizes that his journey is far from over, and that the dangers that await him may be far greater than he ever could have imagined.

Lahine · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


Zane finally summoned the courage to ask Seles the question that had been weighing on his mind since he woke up: "Mother, what happened after I...you know, was gone?"

Seles hesitated, her eyes filled with a mix of sadness and anger. Zane could tell that this was going to be a difficult conversation for both of them.

After a long pause, Seles finally relented. "After you died, I...I couldn't control my anger," she said. "I destroyed every Viye settlement I came across."

Zane's face twisted in pain as he listened to Seles recount her actions. "I understand that you were grieving, but destroying entire settlements? That's not like you, mother."

Seles shifted uncomfortably under Zane's gaze. "I know, I know," she said. "But I couldn't help it. I was so angry and hurt. Viye took you away from me, and I just...I couldn't control myself."

"How could you?"

Seles flinched and looked away from him. She closed her eyes, as though she had been expecting this sort of outburst from him and yet still wasn't quite ready for it. "It isn't that simple, Zane," she finally said.

Seles sighed deeply. "I know it wasn't the right thing to do, but I was blinded by my grief. At first, I thought you would come back. I mean, you always had a knack for disappearing and then reappearing out of nowhere. But as time passed, I knew deep down that you were truly gone."

Seles let out a deep sigh and ran her hands through her hair. "I know it sounds irrational and foolish, Zane. But at that moment, I just couldn't see anything beyond my pain and anger. I wanted to hurt them just as they had hurt me by taking you away."

"So, what happened after you destroyed all those settlements? Did Viye retaliate?"

Seles shook her head. "No, they didn't. They were too scared. They thought I was some kind of vengeful spirit, come to punish them for what they had done to you."

Zane's eyes widened in surprise. "They knew it was you?"

Seles nodded. "They knew. They knew that I would stop at nothing to avenge you. And in a way, I did. But it wasn't enough. It could never be enough."

"What happened to Tamara and Siye? Are they still alive?"

After a long pause, Seles finally relented. "After you died, Tamara and Siye didn't like the person I was becoming. They couldn't handle my anger and grief, so they left."

Zane's heart sank as he heard the news. "They left you alone, after everything we had been through?" he asked, his voice filled with disbelief.

Seles nodded sadly. "Yes, they did. And at the time, I couldn't blame them. I was a mess, Zane. I couldn't control my emotions, and I lashed out at everyone around me. I was so consumed with my pain and anger that I didn't even realize they were gone until days later."

Zane's mind was still reeling from Seles' revelations about her actions after his death, but he pushed the thoughts aside and decided to focus on the present. "How did you manage to create this city?"

"To be honest, Zane, I didn't really plan on it. It just sort of happened."

Zane looked at her quizzically. "What do you mean?"

She continued, "After I destroyed all those Viye settlements, I became somewhat of a legend among the neighboring tribes. They came to me and offered their allegiance."

Zane's eyes widened in surprise. "You mean they wanted you to be their queen?"

Seles nodded. "Yes, they did. At first, I was hesitant. I didn't want to rule over anyone. I just wanted to be left alone to grieve for you."

Seles took a deep breath and looked down, feeling embarrassed about her reasoning. "I know it sounds terrible but after a while, I realized that being a queen could help me exterminate more Viye. With the combined forces of the rest, we could take them down more easily."

Seles looked up at him, expecting some sort of reaction. But Zane remained silent, his face a mask of confusion.

Seles shifted uncomfortably, feeling guilty and ashamed for what she had done. "I know it's not a good reason, Zane," she said softly. "But I was so consumed with my anger and grief that I couldn't see anything beyond revenge. I thought that by becoming a queen, I could take down Viye and avenge your death."

"Did it ever occur to you that the very reason I started all this was to avoid annihilation." Zane snapped. " And now you're telling me that you took on a whole kingdom just to do that."

Seles flinched at Zane's outburst, but she knew he was right. "I'm sorry, Zane. I know I should have thought about the consequences of my actions, but at the time, I was so consumed with my anger and grief that I couldn't think clearly."

Zane shook his head in disbelief. "This is not what I expected from you, mother. You were always the voice of reason, the one who kept me grounded. And now you're telling me that you started a war just to satisfy your own thirst for revenge?"

Seles hung her head in shame. "I know, Zane. I know. I should have thought about the bigger picture. But at that moment, I was so blinded by my emotions that I couldn't see anything else."

Zane could see the pain etched on her mother's face, "I'm sorry, mother. I'm sorry for everything that's happened," he said, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Seles looked up at him, tears welling up in her eyes. "I'm sorry too, Zane. I'm sorry for everything I did. I just wanted you back...I just wanted by son back."

