

Ethan Dezor knew the mountain better than he knew his own heart. Abandoned as an infant and shunned by the villagers, the rugged cliffs and whispering pines of Mount Veilan became his home, his sanctuary, and his prison. Each morning, he awoke to the cry of eagles and the chill of dawn, his calloused hands ready to toil once more for the meager sustenance he could wrest from the unforgiving terrain.Survival had shaped Ethan into a young man of sinew and resolve. The few villagers who ventured up the mountain for firewood or to hunt often spoke of him in hushed tones, sharing tales of the orphan boy who had become one with the wild. He was a ghost to them, an echo of hardship and resilience.One fateful evening, as the sun dipped behind the jagged peaks, Ethan stumbled upon a hidden cavern, its entrance obscured by a veil of ancient vines. Curiosity drew him inside, where the air felt different, almost alive. At the cavern's heart, nestled within a bed of luminous crystals, lay an artifact unlike anything Ethan had ever seen—a small, intricately carved amulet that seemed to pulse with its own light.As his fingers brushed against the cool surface, a surge of energy coursed through him. Visions of a forgotten world and echoes of an eternal being flooded his mind. The amulet, it seemed, was no mere trinket but the key to an inheritance shrouded in mystery and power.From that moment, Ethan Dezor's life shifted from one of mere survival to a quest for understanding his newfound legacy. The mountain, once a place of isolation, now whispered secrets of the past and promises of a destiny far greater than the one he had imagined.Ethan Dezor, the orphan of Mount Veilan, was about to embark on a journey that would not only redefine his existence but also unveil the ancient mysteries of the eternal beings.