Zane pulled his mother into a tight embrace, holding her close as she sobbed softly. "I'm here now, mother. I'm here,"

Seles clung to her son, nestling her face against his shoulder.

Zane could feel her tears wetting the fabric of his shirt, but he didn't pull away. He simply held her and let her cry, knowing that this was what she needed right now.

After a few minutes, Seles finally pulled away from him, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to break down like that."

Zane shook his head. "Don't. You know how much I hate when you apologize."

Seles gave him a small smile,. "Thank you for being here, Zane. It means the world to me."

Zane returned her smile and kissed her forehead. "Of course, mother. I'll always be here for you. I am not going anywhere."

She gently ran her hand over his chest. "No, I suppose you aren't. At least not yet."

Finally, Zane spoke up. "So...what now?"

Seles sighed deeply. "I don't know, Zane," she admitted. "I feel like I've lost my purpose. I've achieved everything and nothing I set out to do, and now...now I don't know what to do next."

Zane took a deep breath before speaking, "I don't know if this will make sense, but ever since I woke up, I keep having this dream. I see an island, but I don't know what it means. It's like I'm being called there, but I don't know why."

Seles furrowed her brow. "An island???"

Zane nodded. "Yes. Ever since I woke up I have this urge to go there. Like there's something I'm supposed to find there, something I'm supposed to do."

"Zane, that sounds dangerous. You have no idea how unpredictable the sea has become."

Zane shook his head. "I know, but I can't shake the feeling that I need to go there. It's like...like something important is waiting for me there."

Seles sighed. She knew that Zane was stubborn when he set his mind to something, but she didn't want him to put himself in harm's way.

Seles considered this for a moment, then made up her mind. "Fine. I'll come with you."

Zane's eyes widened in surprise. "What about the city? You've been its ruler for years, you can't just abandon it?"

Seles shrugged. "I never cared about ruling over them, Zane. They only came to me because they needed protection from Viye. Now that Viye is no more, they can fend for themselves."

"Okay," Zane said, "but what about your duties as a ruler? Who will take care of the city when we're gone?"

Seles shrugged, "They'll figure it out. They always do. Besides, I'm not sure I care anymore."

Just as Seles and Zane were discussing their plans, a sharp knock interrupted them. Seles's servant, Elara, entered the room with a look of concern on her face.

"Your Majesty, Lord Redmont is in the court and requests your presence. He claims it is an urgent matter."

Seles cursed under her breath. "Tell him I'm busy and can't be disturbed."

Elara hesitated, sensing her queen's frustration. "Is everything alright, Your Majesty?"

Seles let out a deep breath and closed her eyes briefly before answering. "No, Elara. Everything is not alright. But that's not your concern."

Elara looked afraid and quickly curtsied and left the room, visibly shaken by her queen's outburst.. Zane stepped forward and put a reassuring hand on Seles's shoulder. "It's okay, we'll pick up where we left off later," he said softly.

"I hate this," Seles muttered. "I hate having to deal with these fools and their petty problems."

"I'll stay here, don't worry," he reassured her.

Seles leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. "You better be here when I come back," she said with a half-smile.

Zane grinned back at her. "I wouldn't dream of leaving, my queen," he said, pulling her in for a hug. "Ask the elf to come to my room," he said, changing the subject.

Seles pulled back back with a mischievous smile " Want to fuck her sweetie?"

Zane swatted her ass. "No, I want to catch up on what's happened since I've been sleep."

Seles giggled at Zane's swat and then left.

Seles stepped out of her chambers and found Elara waiting outside, looking flustered and nervous. Seles placed a comforting hand on the girl's shoulder and spoke in a gentle tone, "It's alright, Elara. I didn't mean to frighten you earlier."

Elara nodded, still looking a little shaken. "Of course, Your Majesty. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Seles paused for a moment before answering, "As a matter of fact, yes. Can you please go to Zane and answer any questions he has for you? He's in the other room."

Elara's eyes widened in surprise, pointing at herself. "Me?"

Seles nodded. "Yes, you. Go to him and don't worry and answer truthfully"

Elara appeared surprised but quickly regained her composure. "Of course, Your Majesty."

Seles then added, "Oh, and after that, could you also ask , Elwyn, to come to my room? I have some questions for her."

Elara nodded, "Right away, Your Majesty." She turned and left to find Zane.

Seles watched her go before making her way to the court, bracing herself for the inevitable meeting with Lord Redmont, leaving Elara to attend to Zane's queries.